Is it spring yet? Didn't think so.
I live in Kansas, severe weather like we had today does not raise it's head and strike until after Spring comes. Here it is--as my step grandma says--a** end of November and it's raining hard enough to drown rats, hail (I've got a piece of hail in my freezer the size of a softball--I ran out in the hail to get it since it was the biggest piece that landed, others were the size of golfballs or smaller), and tornado warnings (between 3pm and 5pm there were three confirmed touchdowns in the surrounding cities).
The bad a** rain is to be expected ANYTIME of the year, but hail and tornados usually aren't expected to arrive until around April or May. I would have been on sooner and have gotten my
comic up a lot sooner except I was getting a piece of hail to show my little brother (neither of us have seen hail that big since I was ten) and hanging out in the basement until it was cool to go back up to my second floor apartment.
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