I would like to introduce myself |
Hello and thank you to all the people who took the time to read this. As you may know, I'm Leyla Cohen, and I'm an aspiring author. In my "about me" section, I don't think it covers all of the basics, so now I'll get almost everything. First State of business: I AM A GIRL, and my name is Leyla Cohen. I absolutely love my last name-- because of Cohen Plummer, the hottest guy in school. I am an author, although i can never finish anything i write. I also absolutely adore drawing. I'm the DIFFERENT one. The unique one that no one wants to hang out with because of my hair color (PURPLE!!!) or because I'm always cooped up inside my house playing Super Crazy guitar maniac deluxe 2. ITS INSANE... perfect for me. I am single (at the moment) and am really really really into Music. I play the Double Bass (names are: Jesse, Gabriel, Jeremy, and Luke), the Cello (Victoria), Piano (Neville), Electric (Peter) and Acoustic (Annie) Guitar (although not very well) I started to learn trumpet, (but I quit), and I [somehow managed to] create music on computers. I have 2 cats (Gordo and Princess Liliana Mikaila), and 4 newborn Kittens (Princes Leylan Wolfbane and Loch Ronnoc, and Princesses Lanouk Exmira and Lael Solis) at this very moment, they are only 6 months. They've grown so fast! I know i should probably be paragraphing this, but 'm not... so there. I only have 3 best friends, Ashleigh (whom we call Geist), Jeffery (Whom we call Camel), and Mark (Wolfbane). We are 4 of the 5 emus, my brother Connor being the fifth (Ronnoc- it's his name backwards. My name backwards is Alyel, which sounds like I'll yell... but it's not my Emu name.) I am the Leader of the Emus, and my name is Aeista, which translated to English from Latin means "Summer" I named my kitten Lael Solis after me... her name means Sunshine of God. Pretty sweet, right? so, anyway... I am Leader, Geist is the "Vice Leader", Camel is just a plain regular guy, and so are Wolfbane and Ronnoc. Oh my gosh, you'll never believe what I just found out... my about me sounds like a journal entry, I know, but Lanouk is a boy, and Loch is a girl, and Lael jams to the System and Leylan has been renamed Po. WE are giving away Loch, (Miss Sweet Twin), Po (Mr. Black and white) and Lanouk (Mr. I-am-so-adorable-and-cute-and-adventurous) I'm going to miss them... YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE KEEPING LAEL, except we must rename her Leyla. My mom says that since I go by Likolani, Atreyu, or Ley now, our cat can go by Leyla, since apparently Lael is a stupid name. Yeah, well Laurette's a stupid name, too, but you don't see me complaining. Anywho, I'm going to get my to my new book about Demons & Hunters that I'm working on, and maybe start into New Moon (no, I haven't read the Twilight Series before. Yes, I finished Twilight 30 minutes before the premier, which I saw @ 12.02 in the morning. Yes. I rock.) However, I will probably not be getting back to "Grip"-- the new song I'm creating. Either way, I'm going now. This is probably the longest Journal entry I have, and I am very, very satisfied with it. So, I'm actually going now. smile Peace!
double_bass_on_fire · Fri Nov 28, 2008 @ 08:21pm · 1 Comments |