Life: each breath i take adds another chain
each heart beat puts another knife through me
and with every second i cry another bullet flies in at me
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Savage, savior, slave, seduction, seducer, shackles, sex, sexxi, sick, sweet, salty, seal, stitches, scars, spine, slime, silly, semblance, severed, six, silence, silent, solo, screaming, screams, scared, scary, staple, star, speculum, scapula, slut, strippers, stripe, steal, stone, speed, sky, soup, sweater, skinny-jeans, skip, swim, silk, sad, sorrow, sins, sweat, stains, stab, switchblade, string, single, sarcasm, soft, studs, suckers, spumoni, strawberry, Swedish, spain, Switzerland, sentenced, spoken, speak, spit, split, strike, sample, swipe, sweep, stupidity, spa, spring, snow, sno-cone, swine, sugar, skittles, skipping, slipping, skating, sailor, salad-fingers, sour, storm, stomach, stop, special, size, shape, square, scissors, sword, shield, shed, shell, sea, sulfer, suffering, space, shopping, spencers, safety-pins, sox, shoes, savy, ship, sink, sail, shore, side, step, steel, skills, scene, since, senses, sully, soil, solution, so many S-words... if u hav any more u want me to put up send em to me ^^
xXMiss AsphyxiationXx · Sun Apr 26, 2009 @ 01:40am · 0 Comments |