Losing It by Nevershoutnever! is what I am listening to right now?
That that is a very pretty song?
I am unsure of what to do now?
That I have a very serious issue on my hands right now?
I would like it if people could understand that no one is happy 24/7?
I wish my work could be appreciated?
And you have just learned some random trivia about myself right now. Did you know all those things before you read them? You shouldn't have. If you did, then you are a stalker and your name must be Venus. Ah, Venus. I love her but... she gets annoying, fast. Following me everywhere, she is a true stalker. Ask her any question about me, and she will answer. And she is only 3. Or 4. I am not sure. I think she is 3.
But you don't care, so I won't fuss over that. But if I don't fuss over that, then what is there to fuss over?
Here is another fact:
I have been given too much time to think... again.
You people just don't understand! I warned you about this before. Too much time alone, and you can't always be thinking about happy things. I am eating away at myself from the inside out. The place I once thought was safe [that rhymed] is now what I am running from. But, alas, you cannot run away from your mind. I will have to figure out how to change it... this happened before, so it shoud be easier than the last time. Oh, but it's so confusing. It is so weird... as much as I hate it, I love it. I love these thoughts, even though they kill me. I don't want to lose this again, but it isn't helping me. Oh no! I have serious mental issues.

I thought that was an awesome picture.
Sometimes, iTunes can put together fabulous playlists for you.