ugh, so i've totally been negelecting my journal on here (as well as my LJ account)
so yea. im gunna update
uhhhh, Thanksgiving was okay
Christmas was awesome (thanks to everyone for the gifts!)
January 1st:
so i met my boss today. my boss is this lady named Jenna and she's an adult entertainer. she hired me to draw an anime version of her so she wont have to put an actual picture of her of herself on her club's website. it's pretty cool. i might sound crazy, but ppl in the AE world do favors for you if you're nice to them (i'm not talking about THOSE kind of favors....). she sait she would find someone to help me with my fashion line and maybe get me a few photoshoots since she knows i want to be a model. and the pay is good, i got $30 just for coming to the meeting. so yea, im happy with my job
January 12th:
i met with my boss again today to show her my 1st drawing. she liked it but i had to fix a few things (if i get a scanner that actually WORKS, i'll post it). then after that, i just have to ink it. we met at an AWESOME Japanese place called Sakura. i had Sushi for dinner n_n
January 13th:
ugh, i totally felt like s**t. thank god my PE teacher didnt make me do anything i didnt feel like doing. she's pretty cool about stuff like that. so's my Lit teacher. he's cool too, too bad he wont be here next year -_-
i posted my bis tribute on YT and tried to post their last interview in Cure but i didnt have it finished (and i still dont) so i didnt. but yea, today was a ******** up day in my world
January 15th:
so im starting to get REALLY fed up with my one friend. she's constantly copying me. she recently got the same glasses as me, she now has the same haircut as me, and today she came in wearing make up the same way i do. and she only started wearing make up when i did. ugh, i hate when people copy me
ANDD~!! ABDC season 3 premiered tonight!! I LOVE Quest!! i hope they win. Beat Freaks were awesome too. And i almost started crying when Lil Mama started to cry. it was a good way to kick off the season <3
January 18th:
January 20th:
OMG~! im so addicted to asking the KGB questions. i spent like an hour asking questions lol
January 21st:
so my friend had sex recently and her boyfriend's condom broke as she's been worried lately that she might be pregnant (we looked up a few signs of pregnancy and she was having a few). but she took the test today and it was negative. so yea, we're both relieved
January 22nd:
ummm okay. what happened on ABDC tonight?? i didnt really like any of them. i think the whole challenge was stupid. i was disappointed u_u
January 24th:
i saw the cutest little baby today when i went out for lunch. he was adorable n_n
January 29th:
Danity Kane is officially broken up now. damn....
ABDC was ******** AMAZING tonight!! Quest was awesome!! i loved the Brittney challenge. high fives to all the crews n_n
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