I wonder who this could be from. XD;;; *snugs Kami*
Thank you Raven! *watches the box patiently*
*suprised* Thank you Roselite! heart
heart Thank you Lenore! *grins*
O.o; I actually have NO idea who this one is from. *pokes at the mysterious present*
Whewt! Thank you Roddy! 4laugh
Soquili basket. 3nodding Will be a plushie.
'Nother freebie. Whoot.
Not SS, but because I want somewhere to put them. XD
Help Me! Alright, so for a while - like a whole lot of people in Breedables, I assume - I've been wanting a Kitsusagi. A lot. They've got an HP event goin' right now, and there's a newbie raffle. It would so make my christmas to be able to win that raffle (It's Hermione!) Tickets are 50g each. The thread is here. If you'd like to help me out, I would love you forever. heart xd
botticelliangel · Tue Nov 29, 2005 @ 04:21pm · 0 Comments |