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View User's Journal

stuff and things
i just plan on writing stuff down
re-did this sucker!
Single or Taken: taken.
Happy about that? yes, very happy
Siblings: 4... well actually 8, I guess... <_<
Eye color: green/ blue.. with gold
Shoe size: men's 9.5
Height: I haven't checked in a while
What are you wearing right now? dressy stuff.. I'm going out to dinner.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: maybe..



Kind of pants: bondage pants!
Number: 225
Animal: wolf! and bird would be the crow! or hawk...
Drink (non alcoholic): milk! ^^ or root beer
Sport: I don't really like sports
Month: October
Juice: blue berry!!
Favorite cartoon character: Buggs bunny



Given anyone a bath? do I count?
Bungee Jumped? I will one day!
Made yourself throw-up? no...
Gone skinny dipping? no... <_<
Eaten a hot dog? yeah! there delicious!
Loved someone so much it made you cry? yes..
Played truth or dare? yep ^^ I got dared to eat a cat treat once... it was really good *laughs*
Been on a plane? once on a small one for my dad's birthday ^^
Came close to dying? yeah, when I was a baby... many times actually
Been in a sauna? no
Been in a hotub? YES! there so nice!
Swam in the ocean? yeah. I want to go again!
Fallen asleep in school? no
Ran away? no
Broken someone's heart? might have... <_< I don't know
Cried when someone died? yes.
Cried in school? yeah... not in front of people though... I kind of take it as a weakness...
Fell off your chair? yeah... I might have done that a few times.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? it wasn't a call.. it was a text
Saved AIM conversations? yeah
Saved e-mails? nope
Used someone? No
Been cheated on? I doubt it



...your good luck charm?the key hanging around my neck
...your new favorite song? LIfe is beautiful - Sixx A.M.
...beside you? a wall..?
...The last thing you ate: fried rice
...The kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? what was there


...Chicken pox: yes
...Sore Throat: manny times
...Stitches: well they were staples...
...Broken a bone: yep



Believe in love at first sight? sort of... it could happen
Long distance relationships? only if you really love the other person and know they really love you too
Like school? haha! well NOW I do... mostly... eh...
Who was the last person that called you? ummm... Ana
Who was the last person you slow danced with? uhhh.... that guy at anime expo. that will be changing soon though.
Who makes you smile the most? my mom, my older brother, and Ana
Who knows you the best? me! I know myself the best!
Do you like filling these out: there cool...
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?: glasses, when I feel like it.. I mean come on, I'm slightly near sided in my right eye! that's all.
Do you like yourself? yes! ^^ I'm a fun person! but I still know how to laugh at myself
Do you get along with your family? yes! not so well with my younger siblings though...



Obsessive Compulsive? maby
Suicidal? not any more
Hated someone in your family? no
Gotten any awards? a few...
Good driver? not yet
Good Singer? I'm not sure how I feel about my singing...
Own a lava lamp? yes
How many remote controls are in your house? like three
What was your last dream about? I can't remember my dreams so well anymore...
When you last showered: yesterday
Scary or Funny Movies? both
Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
Skiing or Boarding? ooooh I want to go snow bording!!!
Summer or Winter? Winter
Silver or Gold? Both, there so shiny!!
Diamond or Pearl? pearls ^^
Sprite or 7up? I don't like ether...
Coffee or Sweet tea? sweet tea ^^ preferably with milk and sugar
Are you oldest, middle or youngest? second oldest


1. Talk to someone you liked: yes
2. Buy something: no...
3. Get sick? nope ^^
8. Talked to an ex? no... <_<
9. Miss someone? yeah... a lot.



10. Slept in your bed? me
11. Saw/heard you cry? my mom.. I was scared, really scared...
12. Made you cry? someone.. someone special
13. Went to the movies with? my dad
15. Said "I Love You"? Ana, I'm pretty sure.
16. Ever been in a fight with your pet? yeah, he ATE my kitten! bloody hound...
18. Been to Mexico? Nope
19. Been to Canada? Nope
20. Been to Florida? nope... not yet... I will though! I'll go everywhere!!!


22. What book are you reading now? Inkdeath
23. Best feeling in the world? the feeling of falling... it's a rush!
24. Future kids names? not having kids! EVER!!!
26. What's under your bed? all my junk... I have a loft bed XD
27. Favorite sports to watch? None I don't watch sports...
28. Favorite Locations? the ocean and the mountains...
29. Piercing/Tattoos? so far I only have my ears pierced
30. What are you most scared of right now? losing someone
31. Who do you really hate? the bullies from grade school!!!
32. Do you have a job? not yet... <_<
33. Have you ever liked someone you dont have a chance with? But of course

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