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Tales of Journelia
Username: Maestro Grithok S
Name: Alice Margatroyde
Age: 17
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Weapon: Alice has a strange fighting style. Ever since she came into the possession of the Wind Stone, she can summon and use puppets to do her fighting for her. These dolls can use pins or something (whatever's around) as swords and shanks and as much magic as Alice wants to channel into them. Some would call Alice lazy because of this, but she doesn't care; it keeps her safe, and there's always more where that came from.
Abilities: Aside from using her puppets (or dolls, whatever you want to call them), Alice can use some magic from the Wind Stone and bend them in to arcane spells. This, however, isn't too strong, especially compared to her dolls' attacks.
Personality: In a word, Alice is shy. Melancholy to the point of introverted, she finds refuge in books and writing. She doesn't find friends all that important to her, instead turning to dolls and their idealistic lives that can change on a dime. However, once you break her "shell"--which could take some time, mind you, Alice gets happy, for lack of a better word. She'll be straight up with you because you've proven that she can trust you. And if you break that trust... well, let's just say that she holds grudges.
Bio:Alice was born into a relatively wealthy family living in the North. She grew up like any normal girl would. And to everyone, she was a normal girl. Nonetheless, some of the girls and boys at school found an air about her that just wasn't right, and when she noticed people weren't talking to her because they found her "just not right", she became distant from the rest of the group of people. This gave her a somewhat cold, shy demeanor, even after she moved a bit south when she was entering middle school. Sure, people in Alice's new home felt that disturbance about Alice as well, but most people mistook that weird feeling for their hormones going awry. It's as if Alice's Northern life had been shrugged off by these new friends of hers.
Like a normal schoolgirl, Alice really just wants to succeed in her classes and get into a good college, and the fact that her shy exterior kept her from making too many friends is a plus to that end. However, because she goes into the forest to get away from the peeking eyes of her brother, it's inevitable that she noticed a strange stone when writing in her diary. That stone turned out to be a magic artifact: the Wind Stone. She took it for herself and keeps it on her person at all times, just in case. Even so, no one knows that she has it; after all, her "weird air" had been there even before Alice obtained the Stone.
Appearance: Alice Margatroyde
Other: Alice's eyes change color depending on her mood. This isn't just limited to the normal brown-green-hazel spectrum; her eyes change to whatever color fits her emotion at any given moment.
She also plays with dolls (not her puppets, but like doll dolls), even this far into her teenage years, and can speak French fluently.

One Thirteen
Robert "RT" Thompson
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Unfounded optimism is a wonderful thing.
My parts dangle. // I'll take what I can get.
20 // February 27th

The One and Only
RT, in a word, is blunt. Straight-up. He'll tell everything as it is, not to be swayed by other peoples' emotions or anything. If he has a problem with you, you'll know it. Sure, there are some times when he'll lie to you to make you feel better, but that's only if you've established a good relationship with you, and that's only one time out of twenty or so. Aside from his bluntness, RT is pretty mellow and apathetic about the world. He believes that what comes comes, and there's no point in crying about what's happened. The future is tabula rasa, and it's our job to make our tabula no longer rasa.
RT's mellowness gives him time and emotional energy to think. When he's not on a mission or dedicated to something (which he usually isn't, mind you), RT is usually just chilling somewhere looking pensive. He tends to spend his free time alone, then, without anyone to interrupt him or his thoughts. That's not to say that he hasn't made any friends. He may be socially awkward because of his thoughts, but that's not to say that he's friendless.

Rest in Pieces
There's not too much to say, really. RT was born to a relatively wealthy family in Nowheresville. He went to school, getting relatively good grades until the seventh grade and got into a pretty good college to study programming.
Where it all got weird.
It was inevitable that RT would experiment with something during college. I mean, it's college. Screw academics, ******** up your body is what it's all about. He eventually got screwed up on a hallucinogenic drug, and afterwards saw colors a bit... differently than before. Although, different wasn't quite the word. He found that there was something that just switched about the colors in his world. (This is when he got the glasses; he thought this color thing was an eye problem, but then realized that he was just nearsighted and there was "nothing wrong" with his color vision.) Eventually he realized that, by switching the focus in his eyes, he could change the colors of different things and, with a bit of practice, show these color changes to the outside world. (Of course, screwing around with electromagnetism like this resulted in the destruction of his laptop and the failing of his second trimester freshman year.)
The winter of his sophomore year, he attempted to improve on this color-changing madness. He dropped one of his classes (Calculus; who needs that, anyway?) to give himself more time to himself and his newfound color-changingness. He went out one day and stumbled across a stick. When he picked it up and attempted to separate the light within a lamppost, it ended up firing a concentrated light blast towards his direction, giving him the scar on his left shoulder. With this even newer power, he experimented even more with this "magic" of his, but to no avail (besides the element of ice and light). This is around when he was discovered by the Days organization and has been there, 209 until the day he (or 20 cool dies.

RT is five-foot-four, which is kind of short for his weight of 170lbs. His stringly, relatively greasy blond hair comes to a halt at his shoulders, with bangs in front to compliment. He grew facial hair and shaved it off, but it came back, like, the next day. His round frame is complimented by rectangular glasses that usually hang on the bridge of his nose, but sometimes on the very tip. His weight is distributed to his upper body (mostly his arms and stomach), making his bottom half look smaller in comparison. He compliments this with clothes, tight-fitting for his top and baggy pants, which attempts to counteract his weight distribution.
RT carries himself in a total slump. He walks, hands in pockets, hunched over himself like he's always in a bad mood. People usually look at him and see a grungy college kid, which is what he was. Now, he's a grungy college kid that saves your asses, thank-you-very-much. Even though his posture says 'no-one-cares', his eyes say otherwise, showing his "fun-loving side". (This "fun-loving side", to RT is (I quote) "like pornography: You can't really explain it, but you know it when you see it" wink

Revolution Calling
RT can't really do anything much on his own. Granted, he has -some- control over the electromagnetic spectrum and color and light and all that jazz, but seriously, what the hell dos that do? The one thing that he can do he needs a channeller for, whether it be a stick or a bass guitar or anything really. RT has control over light and ice magic. Mind you, he's still pretty weak at it, seeing as how he only discovered it last year, but with enough practice, he says, he'll get good. Relatively, that is.
There is... one... other thing. RT had been on a walk to "get away from it all" (even though there's nothing in his life to get away from) when he discovered something partially obscured by the autumn leaves. When he uncovered it, he noticed a black, diary-like book with two red clasps that went across the center of the book, making a cross on the front and back. When he opened it with a nearby key, he found that this book contained Romanized incantations to high-power spells. He doesn't use it much, mainly (1) because he forgets it, (2) because it's too much of a burden in battle and (3) he can only use three parts of it: light, ice, and earth (for some reason, that works for him; he's tried). So it's not really worth mentioning, really.

First of all, RT isn't the strongest of people. The only real weapon he has to defend himself isn't readily available to him, and even if it is, it has a few setbacks. His light and ice attacks are directly related to how bright and cold his surroundings are, respectively.
Secondly, RT is apathetic. Whatever missions he gets he puts off, and whatever can't be put off is either an emergency or just won't be done by him. He doesn't take initiative is what it is. Light a fire under his a** and he'll get going, but otherwise, don't bet on it.
Lastly, he can't stand aloof people or people who aren't up front about things that they're annoyed about.


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