To begin with, I will speak of MegaBuddies. Recent events on my beloved site has led to the downfall (locking) of my precisous thread, Xenoloid RP, or as it was called in my last entry, Zetraloid RP. It was being spammed by fellow MB residents, Cajunstarwalker and GBleek. The two males had purposly ruined my friends', and role-playing partner, moderater powers and took the chance of me being away to spam the RP nonstop for an entire page! For this reason, I must wait patiently for Xenoloid RP to open back up and the spam posts to be deleted.
Now I will stop ranting about MB and move onto a new site, DragCave. If you don't know what DragCave is then I will tell you. DragCave is a collectable vitrual pet system. You "steal" eggs from a dragon cave or adopt abandoned eggs. Once you have your egg or eggs, you watch it grow by posting it every where you possibly can without getting into trouble. I created a "scroll" and started collecting dragons a while back and have several adults now. I don't have an account for the DragCave forum although. Feel free to collect eggs: There's also a DragCave guild here on Gaia that will help you with hatching and growing your eggs.
I've also been on a place called Valenth. Not much but a little bit.

Real life now.... is a pain. My grandmother and father are having a feud, I suppose you could call it. You see, my grandmother wants everything to be better right away and my dad sees the wrong in her wants. So I'm moving in with dad in his tiny apartment in town. He got it in Feburary so it's fairly new. And a few nights ago-- like two-- Nana called and pretty much told us to come and get our stuff and get out. But politly, of course. So, since dad's apartment doesn't have internet yet, we've ordered Suddenlink internet and it should be coming the 6th of this upcoming month. I won't be on much because I only have internet at dad's work.
So for now, my fellows, I will give you a farewell.