My dad was laid off last week. I took it pretty hard -- I honestly thought the worst was over, with our economy and all, but as it turns out these are just really hard times for a lot of people and it was a bit naive of me to think we were safe. the company he works for got cheated out of ( ie, the customer isn't paying ) a big job, and will probably go out of business.. but they let my dad and brother go first, which I think was pretty stupid. My father is the best at what he does in the entire business, hands down. But he's old... 63, in fact, and that's why they cut him loose. Does anyone else find that cowardly?
That's the part that worries me the most. It's hard enough right now for young, happening, college graduates to find jobs. I mean.. we've got Honors graduates working at the local McDonalds, for goodness sake. Who's going to hire my 63 year old, high-school dropout father ~ regardless of his lifetime of experience. And when he doesn't get hired.. he's going to be depressed. Really depressed. I dread it -- not because of me or anything, but because it really breaks my heart to see him so unhappy. And because of the effects depression can have on an elderly person's health..
So I'm not a religious person or anything, but I'm praying that he'll get a stroke of good luck and find a place to hire him.
In the mean time... How can I expect to move in with Nathan so soon when I'm short on cash because my dad had to borrow nearly a $1000 from me just to pay the bills? I'm definitely running short on time. The move is in, like, five months.
I thought maybe I could start babysitting again for a little pocket change, and try to cut down on my spending, but I'm really worried it won't be enough. Especially if my dad isn't able to pay me back -- and things are looking like he won't.
I find myself at an impasse with the decisions I have to make..
I've been feeling fat and ugly again lately, and I wanted to start dieting and working out... but now I'm afraid I can't afford the diet food, and if I start babysitting I may or may not have time to hit the gym.
That, and I lack the motivation. I really need someone to work out with ... or in the very least, call me up and kindly remind me to do so. I've asked Nate to, and he keeps promising he'll remind me, and he has yet to live up to it. x__x; Anyone else want to give it a try?
Oh, right, I was talking about the decisions I need to make.
Diet or save money?
Exercise or babysit?
... or should I consider postponing the move?
Exercise or babysit?
... or should I consider postponing the move?
Even though I really don't want to resort to that.
I miss him too much.
But sometimes bad s**t happens.. and I need to figure out what's the best thing to do.
On another note ~ if I were to become a blogger, video or otherwise, what kind of content would you -- my few, if any, readers -- like to hear from me?
Community Member
Well..I would postpone working out and dieting until you move there. You'll be happier and maybe Nate would workout some with you and stop you from eating bad foods. xp