Young girl: What...
Where am I? ...That smell...I know that smell. It smells like the Roses in Mom's garden...
Young woman's voice: Helloooo...Earth to whoever you are...
Girl: Whah?...Who said that?
Voice: Maybe if you opened your eyes you can see. ~giggles~
Book: Five
Who, What, When, Where & Why
Girl: Ah! Bright!
...Who are you?
Young woman: My name is Theta...And you are?
Girl: I...My name is Karina...
Theta: Nice to meet you, Rina!
Let me help you up.
Karina: Oh, thanks.
Theta: So where'd you come from?
Karina: I...I don't know...
Theta: So...what...You just fell outta the sky?
Karina: ...the sky...-looks up and remembers a ship-
...The SKY!
Theta: Oookay...You get hit on the head?
Karina: No! I came from the sky! Err...a SHIP! My ship crashed!
I...was going somewhere...OH NO! AMON!!!
Theta: Who? ...
Karina: Amon! He's my!
Theta: Yourrr...?
Karina: brother...Wait...Did you say Earth?..
Theta: Uh, Yeeeaahh...Earth. The planet you're standing on...~looks at Karina strangly~
Is there any other?
Karina:...There shouldn't even be this one... ~looks at Theta strangly~
Theta: What do you mean?
Karina: The History Teachers told us that Earth was distroyed thousands of years ago...I guess they were wrong...
Theta: ...Oh, I wouldn't know. I've lived here my whole life with my Mom.
We sell Roses in the market...and you fell on them...
Karina: OH! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!...I swear! ~puts face in hands~
Theta: ...It's ok. I know you didn't mean to. ~looks around at the roses~
Sooo...You wanna come to my house for dinner?
We don't have much...Earth doesn't have much to offer now...It's mostly Desert so Roses are good munnie.
Karina: Desert? I've heard stories about Earth when i was little...My Mom would tell us about the war and what the AnimA did...
Theta: AnimA? You mean the ones with Animal powers?
Karina: Animal powers?...uhhhhhh........
Theta: Oh! There are some in town! You wanna go see?
Karina: WHAT!? In town!? Don't you know what they DID!?
Theta: No...not really...I know what they DO though.
Come on! Lets go! You'll really enjoy it! ~grabs Rina's arm and heads to town~
Karina: Ah! Wait!
-The town Sandra
Theta: See? Look! AnimA are everywhere here!
They use them to work. See? Look at that one! He can fly so delivering mail is a good job for him. Look at those two! They're really strong, so for them, building is perfect! ♥
Karina: There are so many...They choose these jobs?
Theta: Of course not! In Sandra, AnimA are slaves. It's the law here.
Any AnimA without a mark of their masters' is taken by the Military and sold later.
Karina: Sounds...cold. They don't have any other choice?
Theta: Nope. It's good for them though. If they choose not to work they're either taken far out of state and left or taken for Military Research.
Karina: But...they're people.
Theta: It's ok. A lot of them have good masters and they take care of their AnimA.
Karina: And the ones that don't?
Theta: It makes those AnimA stronger and if the AnimA harms his master they're put to death. There aren't a lot of them so killing them is really the very last option.
Karina: ...can we go?
Theta: Sure. Lets head back to my place. I'm sure Mom has dinner ready by now. ♥
Book: Five - To be continued