Username: Chibi-Speck
Character Name: Betelguese (Project 624570)
Age: unknown, I look about 19
Gender: I don't remember if I was male or female before the experiment, and I am not really sure what I am now. I suppose I am male, though...
Race: Human/Pokemon hybrid
Nationality: I am from Johto
Appearance: I have silver hair that goes down to my shoulders that reflects different colors in light. My skin has a light purple tint to it and sometimes segments of it turns a bright green. I have gold rings on my arms and legs and one on my forehead which circles a red orb. My left eye is red, while my right is blue, and they will sometimes turn yellow. I have black rabbit like ears and a cat like tail that splits at the ends; both have gold rings around them.
Sexuality: Well, since I don't really know what my definite gender is, I don't know...
Voice: A haunting mix of a slight bass and alto. It sounds like two people are speaking at once when I talk...
Status/Occupation: I don't know who or what I was before, and I definitely don't know now...
Likes: I like the outdoors and stargazing. I also enjoy the taste of meat and fish. I enjoy activities such as yoga and peaceful martial arts such as Tai Chi. However, I don't really know how peaceful a person I am since my more animal instincts kick in sometimes.
Dislikes: I really don't like those edible plants...vegetables. Also any computers or hi-tech device is something I avoid, just due to past experience. Those people that did this to me can go on this list, too.
Habits: I tend to be very silent around people and I get these waves of emotion that makes me act more pokemon than human, and since I look more human, I guess I should learn to act along with the package.
Background Information: I have barely any fragments of my original memory left, so I really couldn't tell you what I did before this happened, all I know is that I was a human from Ecruteak City.
I was captured and taken to this laboratory where they were trying to research the evolution cycles of Eevee. They wanted to see how the pokemon reacted with the human race in certain situations and I was injected with the blood of both an Espeon and Umbreon. Once they realized it was a mistake, I was thrown out of the facility. Oh well, what will be will be...
Chibi-Speck · Wed Dec 31, 2008 @ 01:53am · 0 Comments |