Age: Uknown-But Looks 18.
Race: What Is Known-Elemental, Demon.-Little Is Known.
Extra: Telepath, Telekinetic, Teleporter.

Bio: Not much can be said about her. This mysterious shadow of a person looms around in cities, towns, forests, anywhere there is life. When ever there is an accident, she is there, face hidden, skin seeming to glow in the darkness, a long black sword drawn, that seems to give off long roling black shadows. No words, no movement, until she is approached, then disappears into nothing.
Her fighting style is ruthless and has no mercy. Killing on the spot is the only way she has. People have come to name her, 'Night's Death', for only when the sun is down, and the moon is high in the air does she come out and bring upon the people death.
When the day comes, she still wanders about, but does not seem hostile in any way possible, even though she still can not make friends of any sort, since to many people think she's eery and rather scary. With a voice that echos, whether she is singing or just speaking, there is no way to stop that echoing voice that is so hollow.
She can use strange powers, that most people have never seen before. But they have come to know, or name that too, 'Calling Darkness', for when she uses these powers, strange dark creatures come from the ground, or any flat surface that has been touched by darkness, which is everything.
These creatures are almost impossible to kill, unless their heads are cut off. But if the heads are not cut off, then they will just keep reforming, even if you stab their 'hearts', there really is nothing there to stab. So it proves pointless to try.
With these powers and other things, it makes life for her hard, but she doesn't stay to long in one place for people to start hunting her. She has a hidden agenda that no one has ever found out, and no one could even begin to guess what it was.
Loves: Uknown.
Hates: Uknown.
Likes: Uknown.
Fears: Uknown.