12/9 - 12/15
I haven't been able to update in awhile, so this will be pretty long. Unless I totally half-a** this journal.
Last Tuesday our English class, an Advanced Placement class of 7, had a Christmas party. We had a gift exchange(I got a pooping Santa and Grow-a-Dork) and we had pizza and our teacher's hardcore brownies. They were pretty dang awesome.
Then, when I was going home, I stopped by Caleb's house and borrowed his Xbox, because I'd borrowed Fable from another friend. So, I've spent altogether around 11 hours playing Fable since then. More about that later.
Then, Wednesday, was a half day at school. We were in Theatre Arts, which is held in an old garage. It was the last class before we got to leave early. Around the beginning of the class, someone ran in and said "IT'S SNOWING!" So, of course we're all flipping out. See, we don't get snow much where I live. It snowed about 4 years ago, which was the first time I can remember snow in my town since I was born. Anyways, we opened the doors to the garage, and just stand there staring at the snow and flipping out in general. Our teacher was saying "Now stay in here," but you could tell that we were all about to make a break for it. Finally, he gave in and said "Okay, let's go outside." So, we all went outside and starting jumping around and screaming. Of course, the snow didn't stick, but still. We take what we can get when it comes to snow. I called my brother and was like "HA! You're not the only one who got snow!" He'd called us the night before to tell us it was snowing in Austin. So, it was a big snow fest. The snow didn't last long, and it didn't stick, but whatever.
Friday we started auditions for One-Act. That's the competition play. We're doing Gloria Mundi. It's about crazy people.
Saturday was the Christmas parade. I won a Chamber of Commerce scholarship, along with my friend Brian, so we were in the parade. I had to dress nice, which sucked. But it was still fun.
Then Sunday we went to Austin. We were gonna see the Christmas lights in some park that I can't spell the name, but we ended up shopping. That sorta sucked, too. At least I got to go to Past & Presents. And I got a jersey at some UT store. Colt shouda got Heisman.