im so mad cause every time i fall in love with some one i never see them again or never get to meet them in the first place it pisses me off i dont see y no one ever stays around for you to love its so gay geez it makes me mad and i need to stop moving so much but i think im staying in kcmo for a LONG!!!! time with my aunt cause i dont need to be wih my mom i guess lolz wait thats not funny. some times(all the time) i feel sepressed and its because of my life it makes me so mad i hate it. it makes me want to become emo but im not cause i dont like to hate the world and cut myself ive tryed it and its just not for me it hurts to much i think if i didnt have friends i would have runaway and changed my name already so i love all of my friends at raytown middle school and i excpesially love you jason thanks you guys

peace out home skillet biskitz!!!!!!!!!

P.s. jazmine u r not emo just to let u no ur more gothic and dont hate the world its bad fo u and the world IT STARTED GLOBAL WARMING lolz jk jk jk