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http://www.gaiaonline.com/journal/?u=4111872 my old journal
Lucas and Laurent's backstory CENSORED
I pulled out the questionable parts, and pretty much the entire first half. It picks up in the beginning of a raid. What happened was, Lucas wanted to kill, so Laurent had his servants younger brother, Tyler, join them, but the older sister, Gertrude, found out, so she's at the police station.



Laurent smiled when he heard Lucas aproach. He had been leaning casually on the side of the building waiting for him. "Soon you will be able to count the number of life forms around you when you develop your powers a bit more. Currently gertrude is on the second floor talking to the chief of police. Outside his office is a secretary packing her belongings. The only other person on that floor is a night guard. On the bottom floor there are three dispatchers one of them taking a call about a house fire. Then there are two more guards pacing the halways." Laurent stood up straight and rested one arm on lucas's shoulder. "If you can bpass all the people on the lower floor and the guard on the second then your in good shape. The secretary will be an easy kill and then the chief and Gerty are all yours for the taking"


"Why can't we kill them all?" He asked, seriously meaning what he'd asked. Lucas looked up at the lit windows, trying to see this. He could hear some things, but they were all muffled in ways that made them just beyond the plane of understanding. Lucas stepped out into the street, approaching slowly to the foot of the building. "We're so strong, I want to taste them all." The elevation of his voice and his breathing suggested almost a loss of sanity. "Can't we Laurent?" He begged.


Laurent sighed and grabbed hold of Lucas not letting him go. "You already made a scene at the tavern. You need to understand that if you go around freely killing people then everyone will get suspicious. They can track us down and find my home. It has taken me years to get he perfect home and get that one set up the way I like it. I dont like to be moved around or forced from my home. If you wish to kill freely then you would have no choice but to become a nomad because after a certain amount of kills you will be hunted." laurent let go of Lucas's shoulder. "So go in there, and please, try to restrain yourself Lucas..."


Lucas growled at Laurent, standing for a minute on the side of the street. They were so strong. "How long can a vampire sleep for? I mean... can we not feed for a while? And just sleep for... like, years?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck and looking down at the cobbled road.


Laurent wrapped his arms around Lucas playfully. "No dear, we cannot sleep forever. We can go for a few weeks without eating however if you let your hunger get to strong you can loose control and mass murder an entire village. However some vampires have been able to reach a hybernative state in which they are able to sleep for a year or so. I dont know how they do it."


Lucas growled softly. "I'll figure it out. How to sleep for a time." He grinned and took off, moving to the side of the building and working his way to the front. On the side, Lucas waited and thought a bit. He hadn't fully tested out his strength, but he figured now would be the time.

He made his way to the back of the building, there was a back door there and Lucas opened it up, forcefully considering it was locked. He found a lantern beside the door and took hold of it, managing to turn it on and then headed back out to the alley. some policemen.... he thought humorously as he found three large barrels of ale and some other harder liquor. He picked one up, thinking over his plan once more and then threw the thing hard and fast at the other two which cracked, while the one he threw broke into several pieces. Lucas heard the voices of the men and he quickly grabbed the lit lantern, throwing it in the puddle of alcohol which took flame in the blink of an eye. Lucas climbed up a nearby tower of wooden crates and managed to run along the roof to the front just as the three watchmen burst through the door. "Water! Bring some bloody water!" One bellowed. Not quite so discrete, but it cleared out the bottom floor.

He actually began to hear what the men were saying, and he heard the captain yell to them from his second story window. They had told him they could handle the small fire, good. Lucas made his way inside the front doors, racing up the steps and to the hall where he slowed down, hearing soft footsteps from around the corner. Lucas hid himself in the shadows beside a cabinet for the secretary. Once she'd emerged from around the corner he grabbed a hold of her, instantly going for her throat, not her jugular, but he buried his face deep in her neck so he could get at her vocal chords. A sickening gurgling noise broke the silence but it was soft enough that he could muffle her mouth with his hand. He dropped her in the middle of the hall where he stopped her. He didn't care much about hiding the body and so he took off again, crouching below the half walled window.

Lucas could hear Gertrude explaining in a panicked voice to the sheriff what she'd seen. He heard Laurent's name, and then sobs, sad pathetic sobs, the woman wasn't pretty, and her cries were even more choked and hideous. He glowered at her through the crack of the door. Lucas heard a click just behind him down the hall and he turned just in time to see the bright smoky flash of a musket fire, sending a burning lead bullet into his side. The first thing that went through his mind was ******** that hurt! as though surprised, he had been expecting to be a little more invincible.

He staggered for a moment, turning back to see Gertrude screeching. He lept through the doorway at her, his hands swiping in the air at her neck, taking an entire chunk of flesh and tendons out of her throat. The poor woman couldn't even scream, she fell to the floor choking while Lucas turned on the sheriff and treated him in very much the same way the secretary had been treated. By that time, one of the other two corporals had joined the first one managing to load another shot. "I made a scene." He said aloud, laughing softly while he clenched at his side. He was hoping that the woman had only told the sherrif of Laurent. Lucas quickly lifted the still choking sheriff up in front of him, blocking the lead shot again, and at the same time managing to drain him a little more, replacing some of the quickly spilling blood he was losing, while the second one took a shot.


Laurent was thinking that he would let Lucas have all the fun and he would stand back and observe, however the boy had already done several things wrong. First off he had set the building on fire... then he had left the guards down stairs to deal with the fire while he was upstairs. It would have been so much easier if he had bypassed the downstairs area all together. However it did make for a good excuse for the deaths of the people inside.

Once Lucas was done killing Laurent will continue to spread the fire throughout the building and make it looks as if some of the men were drunk and had dropped a pipe or something and it caught in the liquor. The technology of the times was no where near as impressive as what it would be in the 21st century and no such thing as a CSI squad existed. the whole town will just think that it was a careless fire.

Laurent walked calmly upstairs and stepped over the dead form of the secretary. Her precious blood spilled across the hallway and when he walked Laurent left bright red footprints on the floor. He found Lucas fighting off men with muskets. In one simple movement Laurent grabbed the muzzle of the gun and bent it backwards so that it was facing the shooter.

"Lucas hurry up here and when your done toss the bodies into the fire."


Lucas gasped and nodded to Laurent, he lept at the second one while he loaded his gun and tore into him, leaving the precious blood. He took time to run his fingers through it though, pausing and moaning softly, a twisted soft smirk on his face. The one who's musket was bent backwards was frozen. "What on earth?!" He cowered, backing up into Laurent, forgetting where he was, the man was far too busy watching Lucas rub himself from head to toe with his comrade's warm blood. Lucas grinned at him, lifting the other up onto one shoulder and dragging the sheriff behind him by the hand.

"They're heavy..." He wined to Laurent, "Can't we just let the whole building burn and leave them here?" He questioned, pausing by the stairs.


Laurent took his time to kill the man that was frozen. Feeling a bit morbid he grabbed the man’s chest and dug his nails into the skin. Ribs cracked as he pushed his way through creating a hole in the man’s chest. Leaning forward he sunk his fangs directly into the man's still beating heart. When he had finally given up life Laurent dragged his body downstairs "we want them to burn as long as possible that way the wounds will be unidentifiable"


Lucas pulled the men down the stairs and out the back towards the blazing fire. He saw Laurent with his prey and laughed. "So what about that wound?" He leaned against the wall laughing, wincing as the bullet wound still ached while he laughed. "My kills were flesh wounds, flesh burns away, yours is a bone wound." He laughed harder as the distant sound of sirens sounded.


"Well you see... poor Nikola here was crushed by the timbers of the building as the fire collapsed it to the ground..." Laurent tossed the bodies into the flame and began to walk away from the burning building casually. "Oh and dear... your wound wont heal unless you remove the bullet. Just take it out with your fingers and the wound will heal in about three minutes"


Lucas traced his fingers over the wound, hissing in pain. "It stings..." He panted. Once they'd cleared the light of the growing fire, he took hold of Laurent's wrist and pulled him down an alley. "I can't do it myself..." He said, leaning himself up against a wall, and pulling Laurent with him. He could feel the bulge of the bullet in his insides, but he couldn't do it himself. "Wait... hold my hands...." He said, laughing softly, looking nervously down at his side.


Laurent ran his fingers across Lucas's stomach as he pressed himself against the other man. Upon the other’s request Laurent took Lucas's hands firmly and pinned them above his head. He knew it was just to hold the other down but he figured he would have fun with it at the same time. "Like this?" he whispered as he kissed Lucas and pressed his arms up against the wall firmly.


Lucas purred against the kiss, pushing back against Laurent. His arms tensed against Laurent's grasp and he began to shiver, feeling more blood leave him.


"Shhhhh..." Laurent whispered into Lucas's ear. He kept one arm that pinned the others arm above his head however his free hand traced a trail down the man's neck and stomach. "Hold still." he said rather in a demanding tone and he pressed his lips passionatly to Lucas's lips. At the same time their lips touched he pushed his hand to the wound and pulled out the bullet. With a clink it hit the ground. "Sorry about that.. but you will heal now"


Lucas stiffened and the kiss trapped a rather loud moan, pushing out against the incursion. Once the kiss had broken, Lucas was panting, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. "Is it at all odd that that turned me on like.... none other? As in.... the pain?" He laughed softly making to kiss Laurent only the pause just an inch away, his fangs descending and his bottom lip quivering, hungering.


Laurent grinned. "I am sorry if I hurt you but I do not think it hurt you as much as it turned you on" He let his arm drop thus releasing lucas's arms as well.


Lucas grinned darkly. "But that's why it turned me on.... because it hurt." He moaned softly, he leaned in closer still, his long eyelashes brushing over Laurent's cheek. "I want to kill more... so many more.... can we? Please?" He begged softly. "Ah.... an orphanage... I've always wanted to, honestly, I've never killed anyone younger than myself.... but.... I want to.... I want to know what they're blood tastes like, hear their dying cries...." He went on, panting softly at the mere thought of it.


"I have never taken a child..." Laurent let go of Lucas and took a step back from the wall "they are off limits for me, I could never harm one" Laurent looked a little sad. "I had a family before I was turned, and I couldn’t go back to them.. I had a son... he must nearly be 80 now... but because I cannot have a child... in this form no child can be born from myself... I cannot bring myself to kill one:" Laurent sighed and brushed his long hair from his face. "The sun is merely up"


Lucas pulled away from the wall, rushing back to Laurent. "But they're not your kids! Come on..." He wined softly, licking at Laurent's neck. He pulled himself closer, rubbing gently against Laurent. "Death is so beautiful, I wonder how beautiful you were when you died..." He moaned, "And children are ultimate beauty...." He smiled softly at the other. Lucas' hands trailed up over Laurent's chest, paying no attention to the warming sky, the oncoming of morning. His hands felt over Laurent's collarbone while he pressed his lips softly to his master's. Slowly, after a moment or so, those hands encircled Laurent's neck, gently at first, barely noticeable, then once he pulled from the kiss, but leaving their lips together, his hands tightened, cutting off the circulation of air. He wanted to see what it might look like. Lucas had no intention of killing Laurent, but would he know that?


Laurent was hesitant to all the actions that Lucas was doing for him. He had awoken a pain inside himself that he had managed to forget for a few years. The rememberance of his family was all he could think about when Lucas began to kiss him. He didn’t pay much attention to the hand at his throat until after the kiss had stopped. Immediatly Laurent’s eyes flew open with confusion and pain. He grabbed onto Lucas's arms and tore them away from his neck. The motion pushed Lucas across the alley until he hit the wall of a building. "what the hell are you doing!" he cried. Laurent’s normal emerald green eyes were a complete shade of black from anger


Lucas winced when he stood up, he'd fallen to the ground after hitting the wall, a bit dizzy from the impact. He had forgotten that Laurent was older and stronger. "Why not?! I just wanted to see! I wanted to see your death, I can't stand it, I want to know." He came at Laurent again, trying to push the man into the wall, his nails digging into the other's sides. "Please my love..." He whispered against his lips. "I just want to see." His voice quivered with his own sick anticipation. While Laurent's were black, his were a dark red, swirling almost.


Laurent stared at Lucas briefly noticing the change in the mans attitude. He had lost concentration and Lucas was able to pin him against the wall. "Lucas stop this please whatever has gotten into you!" and the he felt Lucas's nails digging into his sides just under the ribs and at the waist. He grimaced in pain and unable to use his arms for defense he could only use his fangs. Growling like a hungry cougar he tore into Lucas's shoulder


Lucas gasped loudly, crying out, but he finished his cry with a moan. "I just want to see, you won't die... I'll try to keep you alive I swear, I just want to see the moment before..." He gasped, biting at Laurent's neck, trying to anyway, with the way they were struggling it was damn near impossible. Lucas felt out a rib through the tissue and pulled at it with quick jerks until he heard a muffled crack, he couldn't tell if it actually broke or just displaced itself. "Please, let me see your death..." His voice was saturated with a sick animalistic lust for Laurent's blood. With as much strength as he could Lucas drove the same hand in further, the one that tore at the rib. If he wasn't odd enough, there was a smell that rose into the alley, a smell that made it evident how aroused Lucas was.


"Lucas stop it please!!!!! You’re hurting me!" Laurent was begging but now he was starting to fight back using his superior years. After all he had about 180 years experience over lucas. Laurent once again grabbed onto Lucas's arm and with one quick movement followed by a sickening sound he bent the arms back behind lucas dislocating both of them at the shoulder. The other thing that added to his rage was that Lucas had not drinken anything recently, and the smell of Lucas's blood mixed with the intoxicating arousal smell, pushed him over the edge. He again tore at the throat of his companion with vicious strength and sucked deeply of the warm red blood that gushed from the wound.


While all this was going on, the sky was warming with the rays of the approaching sun. Lucas' cry met those rays as his arms were rendered useless. He was still able to moan loudly when he felt Laurent rip at his throat, coughing up blood on Laurent's face. "I wonder if my death would be beautiful..." He whispered softly, he had indeed lost a lot of blood, which was probably adding to his horrible defeat. Lucas was now unable to fight back, but he so terribly wanted to. "It's not fair that I won't get to see how beautiful your death is. From the looks of it, neither will you..." He said, grinning softly at the morning sun just moments away from peaking over the cathedral just on the other side of the street from the alley. It cast the giant shadow of a cross over them, protecting them for now. Or waiting, the cross had a vengeance out for Lucas.


Laurent looked down at the figure on the ground. "You’re already dead... and your death.... it was beautiful" Laurent choked as he felt the rays of sunlight inching ever closer to where they sought refuge in the shade. "I......" Laurent was unable to finish his sentence as he sprinted down the alley, opposite of Lucas and the sun. He didn't know where he would go since there was nothing to do when everything was over. Everything he cared for was now lying dead burned to a crisp in the alley behind him. He would never come back here, ever again.


Yeah, we both cried crying

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Dec 12, 2008 @ 11:40am
That is sad!

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