Standing in the rain
Lost, no path to follow
Stuck here, in this miserable life
Nobody to turn to
To lean on
Only backs are turned my way
I let the pain over flow
Who have i left to please?
Noone, I've done my job
Nobody cares, they see me for who i am now
Sent here to please them, Hurt them
I open the eyes and take the hands
of those too afraid to follow their path
I lead them along
I bring them smiles, make them feel loved
but in the end, What do i do?
I've done my job
So now i am here
Standing in the rain
Knife to my wrist, rope around my throat
I shed my last tears
But there is no pain
whit a clang the knife hits the ground and the rope snaps silenly
and i am let free
From the ground i look up to see her face
and she smiles to me
I stare at her silently and her smile is returned
So now i know
If nothing at all i know that she will be there
So if nothing at all...
maybe there is hope....
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a place where i can turn my thoughts to words
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