w00t! guys i went to see twilight today! it was crowded but it didnt entirely suck except the noice ppl made at the theater but the movie was good kinda..."bella" kept stuttering tho but there were good parts,bad parts,retarted parts, parts they missed, parts they did a rllyyyy good job on...but it was good i would tell u but i dotn wanna ruin it for u but all ima say is when they show edward in the sunlight he looks umm bad lol ok ill shut my mouth now =/
it was a mistake going with my cuzins anyway they kept asking me questions i was like READ THE BOOK!!!!!! but its like 2:00 at night now im serious lol and im on the pc? well im the only one awake tho so i was bored lol im gunna go now but yea haha
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*Bow Chicka Bow Wow*
You know you wanna come and read it. =]
never know something there till itsz gone ;;
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
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