My third day since getting my wisdom teeth pulled out and I wake up at 1:34 PM after having slept for 14 hours to my supervisor knocking on my door to see how I was. At this point I hadn't even washed my mouth out with salt water yet wich hardly helps.
(In fact if anything it only increases the pain that I feel, however it's good so that infections don't take hold. I'm supposed to be washing my mouth out with salt water every 20 minutes or so, to tell the truth I only do it after I eat, honestly who would want to do it more?)
Anyway I welcomed my supervisor into my room and we talked for a bit. In the meantime I tried to set up my PS2 (My supervisor wanted to play starwars battlefront 2) which wasn't working too well, for some reason it wasn't recognizing any disks put into the machine. This wasn't too big of a problem for me, the way I see it is PS2's are cheap and I don't place a lot of value on money. My supervisor however being of the eccentric type was a little upset over this, finnally after about 20 minutes I got it to work again, and we played about 3 or 4 hero battles. Then I told him I really needed to take a shower (which I did) and so he left.
As soon as my supervisor had left I took a shower and, made somthing to eat. I was feeling mostly good although about 20 minutes after I had somthing to eat I experienced a large amount of pain, in my chest which was wierd. Afterwords I stuck in Tales of The Abyss and played that for the rest of the day. Over all it was a pretty good day (albeit uneventful and painless).
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My Random Journel
Many different things, some could be notes for something larger.
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Anime: Haibane Renmei (Charcoal Feather Federation)
Haibane Name: Reki
(original name unknown as with all Haibanes).
(as long as she remains sin-bound she may not take her day of flight)