House impaled Wilson while eating stolen pancakes off Wilson's eyebrows and singing his favorite song which was the classic that enchanted a nation, Chocolate Rain. Foreman walked in and began to snort a line of gummi bears. He collapsed and tried to call Dr. Phd when all of a sudden... Chase entered, screaming that Cameron had put a horseshoe crab in his boxers. Kutner's ghost appeared and tapdanced on Cuddy's a**. House was too busy to notice and Wilson felt his eyebrows fusing together from the stickiness of the syrup. 13, taping the entire ordeal, had no idea that Taub was carrying a baby and she was the father. Every sinfle patient in the hospital caught Lupus.
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Yes indeed
[b:8ab183250b]Old as Heck[/b:8ab183250b][/color:8ab183250b]
[b:8ab183250b]Old as Heck[/b:8ab183250b][/color:8ab183250b]