Min's Collection of Drow! |
I have been meaning to make a journal of my drow. So I can take all the pictures off of my profile so it's not so cluttered. So..here are the drow!
Meet Imordana, of the House Fi'reth'ul which has fallen from Lloth's favor but strives to regain it all the while plotting to take over as Matron of her House. She has recently become amused and strangely moved to care for and indulge the whims of Gir, a rather funny and strangely messed up young illusionist. So far..Gir has riled up her brothers quite a bit. Imordana can't wait to see what else might happen.
 Personality Imordana's the type of drow that spurs interest. Usually in the wrong way. Since she doesn't have eyes, the others of her kind will openly stare or mutter things about her in passing. This enrages her the most. When her wrath is engaged, those who dispel it don't leave unscathed. Most times she takes comments or degrading looks in stride, however they build up making her anger slowly rise until she seemingly lashes out unexpectedly upon the last person who riles her. It's made her seem very random in her attacks, when she really isn't. She's a very thorough, detail oriented and clear minded drow. When she doesn't give into her anger, her cleverness and maliciousness intentions can cause havoc to those around her.
Job: Cleric..and mistress of the household..though not in name. Someone has to keep her siblings in check.
Resides in Undrek'Thoz 2 completed rps. 1 Solo rp with Dra'nahfiel.
 Ilythara the houseless wandering warrior trying to get revenge on those who destroyed her house and at the same time loosen herself from the dreams that are threatening to make her go insane. Her dreams have caused her to become an insomniac by choice. She has also found that when she's running on pure adrenaline she has become a better warrior and better at her work. Not to mention much more likely to be chosen for higher paying jobs. High society for some reason likes the fact that she doesn't sleep, and is always working and guarding them diligently.
Personality: She tends to be very paranoid and doesn’t trust anyone at all. She doesn’t interact well with others being very brusque, up front, judgemental and prone to erradic behavior when others confront her. She sees intrigue and plotting in everything a person does; from the tone of their voice changing, to sudden movements and eye contact or lack of it.
Job: Warrior for Hire. Currently employed by Triel'nolu.
Currently Resides in Gaulidurth?? 1 completed rp with Akorbaste 1 completed rp with Triel'nolu. 1 current rp with Yallinda.
 Ka'dairihn of the Ja'lithur House, a very woman shy individual but seems to be opening up to a certain little lady who he saved from street rogues in Llurth Dreir. Seeing the two of them go at it, you would never guess that he was deathly afraid of women! Though..should his six sisters or other females of his House show up, you will see him pull inside himself and not be the same person he was moment before. Personality: He’s introverted, very private, he would be less than social but being the one remaining male in his house he’s required to attend every function the Matron or his sisters throw. He has however been opening up a bit more with Yallinda..perhaps there is hope for this female shy male yet?
Resides in Llurth Dreir
Job: Warrior. 1 completed rp with Yallinda. 1 current rp Levin. 1 current rp with Mikaril.
 Meet Min'hyvair..one of Ka'da's younger sisters. By the way she tells it, she actually cares for him..though she can't really show it. She secretly puts small doses of poison in his food so he will build up an immunity against being poisoned. She has been kept in closed quarters for so long she almost has agoraphobic tendencies, but she fights against them every time she has the guts to leave her rooms.
Personality: Inquisitive, and very bright. She can be rather blunt and to the point at times, but usually tries to keep her opinions to herself, since no one really pays her any mind or attention. She is rather anti-social and prefers to keep to her potions and learning than to interact with others. Though she has destroyed most of the relationships she’s had with family and she doesn’t care for her sisters, she does hope to restore the relationship she used to have with her brother. She’s hates being alone, but her anti-social tendencies make it hard for her to make friends or other relationships with people.
Resides in Llurth Dreir
Job: Poisoner. One current Rp going with Elvy's drow Drathir.
 Dra'nahfiel; a street performer/thief who had a good turn of fate in the past forty years. He found himself in new surroundings..not much worse or much more dangerous than the streets..in a mage school. He has busted his butt to be the best he can be, and has been rewarded for it. He has been working under one of the most respected Sorcerers in the Magic school and has been promised a position once he finishes his studies. Personality:Rather laid back and a very calm individual, but is assertive when need be. It takes a lot to get him mad and when he’s mad you don’t want to get on his bad side. When he finds out he’s been lied to or manipulated in some way, you really have to watch out for him. He becomes cold and vicious. He will take ages figuring out and coming up with the proper type of revenge suited for the individual. His type of revenge people don’t survive from very often.
Job: Mage apprentice..he is really close to finishing this and being a full fledged Mage.
Resides in Undrek'Thoz Has 2 current rps with, Gir; Valyrr, & 1 solo rp with Imordana.
 Ah..and Treskri of course. The loudmouthed, fun loving drow of the whole bunch. You will like her I think. Though she is rather off the wall at times..whenever a job comes up she goes really serious and won't even think of drinking or..other fun romps. She isn't loved by all, but she doesn't really care. She can hold her own and knows it. She is considered an oddity, because she actually enjoys returning to the surface. And it's not because she's a surface raider or adventurous by nature. She's fallen in love with the wonders and nature of the overworld.
Personality: Tresk’ri is a very loudmouthed, over the top friendly female; sometimes a bit too friendly. She loves making scenes as well as using her rather colorful language to outright shock the nobility of drow society. However she does have another side to her; when she is on missions she is the most focused and serious individual there. While she obeys her orders to a t, she also will question orders or the leaders when she believes they are making a big mistake. While this doesn’t earn her many friends, the leaders appreciate her honesty and thoughts and opinions on any situation, seeing as she survived in the surface world and managed to come back all on her own.
Resides in Eryndlyn
Has one Rp going with Byagane's Quenar.
Job: Surface Raider
 She is the one one the left side. Pink hair. art is (c) to Sora Icefreeze Im'rahi..of the Auvrivyrr House. She is actually at odds with her House for having left to personally care for a childhood friend. They have threatened her, but won't outright attack or send assassins against her for they do need the alliance that has been formed through her appointment to Charune. She is totally in love with Charune, but concerned for her friend, for it seems that Charune was poisoned. She can't really do anything but keep Charune going until the two of them discover what exactly was used to poison her. It scares her sometimes to think that they might not figure it out in time and that she will loose her companion.
Personality:Secretive, private, very nurturing. At times she can be very possessive and down right nasty if someone threatens her friend Charune in any way. She's started to become more open with her feelings and desires with Charune.
Job: Personal healer to Charune. 1 Rp going on with Charune..a look back into the past on them when they were children.
 Ahh..Phraktos iv'Ress. Such a stinker he is. He loves being a thief, though he takes way too many chances at being caught. For some reason he thinks it's not a challenge enough unless he's being chased away from the House he hits. Because of this..other thieves avoid him like the plague. He doesn't really have too many friends. He does have a good relationship with his older sister, who is being trained to be the next Matron of his House. He however...does not get along with the current Matron so he works on his own, though every now and then he will get the occasional job to do for the House.
Personality: Cocky, very much the prankster, and quite full of himself. He tends to be of the curious nature and sometimes this will get him into tight spots. His natural sense of charm, good looks, and acting abilities usually are enough to get him out of these situations. He will often leave unusual items behind in place of the items he’s stolen from each House, sort of like a signature, but it always changes. It’s his prankster side. Also if he’s in a terrible mood the item will be of the macabre nature.
Resides in Guallidurth; iv'Ress House is in Undrek'Thoz
Job: Lockpick/thief 2 completed rps with Izzayne. Solo Rp Going on with Imordana.
 Xar'zith Solen..in so many words is an emo. He pouts, gets very moody and keeps to himself. He dislikes crowds as well as most other drow in general. He is a true loner. Though..this might change sometime in the future. He has no House as he was kidnapped when he was young and sold to a mercenary band. They were the ones who saw the raw talent in him to be an assassin. He takes pride in his work and prefers when he is working alone over when he is paired off with someone.
Personality: He’s pretty much a loner, keeps to himself. When he does talk he’s short and to the point. He doesn’t like wasting time or people who make him wait; so he tends to be pretty impatient. Though he tends to keep his emotions from showing, he has no qualms in displaying displeasure. He despises downtime…and will do anything to avoid it, even causing trouble so he gets action.
Job: Cutthroat Assassin One Rp going on with Akki's Xunner.
 Art (c) Shoshetsu Ooh..Chasz'zar de'Virr is my latest! He is very much the gentleman and will cater to whatever females ask of him Sadly, yes he is taken. He and Shi met in the oddest of circumstances..she almost killed him by poisoning him. Though at the time he was posing as his older brother as a spy in an opposing House.
Personality: While he's not antisocial, Chasz does tend to care for more quiet quarters. He's usually the type to avoid confrontation and the aggressive nature of the females of his House and will avoid doing things that will promote this. He tries to smooth things over as best as he can, and since he's very soft spoken, and almost non aggressive, it's a wonder to most why he chose to be a warrior.
Resides in Undrek'Thoz Job: Warrior One Rp with Caustic's Solmurr'ss *His younger brother* 1 rp reserved for Shi'nstra's owner Midith. Will be setting that one up soon.
For those of you who do not know, Legends of the Underdark is an Rp breeding/changeable pet shop. Stop by and check it out..everyone is really nice there. I would advise you to wait until a flatsale event comes up, as then the drow only cost 20k and you have to write an rp entry for it. I think you can go up to 1000 words. But it's totally worth it. Of the 10 drow I have...I have gotten half of them through flat sale events. One was a freebie...and I paid 200k for three of them and 300k for one. As you can tell..I am very obsessed with drow...and roleplaying. If you would like more information..either look up my past posts or message me. We love new people getting involved.
Minyaagar · Tue Mar 24, 2009 @ 02:59am · 0 Comments |