Gaia Theme #3
Shenlong: *walks back home*
Demitsu: Bro! Where ya been? And why are you all bruised up?
Shenlong: *huff* fighting.
Demitsu: Dude fighting what? *helps shenlong to the couch*
Shenlong: Demon.
Demitsu: *turns around*
Shenlong: What's wrong bro?
Demitsu: So they are after you too...
Shenlong: What are you talking about?
Demitsu: Talk to gramps. He'll tell you everything you need to know.
Shenlong: Yeah after I recover.
- 5 long hours later-
Shenlong: Demitsu.
Demitsu: yeah take this!!! *plays video game*

Shenlong: Demitsu!!!!!!!
Demitsu: Spirit Bomb!!!!!!!! I win!!!!!
Shenlong: DEMITSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demitsu: wow bro you didnt have to scream ya know. *stares at shenlong*
Shenlong: I talked to grampa.
Demitsu: What did he say?
Shenlong: okay first of all who is Dark and Light Gaia?
Demitsu: wha?!
Shenlong: yeah i know. he said that he lies in me.
Demitsu: he lies in both of us.
Shenlong: that must explain how i killed that demon.
Demitsu: We can't just lay in hiding we have to kill this evil force that placed this curse upon me, you, and Yugo
Shenlong: That thing even lies in Yugo?!
Demitsu: Yes.
Shenlong: We have to go find this thing and kill it.
Demitsu: Yugo even has to come.
Yugo: I have to go where?
Demitsu and shenlong: *stares at Yugo*
Demitsu: with us.
-the 3 go on their long journey but have no progress-
To be Continued
Gaia Ending Theme #3