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Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
Ezekiel sees a ghosty
Ezekiel looked down at the floor,His hair falling into his face as he messed with the small electronic on his hand. The wiring had come loose and was bothering him something horrible. Turning the small screws and bolts tighter he got the wires to sit still again,"Pesky little things...Always Beaking somehow." sticking his tools back into the side compartment of his clunky metal boots the Thornes Cyborg stood and pushed his shoulders back. His left arm clicking and whirrling as it readusted itself to the new touch ups."One last thing to do before Dinner I suppose..."clicking his tounge ring against the front of his teeth the man started off towards the center of town. The old Iron buildings rusted softly in the sun leaving a lonely silohette of steel and broken cement along the fading horizon.Muddy Metal boots clicked against the ground sending up little puffs of dirt around Ezekiel as he stopped in front of the glass door to the corporation.

Naudia felt like she had been flying arround forever trying to find a new master. and she was exaused. Howere she knew she mustent waist time so she forced her little wings to take her further. she only had a weeks time from last night to find a master. and she wanted him to be worthy. but she had to find people first to do so she was getting close to nearing a city. a strange city non the less but a city. when she seen the hudge building she decided to rest ther and as a man looked like he was about ti enter she ploped herself in the hood of his black hoody and instantly fell asleep.

Feeling something add to the weight of his coat, Z simply shrugged off the feeling.Pressing the button to the gate the pale yellow light lit up behind the number.
"May I help you Sir?" A snipped crisp voice crackled over the intercom. It was a familiar voice though slightly unpleasant.
"Let me in Bach!"
"I.D. and Verification code Please."
"EZ1444478" Ezekiel snorted his arm whiring in aggrivation,"There I said it! Let me in!" Bach didn't answer as the door slide open silently,"THANK YOU!"
Stomping into the shoe room Z tried to knock the mud off his boots before sitting down to take them off. His socks were dusty and covered in dirt when he had finally pried off the thick leather platforms. Letting them clunk to the floor the Raven haired man stood and took his jacket off placing it on a hanger before sliding on some slippers.
"Hmmm....Why Is My Jacket so Dirt Today? We haven't had a dust storm in a while here.....Maybe I should wash it before Bach,That Old Robot,Catches it all dirty and throws it out."
Grabbing the dark cloth and wadding it up in his hands into a ball Z sneezed,"What....I swear I just...Somethin' Glittery?"

Naudia was suddenly woken when she was scrunched up in the shirt! "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! i'm to young to die squished!" she screached loudly. as she was stuck within the fabrick of the material she herd a sneez and prayewd that who evers jacket she landed would hear her.

Ezekiel froze and dropped the jacket almost immediately his eyes growing large as the piece of leather spoke to him,"GH-GHOST! DEMON! BEGONE! I knew I shouldn't have ordered this outside the city...It has peoples all over it!" The cyborg had heard about ghost from his great grandfather. Apparently people didn't die like his kind did. Cyborgs eventually 'turned off' when their mechines stopped working. He knew he was still part human but like most people in Thornes he counted himself as a non-human. After all the accident had robbed him of both his left arm and part of his chest resulting in having to install other robotic mechanics that ran almost ever vital organ in his system.
"L-L-look...Ghosty...If you want I can give you an exo-exo- something or whatever...Just don't haunt me!" Cowering about five feet from the jacket Ezekiel noticed something,"Wait....Your just a little ghost ain't ya?" the voice had been loud yes but it was soft and sounded rather small.Almost like the chime of a bell,"Uhhhhh....." using his robotic arm, no use in loosing his other one, he picked up the black leather between his fingers and shock it softly.

When Ezekiel shook the jacket Naudia fell to the cold floor with a small thud. "OWWWWWiiiieeeeee......" She said out load as she had falled on her side and was now rubbing it. "Why do you have to be such a brute! That hurts you know... i thought i was about to Die.... wait what they hell am i saying if i don't find some one soon i will die...." She said as she started to flutter her wings wich picked her up off the floor as she suddenly flew and hovered infront of his face and all arround him taking a good look at him and then hovering infront of his face again and blinking at him curriously. "Your human but whats this?" she asked pointing to the hardware mechinisms.

Ezekiel batted his hand in front of his face trying to get the rather large talking butterfly out of his face. He had never seen something like this in his life. He must have inhaled too much dust and rust today from the mines.Reaching out he pinched the little thing's between his thumb and forefinger to make it stay still,"Ummm.....What in Gawd's name are you?" he said softly his breath smelling like pepermint as he breathed on the little girl with wings,"And I'm not human!...Ish.....I'm a Cyborg. That's my arm." moving his robotic arm he smiled wickedly,"and it doesn't like people pointing at it."

Naudia sreeked when he pinched her. " IT HURTS! IT HURTS! DON'T SQUEEZE ME YOU STUPID BRUTE! i'm a fairy! EEEEEKKKKK! STOP THAT IT HURTS!" after just meeting the cyborg naudia already wanted to go hom eand he voived it pretty well. "If you all are like that here i want to go home!" Naudia said crying her little hands still on z's fingers as she treid to wiggle painfully out of his pinch. " why did i have to leave spire...." she said out loud.

"Spire?" Ezekiel let go immediatly at the word as it fell from her tiny lips,"You come from Spire?" he asked looking at her like she was a germ"So your from outside? cringing the cyborg rubbed his hands on his pants as if trying to get something horrible off his hands."NO-body comes in here from outside! How...How did..." Z knew this thing was tiny but how did she get inside without being noticed? From what he knew she was so noisey someone would have to notice her. Reaching down slowly, tiny creaking noises coming from his arm Ezekiel picked up his coat,"S-STay! Good Thing..."

Naudian flew to cut him off. "NO I WILL NOT STAY! EITHER YOU WILL BECOME MY MASTER OR YOU WILL TAKE ME HOME FAST SO I CAN FIND SOME ONE ELSE SO I DON'T DIE! I ONLY HAVE A FEW MORE DAYS!" she yelled at him.. temped to use her majic on him but deciding not to however she remembed how he reacted when she touched him and he found out where she was from. she darted and hugged his neck. " take me home please!!!!!!!!!!" i wont make it on m own now... and its your fault... if you don't i'll i'll do some thing to you!" She said irritated and upset.

Z felt his skin crawl,"GAHHH! GET IT OFF ME!" He screamed tripping ovr his boots and tumbling into his home head over heels,"I don't wanna be possessed !" Tears coming into his eyes Ezekiel made a cross with his fingers and held it up towards the ghost,"Will...Will you not haunt me If I take you home then!?! Will you REST IN PEACE!"
His dark hair was ruffled like a pipcleaner in back as Bach Tapped his shoulder.
"Sir. Your coffee will get cold."
"GWAHH!" turning around, his cannon arm ready Z stopped and hid behind the old robot,"There's a ghost!"
"Sir?" Bach looked at Naudia and smiled,"But sir..."
"IT'S A G-H-O-S-T!" Ezekiel said clinging to the old droid,"I -I have to go!"The man raced into the back of the house and banging could be heard while he got things ready to leave the whole time screaming about ghost and possession.
Bach smiled and waved at Naudia,"Please tell the master what you are AFTER you have you way with him. He really is such a nice young man...Though Dumb as a rock..."

Naudia looked at the cyborg blinking a llittle dumb founded taht even after she told him she was a fiari he thought her to be a goust. However she decided to go with it. "If you can get me home in the next two days i promise i wont. if not your stuck with me!" She told him not lieing either she would make him her new master if he didn't make it in time. and when he ran off to get his stuff she contnued to flutter in one spot. " dumb as a rock is right i told him what i was and he still thinks i'm a goast and if he dones't get me home in time to find a new master i will either be stuck with him and he can think that for eternity or i really will die and if i do so help me gos i will haunt him till he shuts down!" she eclaimed to back as she suddenly got tired and sat on the old driods shoulder.

Bach Simply nodded his old gears clicking and whiring in time like the pieces of a clock,"Keep and Eye on him please Miss. What he lack in brains he makes up for in heart. And as much as he thinks he's a cyborg he's still mostly human. It's been such a long time since I've seen a fairy..."

Z came out with a new Jacket and Boots. Sitting down and lacing them in a hurry he looked at the little ghost sitting on Bach's shoulder. " Coming?" he asked tying the last knot in his laces and clicking the studded boots ogether. The metal in the soles making a soft click as he walked,"Here.Hide in Here..." he said looking away as he opened his jacket,"I dunno what other peopl wll think of you and I don't want you dead before well.....Your already dea....Just come on!"

Bach waved goodbye as Z started to get all of his things into a pack.
"We're leaving!Now!"

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