Pics/ScreenShot Randomly taken! (I wuv candids) 8D
[- From BOTTOM to TOP -] (lates on top)
THE 4 WHITES! o.o Yay, i hearts them. :33
The 4 Whites? xD Me and meh friends. :3
BURNING EYE! D:< with coco burning head! xD
GASP!! o.o It was meant to be right? Or was it a glitch? o.o
Chicky eating slug/snail It has been eaten. ._."
Chicky Eating Snail/Slug DD:
HE WENT AWE~~! DD8 Lol. Some random people.
Starry Night 8D This guy (i'm standing on) is entering the Arenas! :3 Good luck~!
Ish K i T T Y! ...> w > && mushroom~! 8D
Stare into the light~ *bug bug bug* @w@
PiLL0w hugs!! Yay~ xD
Oh em Gee! Tehee~! x3 Went shopping one day. I arr coco girl. 8D
We trio that time. :3
LOVE BUGS. Lol, this was cute. I saw it one day when i was in towns. Edited it tho. Lol.
A DODO SHALL! A dodo! :B
ANOTHER RANDOM LOL. Haha. It was before everyone separates.
RANDOM LOL! I just met these people and they were fun! ^_^
SHADE FOR 2. Lol, 2 gaians being creatures sat quietly and i came up randomly. xD
A SHADE. I became a mushroom and a snail asked for a shade. Hihi. ^_^
MOD IN TOWNS. Lol, a mod appeared one day. It was in the 'Free hugs!' Room.
PM SCAM. I received a PM scam. You guys should be careful. Real Gaia Administrators will NEVER ask you for your account's password.
Pic of it <click.
Alone. Like i said, i'm alone. T^T
Blue Glitch? Someone tell me what this is.
HAWT. Lol, 17 Again mini games in rally. When this popped up, i was.. @///@;;
SAD~ D': Something wrong with the MP (time 4.20pm on the 16th April 2009). Everytime i tried to search for an item, it will lead me where it says error. Try clicking that pic. You'll see what i mean. >.>
Easter EGG! :'D This one is cute. Hehe. Easter 2009; as i was checking my art stall. xD
Pic was too big
Large Aquarium? Look! There's a PiLL0w creatuer there too! xD
Hot. It's an oven??? Or what confused
Some town hackers or also know as "scriptors" played with scripts in Towns one day. I was somewhre behind those bubble. =_="
LOL! A random visitness~
And this is the surgery room?!? eek
There was a time i cant get into my own home. But now, i relocated it, i can get in! Yay!! blaugh
*i spelled 'in' wrongly*
Theater Glitch. Happened in the Cinemas 2007~ My name was Maeko Masachika before. Lol.