The Darkness Ninja Chapter 6
Opening Narrator: The fight breaks out! What will the outcome be of the fight between are heroes and the mysterious TruDar and RantMa True Story -Devin narrowly dodged Trudar's attack then Trudar kept attacking. while dodging Devin drew his sword from it's sheath. It was twilight and the dark crystals impeded in the blade would soon activate- Trudar: how long can you keep this up Devin Devin: What how do you know my name?! Trudar surprised h i'm sorry... iDarkness -then night fell and Devin's crystals activated allowing Devin's energy to flow through the sword properly Devin: Excellent, DARKNESS SLASH! Trudar: heheh -Trudar pulled back, the attack barely cut a strand of his long unruly hair- -Devin pulled out his cap gun and started firing rapidly at Trudar who was now running in a circle around the field -in his firing Devin hit mike- Mike: AAH! What the hell was that for Dev iDarkness Devin: Sorry Ravemaster RantMa:HAHAHA! Mike: what are you laughing at RantMa: You
ugh will finish later