Lovelessness intransations, depart my heart to Her
Lovelessness intransations, depart my heart to Her Current mood: blank Category: Life
The proportions that are thrown way out of line in my case are irrelevant to many of my readers. I have preoccupied yself with the same persuite of that one person in my life, once again. I have come to terms with the love of mine,and I must adhere to my own advice and take and give the love of mine to the one I love.
You see im in love with a women, she is the greatest single accoplishment of my life. I had the chance to be with her for as long as life was deamed it. But the heart that she possessed wasnt ready for the relationship that I was so willing to give my life for and, and I still am willing to sacrifice for her.
In an instance I have single handedley found a way to intervene in the minds of others and aquire the very thought of another just by cerebrla stress alone. Meaning i have found a way to read minds ( but not really). You see the mind is a terrible thing to waste, but so many find it that getting angry and expressing their true feelings on the sleeves that they carry gives way to reading the movements and habits of ones inner thoughts. Its basically a form of psycology, cause all psychologists do it.
They read your body language dependent upon your current mood and outlook on any situation what so ever. So by reading said signals a trained professional can know what your thinking just by your outside actions. Now this isnt totally groundbreaking, but I have developed a simpler way of getting down to absolute zero in the probability scenerio in this entire process. Say that, I mean when in the event of analyzing the movemnets only a few variables are expressed into the cerebral cortext that gives off elector magnetic pulses to think a certain thing well, i found a way' like I said to shorten this process. I can get the outcome of another persons actions and total train of thought seconds after the first signal in an observation in human responces.
Where and why did this all spark to me in such a way, when I Christopher Terrelll etc... speak only of love and heartache, it was because of the women I love and how her physical movements, and thought processes bring me to want to konw what it is that she thinksof me( even though I could just ask her what she thinks of me) I believe that to be a total waste of time.
But I love her in such a way I want to have the connections in her heart so that the melody that her heart plays I can channel into the same resonence and we can be perfect mates, and become into perfect harmony with each other, and then her thought s will be my thoughts, and if there are problems in her mind that adhere to issues in life I can make it apparent to seak out these issues and destroy them at all cost with no mercy or restraint.
I know that my theory is an unbelievable one and that its alittle under cooked, But with this I can teach it to those who want to know, and I can use it to my own advantage in different cases. but I did this and discovered this out of the love in my own heart and can reason with this ability that I have meshed in to my arsenal of love and peace, and eternal happiness. Because with out the thought of her I have no happiness what so ever, and I have waited so long to have that happiness in such a way.
That I feel I am intitled to happiness. For I have done no crimes ( lie) and havent harmed a soul (big lie), but I have love this women for a half of a decade now, and I intend to love her for all eternity.
For my cause is noble, my love is pure, and my mind is sharp. I wish not to waste the little time I have to not be happy. I have wasted many ideas, and sexual positions on so many applicants who were nothing more than practise dummys to perfect my sentual abilitys. And I have layed down with the most moraculously beautiful women in this world ( in my opinion ) and done this with the words and phrases that I have developed just for her. I have prepared myself in such a way that I am indistructibly passionate and loving.
+ - +X I trade in my life for your pain, love hate and survival X + - +