Total Value: 122,209 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Scarlet Sprite
Clown Nose
Gold Hoop Earrings
That Black 90s Visor
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Egyptian Gold Bracelet
Card Shark Bands
Lex's White Gloves
Heart of Gold
Berry Tavern Wench's Cincher
Red Scott Hat
Gold Tiara
Blood Cobweb Skirt
Egyptian Gold Anklet (right)
Egyptian Gold Anklet (left)
Labu Necklace
Red Tennis Socks
Silk Bowtie
Trick or Treat Tote 2nd Gen.
G-LOL Dark Mistress Skirt
Lovely Genie White Embroidered Vest
Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Flats
Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Top
just something that I thought was really cute ^.^ I'm doing this one last cause well, I don't think I'm gonna start going after it until I get bored with the other ones below =]

Total Value: 400,868 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Birthday Crown
Gold BFF Heart Chain
Demonic Anklets
Winter Rose
Holy Gauntlets
Emo Glasses
Gold Pocket Watch
Black Leather Belt
Ohh~Cean Black Shorts
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Cloud Zebra Top
This is the one I'm working on right now... I only need the Gimpi and the Danklets lol.. hey, the winged anklets are called Wanklets, why can't they be danklets? XD

Total Value: 585,313 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Scarlet Sprite
Blush Clown Makeup (high)
Padmavati's Lotus
Berry Sugarplum Tutu
Birthday Crown
Gold Kiseru
Silver Heart Belt
Daisy's Shoes
Biancamella 4th Gen
Picolitrosso's Urn
A new one ^.^ I saw it, edited it a bit and thought it was cute. =]

Total Value: 1,219,608 Gold, 6,000 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Yemaya's Pearl
Black Net Top
Black Fishnet Stockings
Grace of Aphrodite
Death Whisper (6th gen)
Ancient Katana
Demonic Anklets
Dark Elf's Staff
Studded Leather Collar
G-LOL Dark Mistress Boots
Coal Tavern Wench's Bustier
Card Shark Bands
Gimpi 7th gen.
Black Strapless Bra
Black Leather Belt
Lex's Dark Gloves
Silver Promise Ring
Dark Halo
Soft Black Underwear
Lovely Genie Black Headpiece
I know its the Ein Rose or whatever one. I saw it again in my tek log and thought the pearls would go well with it ^.^ now I want it again, but its so damn expensive..... T.T
know what else is expensive? my other one....

Total Value: 1,711,478 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Demonic Anklets
Winged Anklets
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Lex's White Gloves
Birthday Crown
Gold BFF Heart Chain
Winter Rose
Emo Glasses
Gold Pocket Watch
Black Leather Belt
Ohh~Cean Black Shorts
Light Gray Leg Warmers
Cloud Zebra Top
its a alternate version to the one above. they're both really cool, except the wanklets are so expensive this has become my 'impossible' ^.^ im seriously quitting gaia when i get this....