Had a few adventures at Towns lately.
Here are some screenshots.

I'm the letter C, if you haven't noticed ;D
This is my favourite one so far.
The person who organised it all (Too Slow Babe; the last E in 'Michelle') gave everyone a free Wingding shirt to the first few people who came to that town O: It took us like half an hour or more to get organised, especially because of this person who thought he was part of it and wouldn't go away D:
But it was worth it in the end, as 'Michelle' saw it and she was completely overjoyed. She's awesome.
(& yes, we ended up keeping the shirts XD)

This one was funny.
There was a scripter named | Hazerofdoom | (bottom right corner) who started doing crazy stuff in the busiest place in Towns. I'm not sure how he did it, but he made everyone quote random ads, the domo emoticon, and made everyone move into one spot, until we were all one big mob O:
I didn't get the screenshot, although I got this one where he made the town rain (I think its from the watergun item, but I'm not sure). Everyone found it funny (I know I did), except for a few stick-in-the-muds.
I'll never get tired of Towns XD