They emerged from their steamy bedroom an hour later and hurriedly made their way to the dining room. Most of the family was already assembled and cheered loudly as they entered.
"you two certainly took your time getting ready" george said with a wink, passing Brandon a glass of whiskey. Natalies attempts to hand jaqueline some wine were politely refused and Jaqueline beamed at Brandon in silent knowing. They both sat down and Jaqueline began the long introduction to everyone gathered.
"ill never remember all these you know?" she whispered to brandon.
"i still forget some of my more obscure cousins names. like that man over there, who the hell is he?" they both laughed heartily and continued to eat there extravagent dinners, "when shall we tell them jacqueline? can i make the announcement now?" she nodded warmly and he stood up tinkling his glass with his fork.
jacqueline blushed slightly, smiling to herself as his family quieted. brandon cleared his throat and put down his glass.
"everyone!," he announced, "i have some amazing news for you all! in just a few months, my dearest soon-to-be-wife will give me an heir!" he stood as they realized what hed said and applauded, causing jacquelines cheeks to flush. she smiled brightly and squeezed natalies hand that had found hers as natalie sat beside her.
brandon sat down after a few moment and kissed jacquelines cheek.
"Isnt't it exciting?" he whispered lovingly in her ear.
Everyone was so happy. Jacqueline smiled as various members of Brandons family made toasts congratulating them. Once all the closet family had said there piece everyones gaze fell expectantly on the count who had stayed remarkably silent despite sitting right next to the happy couple. The count stared intently at his wine glass, toying the neck and he smiled curiously.
He gently raised his wine glass and said with quiet authority, "Congratulations, my dear boy. I didnt think you had it in you."
The crowd stared at him for a few seconds, as if expecting more. George began a loud slow clap as a que which the others quickly took up on to break the silence but they were interrupted by a loud bang. The count had slapped the table with both hands and jumped to his feet. He raised his glass again in a much less lax way.
"Ah the proper toast" the crowd thought in unison.
the count spoke much louder this time "Now let us depart dinner for the men have a meeting in the war room immedieately"
Ah perhaps not.
he headed the large group of men as they slowly filed out after kissing their wives good bye.
the women left through another door and went into a sitting room. jacqueline sat down on a cushy sofa and natalie sat next to her and smiled. "congratulations." she whispered as wine was passed out.
the count sat in a large chair at the head of an enormous table. on the walls were maps of the surrounding areas and the world. on the table in front of the count were papers, some letters, worn and beaten, others freshly typed. brandon sat on his right, george on his left. no one but the count and brandon knew what was going on. "brandon, my boy, you know basically whats happening, why dont you begin this meeting.
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