As many of you know, or should know, I have an Amazingg Dreams Quest Thread with many wonderful people help keeping it going for me. Whether they chat with me everyday, bump, or donate, I absolutley love my regulars! Though I have donated to all of them before, I would like to do it again in a few months or so. This list may grow [it will never shrink, once your on your getting something whee ] so stop by and you may become accustomed to the thread and earn something cool by the end or mid season of 2009.
So far my regulars that are getting something are...
1. minidiggy1233
2. Pringales
3. PinkXxKiss
4. XxAphrodite_LovexX
5. Faerielicious
6. Hes My Snuffles
Love you all<3
Last Updated: 3.28.09