The man like to find the killer so he joined a secret organasion.

David or for short dave is waiting for jake to come and pick him up.

David biggrin amn were is jake?

A car stops by.

Jake:im here ready

Dave:Yah im ready.

Dave is going inside the car

2 hours later and dave see's a a weird werehouse

Jake:were here dave.

Dave:you mean this crud werehouse

Jake:shut up dave this is not just a old crapy werehouse.

Dave:OK OK dont be mad.

Jake's punches the door 3 times and someone says

Guard razz assword please


Guard:Is he with you boss need to know that.

Jake:yah he's with me

Guard surprised k.

The doors open in a weird sound like crack!!! boom!! cling!!!

Dave:This place is weird jake and dont get mad.

Jake is speaking to someone thats weres a glove and his other hand was a claw

Dave:are you talking to a drug adict his hand is a claw


Dave:Oops sorry um claw dude

Boss:You call me drug adict and you'll be dinner of my pet peranas under stand

Dave:Eep ok sir um sorry

Boss:My name is Tony danders

Dave surprised k sir tony

Tony:Guard bring him to the clothing room

Guard surprised k sir hey Nick your guarding the door

Nick surprised k

The guard is escorting dave to the clothing room

Guard:Hey dave just take whatever uniform you want


2 years later dave is reading his email for some mission
His laptap says you got email when he read it it says

Emailer:hey it your boss tony you got a new mission and i think its a member that killed you wife.

Dave was surprize about it
Dave was going to answer the email

Dave:OK im on it
Dave is putting his rifle thogether and his uzi was full ammo
He rides his motorcicle

Dave:Got yah
He shots the floor near the Gang member

Gang member:What the hell hey you nuts
Then the member brings out his pistol and trys to shot dave

Dave:you miss
Then he shot the gang members leg and he kick the gang members gun

Dave:Were is your boss

Gangmember:Your wife was weak and he's the killer hahahaha

Dave:Wrong answer Freak
Dave shots the members head
and runs to his motorcicle

he calls tony useing his cell phone

Dave:hello boss done

Tony:Ok find out anyting

Dave:no but hes one of the that gang and i toke the badge its GK

Tony surprised k bring it here we need to know all about the gang

Dave surprised k bye

To be Continued wait for the next one (Chapter 3)The badge