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Username: Humbra
Posting: 1 post/day

-Basic Information-

Name: [Last, First] Ugu, Zenmaru
Clan: Ugu
Age: 652 years, looks to be 24
Gender: Male
Rank: Unranked First Squad Member


Height: 7'1

Weight: 269 lb

Hair: He has light brown hair, which is styled to cleave a 'heart shape' on the front of his forehead, and hair -on the back- is long enough to touch the spine between his shoulders on his back. His simplistic hair is normally tied in a pony tail.

Eyes: Lime Green.

Everyday/Battle: The shinigami wears the basic shihakushō uniform. He also wears several wraps of bandages around his legs beneath the lone layer of clothing. His obi (belt/sash), which holds the sheath for his zanpakutou, is dyed dark green. Ugu also has a black sack (filled with medical supplies) tied to him by a huge green strap.

Ugu also wears black sandals and a small black scrunchy for his pigtail.

Meetings/Occasions: Full shihakushō wear. A white undershirt, a black kimono and hakama, and a white sash. Also, attached to his sash, is his Zanpakutou.

Human World[Gigai]: Ugu, while in the Mortal Realm, wears a black business suit. Along with the suit he wears a black top hat and possesses a walking cane. He wears a golden pocket watch that is attached to his belt.

Physical Description: Heavy muscular build, with a light brown tan on his pale-ish skin.

Along with the basic clothing and appearances, the shinigami has numerous scars on his chest, back, arms, and nearly every other limb on his body. Ugu also has several scars on his right hand, which are long and looked to have been rather deep cuts that stretched up to his shoulder. Several thousand small un stitched slashes are along his upper pecs and neck, where he had been thrashed around by plenty of training sessions. Then the shinigami has a long white scar on his lower spine perpendicular to his spinal cord. On the right side of his back the shinigami also has a circular spiral marking that was caused by a Kodou technique.

On his legs he has more than a hundred major scars. Over all, though, only eight appear out of the ordinary. The first of the scars is along his left hip and it extends down to his left ankle. A jagged sword slice is also on the back of his right quadracep. With those two, another scar is on the shinigami's right foot stretching from the teenager's big toe to his knee.

Both of his hands are heavily scarred as well. His knuckles have been thrashed around doing deflections of other shinigami's weapons at a faster pace than the shinigami's current level (when training). The veins on the top of the shinigami's hands have been completely covered by at least a hundred thunder bolt shaped scars that were caused by his training.

Also, along with those many scars, a large 'cross shaped' scar stretches from his chest around his body to continue and cross again on his back. Just below that rather large scar a long circle that goes around his waist. The lines, if they should be called thus, look to be from chains being tied around his chest. Huge bruises and scars sorround those two huge gashes in his skin.

Background: Zenmaru was called Nichol when he walked the Earth. He was born on January 16th 1356 to a single mother in Ireland. However, his life was short since he was killed when king Edward III burnt down his village. Zenmaru's mother was butchered and burnt by the attacking Englishmen, and Zenmaru himself was drowned in the town's well.

He was brought into Soul Society as a crying baby. As he crossed the senkaimon his small spark of reiatsu attracted the attention of one of the Demon Corps shinigami maintaining the gate. The crying babe was brought to the shinigami's commanding officer and was sent off to a nursery for raising Seireitei's orphans with abnormally high reiatsu.

Years past. His siblings left the nursery. His nurses joined the first squad, left to join the academy to become shinigami, and went off on their own tangents. Rarely did any of the people in his ward stay for long. Because of this he rarely had any lasting connections with anyone and was normally found alone, in a corner, without anyone by his side.

More years past. Eventually he was old enough to join the academy. Since he never had friends to distract him he blitzed through the academy with reasonably high grades. He never had the highest marks, and never the lowest. Rarely did he ever fail any task set for him.

In his second year in the academy he met a girl. He was cold, 'manly', and fairly ignorant of her feelings. Even though he was emotionally deadened to others, the girl seemed to fancy him. After prodding the student she had gotten the man to take her on a date into one of Rukongai's more expensive restaurant's.

As all things in life she was taken away from him too. This time, though, he had the abilities to fight back against fate. A hollow, as freakish as it was, had snuck by Rukongai's highly trained shinigami. The hollow had gotten into the eating establishment and began devouring the fat pluses inside. Zenmaru's date was one of the first to be devoured by the hollow.

He snapped. Oooo.. He snapped. Actually, 'snapping' wouldn't be the best word for it. He exploded, fizzled, expounded, thundered, ripped, tore, loathed, basked in his hatred, and ripped apart the hidden wolfs of his soul. His mind was no longer human as he watch one more person tear away from him. So his sword burst from its scabbard and the lone shinigami was on the hollow's backside within a moment.

The hollow had gotten through Rukongai's security, the Special Ops, and the other shinigami in the region. Its power was on a whole other level than Ugu and the shinigami was smashed into oblivion by the hollow's monstrous abilities. With all the rage in the world the student couldn't land a scratch on the hollow, and was easily beaten down.

He had, however, lasted five minutes before getting destroyed. In that five minutes he was able to hold the hollow there for enough time for the local Rukongai forces to come to his rescue. More than half dead he was rescued from the terrible maw of the stealthy hollow by his rescuers.

Zenmaru soon graduated from the academy and was put in as a grunt for the first squad.

Personality: (What is your character like?)

Other: The shinigami prefers that people refer to him as Ugu (his last name) rather than using his first name if they do not know him. This just so happens to include everyone and thusly most people know him as simply 'Ugu'.


Zanpaktou Name: Egeus [Japanese: Egeus]

Zanpaktou Call: "Red Ocher Renewal- Egeus!" [Japanese: "Taisha- Egeus!"]

Zanpaktou Appearance: A fine tipped edge, with the normal katana curve at the end of the blade, and the blade bit of the sword also gives likeness to an iron makeup. The handle of Egeus is a simple green-black crosshatching pattern with a simply black oval hilt. The handle, also, is longer than a normal katana handle, allowing for more space to hold the blade with two hands. All in all, the sword is exactly five feet long. The scabbard/sheath is just as simple. A black sheath, that fulfills its purpose of holding the Zanpakutou.

Zanpaktou Type: Blood/'Body'

Zanpaktou Soul: A white toad. Deep voice, and rarely talks.

Shikai: The sword changes from a katana like blade into a longer version of the same weapon while un curving the edge. Changes from a Katana to a long blade, in other words. Allows for Ugu to use his shikai techniques. Approx. length is six feet. With the sword's transformation, the shinigami using the blade receives two pauldrons on their shoulders that are three feet in length.

Zanpaktou Abilities: When the sword is passed over his wounds it seals the sliced areas with a red waxy substance. Along with that skill the shinigami can call upon an energy sapping skill called "Chishio Sakurifaisu [Blood Sacrifice]". Upon calling upon the blade the technique will literally 'rip out' several litres of blood from his opponent through any open cuts and/or wounds. Once the blood from the blood sacrifice technique touches Ugu Zenmaru's soul slayer the blood will transfer into spirit energy for him to use.
[note] "Chishio Sakurifaisu [Blood Sacrifice]"- The shinigami speaks the name of the technique and causes several litres of blood to be taken from his opponent's wound. The taken blood will come into contact with his blade soon after and be transformed into spirit energy for Ugu to use.

Shikai's Cost:
Chishio Sakurifaisu (Current) DMG And Regained Spirity Force..
Chishio Sakurifaisu [Blood Sacrifice]: 4-8 + (Zan Skill/10) + Rei Mod, Costs 6 Reiatsu
'Ocher Paste': +2 to Awareness Mod, Costs 4 Reiatsu [Does not stack]

Bankai: -

Bankai Apperance: -

Bankai Powers: -

-Techniques and Magic-

Zanjutsu Techniques:
Name: Gash Slayer / Kira-Kirikizu
Art: Zanjutsu
Description: The user places their soul cutter onto their, or the victim's, left palm. The blade's edge lightly cuts into the palm and sucks out a thimbleful of blood. After that the user says "Kirikizu" and a healing effect takes place on the to be healed person.
Notes: Heals 20 + (X * Reiatsu Mod) of the user's or the injured person's health. '5 + X' is the Reiatsu cost. X is defined as the Reiatsu amount needed to boost the healing technique's power by an increase of the shinigami's Reiatsu Mod."

Name: Tomb Raise / Funbo Reizu
Art: Zanjutsu
Description: The user says "Reizu" and a small amount of blood comes from the shinigami's sword hand. When it touches the handle of the blade the blood converts into healing energy and heals the user's wounds.
Notes: Healing = (20 + 4 * X + 5 * Reiatsu Mod). Costs 15 + X reiatsu. X is defined as the Reiatsu amount needed to boost the healing ability by 4.

Name: Suraisu-onjun / Controlled Blow
Art: Zanjutsu
Description: This sword technique is a controlled sword swing that lends itself more to skill than to strength. It is a single, focused slash with the user's weapon. Although it dramatically decreases the damaging power of the user's attack it focuses the user's strike to allow for an equally dramatic increase in his/her chance to hit. This effects of this technique is void ('does not work') if the user attacks more than once during their attacking phase with a melee/ranged weapon. The technique is also void if the user's Hp is beneath 50% or if the user's Rp is beneath 10%. This technique requires a level of focus--meaning that the technique cannot be mastered if the user is in a state of extreme mental illness/pain.
Reiatsu Cost: N/A
Level - 10
Zanjutsu - 60
Strength - 20
Damage = Original Damage / 3
Attack Bonus = Original Attack Bonus * 2

Hakuda Techniques:
Name: Thunderclap Earthquake Elbow [Erubo-Jishinkaminarikajioyaji]
Art: Hakuda Technique
Descript': User slams elbow into opponent. Very powerful, and is able to break ribs/skulls/bones if used with proper strength.
Notes: Additional (3 * Str Mod) to damage.

Name: Thunderclap Earthquake Knee [Ni-Jishinkaminarikajioyaji]
Art: Hakuda Technique
Descript': User slams a knee into opponent. Very powerful, and is able to break ribs/skulls/bones if used with proper strength.
Notes: Additional (3 * Str Mod) to damage.

Flash Step [Shunpo]
The ability to move at lightning speeds

Kidou Techniques:
Mosa Shouten, Hyoumenka Bantan-no-Rensa-no-ningensei [Stalwart Focus, Breaking All The Connections/Chains Of Human Nature]
Art: Kidou
Wind: "Mosa Shouten, Hyoumenka Bantan-no-Rensa-no-ningensei: Ages remorse, thunderous shallows, unheeding willows, never ending shadows, weakening barriers, lording evils, unholy retribution for famed deeds, shattering willows!"
Fire: "Mosa Shouten, Hyoumenka Bantan-no-Rensa-no-ningensei: Ages remorse, thunderous shallows, unheeding willows, never ending shadows, weakening barriers, lording evils, unholy retribution for famed deeds, evaporating shallows!"
Light: "Mosa Shouten, Hyoumenka Bantan-no-Rensa-no-ningensei: Ages remorse, thunderous shallows, unheeding willows, never ending shadows, weakening barriers, lording evils, unholy retribution for famed deeds, clearing shadows!"
Description: Whether the user says the wind, fire, or light incantation, a mass of converted energy is released from the shinigami's body and soul slayer. The energy is either converted into a). fire, b). wind, or c). light.

If fire was chosen in the incantation a burst of spirit energy fused flame would rip from both the user/shinigami and the shinigami's soul slayer. The flame extends from the shinigami for ten meters. The flame that explodes from the user's soul slayer also expands for ten meters. The flame also possesses a very powerful 'push' that follows the flame for ten meters, then continues for another ten meters.

If wind was chosen, a howling gale rips out from the user's soul slayer and from the user himself/herself. Simply enough, the area of effect damage would be that of a massive visually stunning wave exploding outward away for thirty meters. Boom.

If light was chosen in the incantantation, a large blinding burst of light explodes from the soul slayer and soul reaper. Then, a large bright ball of light would form several feet above the shinigami. The said ball of energy would continue to light the sorroundings for eight of the user's posts.
Notes: 10 Reiatsu Cost, Wind~ [1-5 + Reiatsu Mod + Awareness mod + 2 damage per 10 Kidou skill + 30 meters 'push back'] Fire~ [10-15 + (0.5 * Reiatsu mod + AoE) + (0.5 * Awareness mod) + 4 damage per 10 Kidou skill + 20 meters 'push back' + AoE] Light~ [-0.5 * (2 + Reiatsu Mod) Awareness to all opponents within visible view for eight posts + AoE]

Spirit Technique: Spirit Mallet
User focuses some of their spirit energy to a point on their body. A pale-gray mallet appears there, and is then able to be used as a weapon. The technique was taught to him by Hideki, the Kidou Proffesor.
Notes: 1 + X Reiatsu Cost, "5 - 6" + (2 * X) = Damage, Where X = additional reiatsu cost

Boubi #57: Ki-pa-tougenkyou [Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper]
Art: Boubi Defensive Preparations
Initial Prayer: "Vehemently hording mages, lording evils, a barrier of goodwill, a savior of the masses. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Second Prayer "Vehemently hording mages, lording evils, a barrier of goodwill, a savior of the masses, point of birth. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Third Prayer "Vehemently hording mages, lording evils, a barrier of goodwill, a savior of the masses, point of walking. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Four Prayer "Vehemently hording mages, lording evils, a barrier of goodwill, a savior of the masses, point of hatred. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Fith Prayer "Vehemently hording mages, lording evils, a barrier of goodwill, a savior of the masses, point of retribution. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Sixth Prayer "Heaven's beckoning. Defensive Preparations #57: Eden Keeper."
Initial Prayer: The initial incantation causes a glowing light to come from the ceiling/sky.
Second Prayer: A massive twelve foot tall pillar bursts from the ground in front of the user. A large '1' is carved on its northern-most facing side.
Third Prayer: A massive twelve foot tall pillar bursts from the ground in front of the user. A large '2' is carved on its northern-most facing side.
Fourth Prayer: A massive twelve foot tall pillar bursts from the ground in front of the user. A large '3' is carved on its northern-most facing side.
Fifth Prayer: A massive twelve foot tall pillar bursts from the ground in front of the user. A large '4' is carved on its northern-most facing side.
Sixth Prayer After the last, and smallest, incantation is said a large beam of light is sent into the glowing ceiling/sky from each of the pillars. After the light is shot into the sky a heavy reiatsu wall spreads out from each of the pillar to form a massive dome. The maximum distance a pillar can be from another pillar is 300 meters.
Notes: Cost~ 5 Reiatsu per incantation. The sixth prayer's cost is the base cost, 5, plus X. So the overall cost is 30 + X, where X is the additional used spirit energy.
'Breaking Through' (One Person): Opponent does a Reiatsu mod check and has to overcome the number 15 + (4 * X) to pass through the barrier.
Removing One Of The Four Pillars: Each pillar possesses an HP of 20 + (25 * X) + (User's Reiatsu Mod * 12). When the pillar reaches the HP of 0 or below the two walls linked to it will dissipate.
[X = Additional Reiatsu user choses to put into the technique)
Destroying the barrier completely: In order to destroy the entire barrier in one blow the attacker cause the hp of the entire barrier to go down to zero in one post. The hp of the barrier is 2 * (20 + (25 * X) + (User's Reiatsu Mod * 12)).

Hadou #4- Byakurai ("White lightning" wink
Fires a bolt of white lightning from the caster's finger.
Damage: 20 – 50 + 4 per Kidou rank the caster have.
Reiatsu cost: 10 Rp.
# Kidou 20 Ranks
# Levels 5+
# Intelligence 16+

Hadou #31- Shakkahou ("Red Flame Gun" wink Attacks the target with a red blast of fire.
Incantation: ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Scorching heat and disorder, evolve the transposition of the southern sea barrier.
Damage: 28 – 60 + Reiatsu mod + 4 per Kidou rank the caster have.
Reiatsu cost: 16 Rp.
# Kidou 20 Ranks
# Levels 6+
# Intelligence 20+

Hadou #33- Soukatsui ("Blue Fireball" wink Fires blue fire blasts at the target.
Incantation: Oh ruler, mask of flesh and blood, all creations of the universe, fluttering of the wings, ye who bears the name of man! Truth and temperance, strike but slightly your claw upon this wall which feigns ignorance of sin!
Damage: 40 – 80 + Reiatsu mod + 4 per Kidou rank the caster have.
Reiatsu cost: 34 Rp.
# Kidou 26 Ranks
# Levels 8+
# Intelligence 26+

Bakudou #1- Sai ("Obstruction" wink
Sai, is a low level Kidou that forces the targets arms behind them, preventing them from using them. This spell is good for Shinigami that would prefer to restrain the opponent, but generally only works against weaker opponents.
# Kidou 15 Ranks
# Levels 2+
# Intelligence 16+
Effect: Victim cannot attack or make any action that requires the use of his/her arms.
Breaking: Strength check DC: 10 + User Reiatsu modifier + 2 Per point 10 points in kidou the caster have.
Rp Cost: 4 Rp.

Bakudou #9- Geki ("Conquer" wink Surrounds the target in a red light that restricts movement.
Incantation: Disintegrate, black dog of Rondaniini. Look upon your burning soul and sever your throat.
# Kidou 25 Ranks
# Levels 8+
# Intelligence 26+
Effect: Victim cannot attack or make any non-verbal action.
Breaking: Strength check DC: 18 + User Reiatsu modifier + 2 Per point 10 points in kidou the caster have.
Rp Cost: 10 Rp.

Healing #1: First Lesson Of Healing // Chiyu #1: Ichiban a Chiyu
Art: Kidou (Subtype) Healing
Effect: User places both palms on wounded being. The user recites the Kidou's incantation, and the energy put into the technique is converted into healing chi to cause the hurt person to become healed. Fairly basic technique, and allows for most younger shinigami to heal themselves and others when they are beginning their quest in becoming a Shinigami.
Damage: [Healing] 10-15 + Reiatsu Mod + Kidou Rank * 2
Reiatsu Cost: 5
# Kidou: 10
# Levels Variable: 2
# Intelligence: 16
Chant: "Great whales, white and gray, spurting water of the living from holes of mammals, healing the scalding words of the wise: Healing #1: First Lesson Of Healing!"

Healing #10: Tenth Lesson Of Healing // Chiyu #10: Juubunnoichi a Chiyu

Art: Kidou (Subtype) Healing
Effect: User places both of their hands on the wound of their patient. They channel a certain amount of their spirit energy into their hands, then out into the wound of the hurt person. The spirit energy changes into pure healing chi and seals up the wounds caused to the to be healed person. Although a fairly basic technique the Tenth Lesson Of Healing is a fairly large jump from the First Lesson Of Healing.
Damage: [Healing] 35-65 + (0.5 * Reiatsu Mod) + (Kidou Rank * 2 )
Reiatsu Cost: 25
# Kidou: 40
# Levels Variable: 6
# Intelligence: 18
Chant: "Haunting ghasts, purging of the sickened, loving the lepresied, loving the unlovable, protecting my creed, Healing #10: Tenth Lesson Of Healing!"

Healing #15: Fifteenth Lesson Of Healing // Chiyu #15: Juugo a Chiyu
Art: Kidou (Subtype) Healing
Effect: [Note: Cannot be casted during combat and the patient must remain still for whole eight posts that the technique takes effect] The user, while in a non-combat position, places their hands on the midsection of their patient. They place their palms on the victim's stomach and place small amounts of their reiatsu into the wounds that were inflicted on the said patient. After eight posts while in this position, with the healing effect ('damage') occuring every post, the technique finishes.
Damage: [Healing] [20-50 + (Kidou Rank * 4 )] per healing post.
Reiatsu Cost: 4 * 8 posts = 34 reiatsu cost
# Kidou: 30
# Levels Variable: 11
# Intelligence: 22
Chant: "Wading ducklings, a mother's upright realm, shining white knights, lucifer removed, hedonistic repricings, Healing #15: Fifteenth Lesson Of Healing!"

To Be Learned Later
Healing #16: Good Will Sleep // Chiyu #16: Guddouxiru Suimin
Art: Kidou (Subtype) Healing
Effect: Primarily a sleep technique used for putting surgery patients asleep, this technique requires the usage of the user's hands on the victim's chest. The user stabs the lungs of the victim with a quick pinch of their reiatsu and sends a signal the brain of the patient for the body to become unconscious. Slightly painful on the patient's end, but allows for the patient to go through surgery without an inch of pain.

However, when used in combat, the user must land both hands (two melee accuracy 1d20 rolls) on their opponent's chest. Also, since the technique requires more dexterity than normal attacks, the user receives a penalty [1d20 Melee Accuracy - Victim's Agility = new accuracy] to their two accuracy rolls. Therefore, in combat, the technique is near useless.
Damage: Causes Incapacitation.
Reiatsu Cost: 15
# Kidou: 40
# Levels Variable: 12
# Intelligence: 25
Chant: "A rosed dove, a cracked pillow, a dreamer's rejoice, unahearing grave, unadhearing grace, Healing #16: Good Will Sleep"
Break: Strength or Awareness Check DC: 15 + User Reiatsu modifier + 4 Per point 10 points in kidou the caster have.

Healing #11: Remove Poison // Chiyu #11: Gaidokuteiku
Art: Kidou (Subtype) Healing
Effect: User places both of their hands on the wound, puncture, or entrance of the poison. The user pushes a small amount of their reiatsu into the orifice and begins to pull out the poison from the patient. Takes one whol post, and this requires an Intelligence Check (see 'Poison Removal Check'). However, this jutsu will have no effect if the poison is from a person's Shikai/Bankai.
Damage: Removes Poison.
Reiatsu Cost: 10 Rp
# Kidou: 45
# Levels Variable: 7
# Intelligence: 20
Chant: "Healing #11: Remove Poison!"
Poison Removal Check: Intelligence Check [1d20 + Int Mod] against the Poisoner's Level + Required Rp Cost Of Poison Technique


Lv: 15

Hp: 196
Rp: 115

Str: 22 [+6]
Agl: 19 [+4]
Vit: 28 [+9]
Awr: 18 [+4]
Int: 30 [+10]
Rei: 30 [+10]

Attack Calculations:

# of Attacks
Sword: 3
Hand: 4
Kidou: 2

Melee Attack
Strength Mod: +6
Accuracy Mod: +15/+10/+5
Zanjutsu Mod: +12
Total: +33/+28/+23

Ranged Attack
Agility Mod: +4
Accuracy Mod: +15/+10/+5
Zanjutsu Mod: +12
Total: +31/+26/+21

Hakuda Attack
Strength Mod: +6
Accuracy Mod: +15/+11/+7/+3
Hakuda Mod: +0
Total: +21/+17/+13/+9

Kidou Attack
Agility Mod: +4
Accuracy Mod: +15
Kidou Mod: +6
Total: +25

Dodge Bonus:
Base Dodge: +10
Agility Mod: +4
Awareness Mod: +4
Hohou Mod: +16
Total: +34


[1 Handed] 19-40
[2 Handed] 25-46

[1 Handed] 29-50
[2 Handed] 35-56

Damage: -

Damage: 7-11

Skills: 173

Combat Skills-
Zanjutsu: 63
Hakuda: 0
Hohou: 40
Kidou: 30

Passive Skills-
Reiatsu Sense: 0
Reiatsu Sense Use: 0
Reiatsu Control: 40

Experience Total: 14695
Next Level: 14000


2006 Timeskip
+12,000 XP
+15 Ability/Stat Points

Battle between Ugu Zenmaru and Bukotsu Kusanagi
Link: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=5996841&page=1
Est Worth: 65 Xp?

Battle between Ugu Zenmaru and
Link: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=6088437&page=1
Est Worth: 50 Xp?

For both of those battles I consistantly made 5+ paragraph posts. One post I even went above ten paragraphs. sweatdrop
Ok 350xp for both.

Page 5 to Page 9. Four pages of non-stop training.
Estimated Worth: Frankly, I have no idea.

Ugu (LVL.12) vs Hollow 002 (LVL.11)
Page 7 through Page 9 is a fight between a Lvl. 12 Shinigami and a Lvl. 11 Hollow.
Estimated Worth: 200-ish XP? Again, I have no idea. :Heart:
100 XP both.

Object: Zaraki Battling Part 1
Kill Count: 7 Bandits (all level 1), 0031 Hollows (levels 2-4)
Estimated Worth: 40-50 XP? I dunno. 5 pages, around 50 posts..
25 Xp.

Report: Spar: Karthan vs Humbra
Characters: Ugu Zenmaru vs Ugu Annie
Link: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=6597193&page=4 Page 4 through 7.
Character Levels: Ugu Zenmaru = Level.12, Ugu Annie = Level.01
Wow you must be really desperate to create a mule and spar with yourself...

Anyways rewards:

Zen + 10 Xp.
Ann + 300 Xp.

Training Report
Class: Basic Zanpakutou Fighting Techniques, 101 Course
Characters: Ugu Zenmaru[Teacher]
Link: Page 1 through 18 of none-stop teaching/fighting. sweatdrop There are multiple fights in the thread, and my character was normally at the center of the action. sweatdrop Ignore the fight between Ugu Annie and Ugu Zenmaru, since that has already been counted.
Character Level: Ugu Zenmaru = Level.12
Teaching and fighting experience total 500Xp.

Report: Mortal Realm Expedition: The Attack Of The Frost Giant~ Psseer!
Link: Moscow, Russia Pages 1-3.
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.12
Tsai Lin Lvl.1
Kaosu Ranmyaku Lvl.1

Report: Basic Zanpakutou Fighting Techniques
Link: Basic Zanpakutou Fighting Techniques Pages 19-42
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru [TEACHER] = 12

Haro Takiri (1)
Lin, Nobisuke (1)
Tsai Lin (1)
Hawthorne Raven (1)
Tomashi Nikamura (1)
Kaosu Ranmyaku (1)
Yojimbo (1)
Ran Hana (6)
Zaviel (1)
Ugu Annie (1)

Report: Killing Muggers, Carrying Groceries, And Hacking At Hollows: All In A Day's Work
Characters: RPC~ Ugu Zenmaru NPC~ Mugger, Old Lady, Jelbob[Hollow]
Link: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=1826577&page=24 Page 24 through 25
Character Levels: Ugu Zenmaru = Level.12, Mugger = Level.3, Jelbob = Level.?

Report: The Realization. "I need to fight".
Link Faraway Forest: Further Than The Furthest Fowl Page 10. Post 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 9 on that page.
Characters Ugu Zenmaru (12)

Zenmaru - 150 xp, +1 Int


Report: Bandits.. Again?! Destroy as many as possible!
Link: Zaraki [District 80:North] Pages 5-11.
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.13
Mitsuragi Takara Lvl.1
Karite Kokyuu Lvl.1

Report: Drae'Igle- A Fiery Foe!
Link: Faraway Forest: Further Than The Furthest Fowl Pages 11-14
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.13
Ranmyaku Kaosu Lvl.1

Report: Survive Training With Ugu-Sama!
Link: Faraway Forest: Further Than The Furthest Fowl Pages 15-18
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.13
Ranmyaku Kaosu Lvl.1
Kokyuu Karite Lvl.1
Wakai Ryoushi Lvl.1

Report: Ah! A Wily Foe: Guru Guru!
Link: Tsuki Fields [Westwards of Rukongai Forest] Pages 1-4
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.13
Lin Tsai Lvl.1

Current Experience Awards

Here's where the fun part comes in! After discussing things with the captain, we've determined that everyone who has currently posted in the thread since the last update will receive a total of 500 experience points, regardless of anything else you were doing, regardless of how many posts made. That may/may not level some of you, if so, that's wonderful!

The battle system subforum has been updated to include the level up rewards for your character. Enjoy everyone!

Report: Manthius vs Zenmaru--A Battle Between Wild Berserkers!
Link: Faraway Forest: Further Than The Furthest Fowl Pages 18 to 22
Characters + Character Levels:
Ugu Zenmaru Lvl.13
Manthius Lvl.12

Ugu Zenmaru - 150 xp

(I was tempted to take away one experience point, Humbra, because the words 'buttocks' and 'plummet' should never be used in conjunction.)


Hark! Have Some Experience Rewards

Humbra (Zenmaru): 910 xp


Congratulations everyone for your hard work. We've got some downtime for you now in the dorms, which will also count for experience for you. Everyone enjoy. :3


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