Hey guys.. well if you didnt know already.. I love skateboarding and enjoy both the benefits and the brusies that come with it >.<
Well.. if I didnt mention before.. I skate Noc' Boards
(NOCTURNAL BOARDS.. *hint hint google us.. duh*)
Anyway.. I had this board for about four months.. fairly new.. however, today I was determined to nail a simple kickflip >.< and thats when things got really gay...
(NOCTURNAL BOARDS.. *hint hint google us.. duh*)
Anyway.. I had this board for about four months.. fairly new.. however, today I was determined to nail a simple kickflip >.< and thats when things got really gay...
I ended up almost landing a "Casper Flip" (which is WAY harder to nail versus a kickflip) and ended up almost flying down my front steps ..
(if u didnt know already.. that would suXX huge giraffe ballz..)
Lucky me and my quick reflexes.. I was able to extend my arm and break my fall but it got me little scar.. nothing special.. >.<..
Heres a couple pics of my scar.. it looks pretty small but when it first happened it swelled up and looked way worse so this is what it looked like after it was treated....
..your probrably thinking Im a whimpy crying little baby.. stare
(well if thats what ur thinking.. screw you and ur grandmom..)
(well if thats what ur thinking.. screw you and ur grandmom..)
I took these photos with my Blackberry Curve, thats why its all zoomed in and weird looking eek lol >.< ..
Well Im pretty sure that u really dont care.. well.. thats nice... cause this is my journal... so leave.. if you dont like the non-sense I post here stare
Well tune in next time for my Skateboard Scar Stories and photos to prove it.. until next time always remember.. helmets dont protect ur forearms.. xp lol..
Happy Trailz and Happy Llama's ^^