Why I felt this way, I was not sure, but whatever the reason may of been that's how I felt. I felt like this world of darkness was not where I was meant to be. Like I was meant to be in the world of light. Though the world of dark was more welcoming. The world of light had damaged me. Beyond repair for that matter.Darkness definetly more welcoming. At least in darkness you couldn't get hurt. In darkness your thoughts, your feelings, fears and all that were safe. With darkness all that was safe, and you couldn't be judged, critazied, laughed at............rejected. How I loathed the rejection. Because of all the rejection from the world of light, I wanted to die. I wanted to crawl, literly, into a dark corner, away from the light, and stay there away from all the hurt. I wanted so badly to crawl into a dark corner, away from the light, curl up into a ball, and have this god like creature, this handsome man of a saint to hold me in his arms forever, and for him to protect me. O this saint! This gorgious masked saint! I couldn't look away from this angel. This GOD!

Nighttime sharpens
Heightens each sensation
Darkness stirs and
Wakes imagination
Silently the senses
Abandon their defenses
A great wave, and sensation of peace swept over me. And that sensation grew stronger as the phantom extended his hand out to me. I took it, and he helped me out of my seat. He spoke again. I stayed. I listened.
Night unfurts
It's splender
Grasp it
Sense it
tremulas and
Turn your face away-
I turned my face away from him as if he were ordering me not to look at him (he wasn't ordering me too...but I felt so unworthy as to look at his face). He took hold of my face, and slowly turned my head back towards him and our eyes slowly meet.
From the garish light of day
Turn your thoughts away
From cold
Unfeeling light
And listen to
The Music of the Night
Close your eyes
And surrendor
To your darkest dream's
Purge your thought's
Of the life you knew before
Close your eyes
Let your spirit
Start to soar
I closed my eyes, and looked at him, opening my eyes again. I smiled.
And you'll live
As you've never
Lived before
I was living as I never had before as long as I was in his arms. Under his wing. I could soar with him with me.
Music sha'll
Caress you
Hear it
Feel it
Secretly posses you
Open up your mind
Let your fantasis unwind
In this darkness that you know
You can not fight
The darkness of
The Music of the night

Friendship was a lie. And love...Love was giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to. All of it was a lie! Lies! Lies! And more lies! Nothing but lies! Love was a lie! It didn't exist! It was an illusion! A fantasy of the mind!...NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS!

Let your mind start a journy
Through a strange new world!
Leave all thoughts of the life
You knew before!
Let your soul take you
Where you long to BE!
Only then can you
Belong to me
Lelouch put his hands on my cheeks. I looked up at him (he was taller...so obvious). He spun me around to where I had my back to him but with my head leaning against his chest. He ran his hands across my chest, and slowly down my hips to my legs. Usually I wouldn't permit a boy or anyone to touch me like this, because I had a bad expereince with touching before (sexual harrasment was not a fun thing...or easy to forget). Why I let Lelouch touch me like this was beyound me. Maybe it was because I felt I could trust him. I smiled at his touch, and as I heard his voice again. that angel voice I never wanted to leave.
Sweet intoxication
Touch me
Trust me
He place my hand on his cheek. I turned my head enough to see his face. He leand me to some red curtins.
Savor each sensation
Let the dream begin
Let your darker side give in
To the power of the music
That I write
The power of
The Music of the Night
He pulled the red curtins back to reveal a life size doll of me in a wedding gown (he had made the doll). The sight of me in that dress surprised me. So much I passed out. even then I was still aware of everthing around me (my mind just seemed to work that way). Lelouch caught me as I fell, and he carried me to a room with a bed shaped like a swan, with red velvet sheets and black lace curtains.
He laied me in the bed. I could swear that either my vision was fading (and I WAS falling asleep), or he was taking his cloths off till he was in nothing but his boxers! He climed into the bed with me, and layed my head against his bear chest. SCRATCH THAT! He WAS in nothing but his boxers! I blushed (deeper then a roe of the darkest shade I might add).

Then the vison faded. I felt my head throbing in pain. I turned over on my left side to look at Lelouch. (I was more aware now...almost awake again) "Just think" he told me. "Jareth will never dare to intrude on us again. He's much to busy with that little sea-witch to even think about you." "Oh, Lelouch!" I said. "I'm so glad you took me away from her. She just doesn't understand the meaning of being true in love." "Oh but I do, my darling. I do my most beloved, Melissa." Lelouch said.

You alone can
Make my song
Take flight
Help me make
The Music of the Night
In my ear. Then I fell asleep with Lelouch at my side, running his hand down my side as he sang. And I somehow knew that Mat and Anastasia were watching. (I don't care how worried you are...it's rude to spy)

To be continued in chapter 28...