Hope Ritual
A Kitchen Witch is what I be. Ever Mindful of the rule of three. By full moons glow I honor my path, but first cleansing myself by a ritual bath. The Watchtowers four I call asunder. I chant for power, as Thor lends to me his thunder. Casting my circle thrice round, upon the hearth of Fairy ground. Skyclad under the moon I invoke their power, as upon this realm time is within the Witching hour. For with this ritual that I cast I seek enlightenment present, future and old ways past. Bring to me with in the realm of sleep, visions of the Lord and Lady in their forest keep. Grant me the strength and passion to go on, for when daylight breaks and my visions are gone. Keep me on this path steadfast and true. So shall I dream, so shall I do. As my ritual candle flickers it's end. It's last light to the world I shall send. For within it's burnt wick hope is cast about. As I close the circle upon this Fairy mount, my ritual intent is drawn in by the moon. Night wanes fast for morn is coming soon. The Morning sun will take my intent within it's grasp, and shine it upon all those who walk on this path. All Witches, young and old, for our secrets and lore on magical pages within a Book of Shadows be told Learn as many lessons you can each day As my ritual candle burns eternal to light your way.
by Lady Mayre Logged
Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words.
2damsexC4u · Fri Apr 17, 2009 @ 03:57am · 0 Comments |