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View User's Journal

A documentation of a human's existence.
Several years worth of entries. Not routinely updated.
Part 41-51
part 41

"yea totally only freaks go in these stupid tunnels" says avery with a nervous giggle
"hey guys" i said crawling in the tubes
"u see only freaks..example 1" says jacky pointin to me..afterwards they tell me wat happened and then we see preston comin up the tunnels
"oohh avery i kno ur in here come out" he says singingly..i slide down the tunnel hitting preston on the way makin him tumble down with me
"ok freak where is she?" he says demanding
"shes in the photo booth with some other guy" i say pointing to the photo booth that meli and jojo just went into
"boy u better run before who knows wat happend in there!" i yell at him..he runs off towards the booth right when he turns around i see jacky and avery runnin for the girls bathroom....then i hear a scream from the booth and i "get away u freak" sooo most likely they have already found out its preston attacking they're photo booth...i run into the bathroom and jacky and ave are already jumpin out the bathroom window i hop through as well..
"ok we did it back to the dorm!" i say panting because i ran soo much
"not soo fast" we hear a strongly manly voice that sounds soo familar..
"ooohh its just u jojo..i thought u were.."then avery gets interrupted
"whoo me!? preston!" he says with an evil grin on his face
"and now ur not gonna leave me sight" he says
"and how do u kno that?" says ave
"because of this.." and then we hear a click
"ooo my god preston u better unlock these handcuffs now!" says ave
"NEVA! MUHAHAHAH!" says preston and now they are stuck together!

part forty something

"You've got!" i sing loudly inside the dorm room, "the most stumbling blue eyes!" by Donna Lewis. "Say you'll love, love me forever!
Never stop, never whatever, near far and always and-" I'm cut off by a storm of fists banging on the dorm room.
"No!" i shout at the door, "no one should ever interrupt someone singing in mid verse!" believe it or not, i am pretty much out of my crazy spasm. I had spent 'bout half hour lying in bed, belting out verses to my favorite songs. I skip up to the door and sing,
"What's the secret paaaasswooooord?"
"What the HECK?!" i think Avery yelled/screeched. Yup, so i let them in.
"Hi guys!" i say brightly." Where's the others?"
"Meli and Jojo are still at Chuckie Cheeses, the Cookie Monster Boy is close in our wake, leaving a disturbing mess of "axe stench" as a dastardly trail."
"Wow, that was a wonderful sentence Shelly!" I say.
"Can we just do something! FAST?!" Jacky almost screams.
"I could dig some dirt on the beast, probably by calling up some important friends...." i begin. Then Preston sneakily sneaks in and spiels a nasty slur of swears.
"Like, we should've at least LOCKED THE DARN DOOR!" shouts Avery.
I suddenly have a brilliant idea, i walk up to Preston, and punch him a good one. He faints with a dainty "igh!"
"Deal Over." i say.

okay, sudden burst of something to do!

Part 43...

Me and Jojo walked out of the photo booth. "I think they left us..." I said.
"Yeah... they did." Jojo walked off.
"UGH! THOSE BRATS!" I scream.
"Let's go." Jojo grabs my hair and drags me out of the Chuckie cheese place.
"haha!" I attacked Jacky since she was the only one standing in the door way. "I found you guys!"
"Get off of me!" Jacky growled.
"Oopsies." I got off and looked at Preston. "What the f?" I look at Avery.
"Celeste punched him." Avery explains.

"The taste of mountain lightning." We all look at Shelly and she's drinking mountain lightning. She takes another sip. "Ahh. The taste of mountain lightning."
We just stare at her and she takes another sip. "Ahh... the taste of moun-"
"SHUT UP!" We all yell.
"Help me get him out of here." Avery grabs Preston's arms and I grab his legs. "Okay. We can put him here." she nods and we drop him and he makes a 'thump' sound. He groans. "My back..."
We both shrug and went inside. "Well that's taken care of." Celeste says.
"Are you out of your crazy mode Celeste?" I ask her.
She glares at me. "Yes..."

Part like I care.

"I'm so glad that I am rid of him" I say bursting out of the dorm room with freedom, "Do you guys wanna grab a bit to eat for celebration?"
"We just ate at Chuckee cheeses" Jacky said like I was stupid.
"But I haven't!" I yell in protest. "I was running away the entire time!"
"Neither have I," Celeste says in agreement. I'm glad she was out of her spazical mode.
"Let's go to Cow Place, and you guys can get smoothies, while Celeste and I get a smoothie, AND a sandwhich!" I say.
"Sounds good" Meli says, and we all leave the building to go eat. Once we get there, eveyone orders the normal smoothie flavor, except Shelly order's Twisted dragonfruit pinapple splash, whatever that was. In ten minutes ate the table outside, I finish the sandwich. And of course, Celeste is still eating. But that doesn't bother me, I am too happy. We chat and chat and order another round of smoothies. It's nearly 530 before we leave. As we walk back to the school, I notice Shelly isn't looking to good.
"Are you 'kay?" I say in concern. She shakes her head and stumbles over to a bench, gasping for air.
"What's happening!?" JAcky shouts in alarm.
"Call a medic!" Meli shouts, acting like someone on CSI when someone gets shot.
"No, just let's take her to the nurse" Celeste, the sound of reason, says. She wobbles up and Jacky and I support her, and we slowly make it to the nurses office. We wait outside for about a half an hour when the nurse comes out.
"It doesn't look good, she's had food poisoning" She says, telling us the sad news. "what has she eaten recently?"
"Well, we had a pizza, then she had a smoothie" Jacky informs.
"Yeah, it was a dragon.. dragon- fruit! Dragon fruit what?" Meli says, thinking back. "Oh, it was a Dragon fruit pinnaple splash"

"Hmm.. Was it from Cows PLace?" The nurse asks, tapping a pencil to her nose. We all nod.
"That what i suspected, we've had three cases like that today, all the smae place from that same smoothie kind"
”When will she be out?" I say.
"Uh, Im going to keep her overnight, but then she should be fine." We go in, and see that Shelly is sleeping, then we leave and say goodbye the the nurse.
"I say we investigate." Meli says, ninja-like, "Let's go over to that damn place right now!"
"Chill" Celeste says, "We need a plan"
"Hmmm..." Jacky ponders.


part wateva

i wake up and see nothin but darkness..im not in my bed soo i still must be in the nurses bed..and wats that a face mask? wat are they doin to me! geezz! i get outta the bed and i feel fine..soo i start to head out the nurses office and go back to MY bed and sleep
"wow the clock says 230am!" i say quietly walking down the hallway which has a little light from the window with the moonlight shining in. i hear someone i get really close to the wall adn stay quiet..its preston i see he has averys wallet and how do i kno because it says "averys wallet, dont touch exccpt avery!" and also there's a pic of jerry on it... i see him walking slowly past me..and right as he walks past me i trip him and he falls to the ground..he drops the wallet i pick it up and run to the dorm room i reach it and when i get it i see avery walkin around she looks at me and then....
"AAAAHHH! ITS A MONSTER!" screams ave and everyone wakes up!

part 46 (people dont forget your NUMBERS!)

i stared at shelly's face. it was GREEN!! everyone around me was screaming pointing at her face
"what?! what is it?" she asked frantically
i grab a mirror and shove it in her face. she lets out an ear piercing shreak much worse than the rest of ours.
"my face! my perfect face!" she wails
"it looks like someone spilt mountain lightning on you!" meli says giggling
"why you little-" i hold up my hand to cut shelly off
"just stop, we dont need any fights right now. i think YOU need to go to the nurse's office again, and WE need to find out whats going on here" i push her out the door and turn to the others
"we need to go to that slushie place." i say to them (sorry i couldnt remember the name!)
"um, well that sounds dandy and all, but its two thirty in the MORNING!" celeste says showing me the clock
"ooh your right...well first thing in the morning then." i announce, "but while we're waiting, how about we get some sleep?"
i climb back into bed and start to drift to sleep. what could possibly be going on here?

Part MOOBAKABAKA! (sorry jacky... i keep forgetting.)

Someone was shaking me. "noo.. Not yet..." I groan and turn around. Then I fell on the floor landing with my head first so my butt was sticking up in the air.
Avery laughed. "It's time to get up doofus!"
”Shut up you crazy cat lady." I helped myself up.
"It's time to go to the Cow's place (is that what it's called?)" Says Celeste.
"Why are you wearing that for Celeste?" I ask her.
"What's wrong with it?" she looks at her outfit.
"um... it's kinda like... BAM! People will notice us." I yell.
She goes to the bathroom and change.
"Alright... Let's go." I sigh.
"What? Aren't you gonna change?" Avery asks.
I look at my clothes and stare at her. "Why?"
"You're in your pajamas..."
"Your point?"
She looks at me like I was stupid. "You're IN your PAJAMAS!" she shouts in my face.
"Okay okay... whatever." I grab a outfit out of my closet and wait for Celeste to get out so I can change. I wait about 5 seconds. "She's taking to long." I went over to the closet and went inside and closed the door.
Jacky walks over to me. "What are you doing!?" she yells from the other side of the door.
"I'm changing! What does it look like I'm doing!?" I yell back.

"Oh my god. What a loser." Jacky says.
"Hey! I heard that!"
Celeste walks out. "Where's Meli?"
Jacky points at the closet and I fall out. "EEE-AHH!" I scream.
"What!?" They all ask.
"Spi-spi-spi-SPIDERS!" I run over and jump on my bed and everyone follows. We see all these little spiders crawling out from the closet.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" we all scream.
"What!?" Jojo runs into our room. He looks at the floor. "What the?" He runs over and grabs our hairspray and sprays them. They all die... except for one. It's twiching all crazy like! And it jumps for Avery's FACE! She begans to scream but Jojo sprays it.
She starts coughing. "Eww! You got some in my mouth!" She yells.


part 48!
"Smack it off!"
"Bite her! bite her little spider! you can do it!"
"Okay, i'm gonna be calm about this!" Avery says. She suddenly slaps at the spider on her face. it falls off dead, and avery looks cross eyed for a moment. "Look at all the pretty birdies!" she says, "and I'm one of them!"
okay, now she is delusional, there are no birds in this room...silly girl....
"Jojo, you can go now." shelly says, "Go on! get out! OUT THE DARN DOOR RIGHT NOW!"
"jeez shelly, cramy-rama...." jacky mutters. i think she meant "cranky-rama", whatever....
"No jojo don't go!" Meli wails, but he already slunk out of the room. I am not dressed in a business looking suit, so the people at Cows Place take me seriously.
I urge the girls out of there, now that we are all dressed. It's a good thing school's still not on today, but i'm sure it'll be happening tomorrow. We walk into the cows place like private inspectors, with our hats over our eyes, our stomachs completely hidden under handy man belts. Actually that's just avery, she's carrying an assortment of tools that look big a heavy, good for putting people out. She's always scared of being attacked....

sorry can't write more, gotta get ready for rehearsal!!!!

part 49 (finally)
"soo heree we are..now wat?" says avery stupidly ..we all look at her like shes mentally retarded..but we just ignore her
"hi there! how may i help you, can i offer you in a great new smoo-" says the lady way to joyful
"ok lady we are not here for chit chat...well actually we are" i say in a deep strong confident voice" we need to know all the ingredients to the twisted dragonfruit pineapple spalsh. right now"
"wats the problem?" shes says confused
"hey dont act like your innocent" says meli shining a flash light in her face....even though we can see her clearly.
"ok then fine, theres...pinapples, berries,leaves..."
"leaves? thats disgusting, what is wrong with u people?" says jacky freakin out
"umm u eat lettuce..same thing smart one" shes says sarcastically
"hey u wanna go u wanna go"says jacky getting into her fighting postion
"please go on" i say eyeing down jacky
"as i was there is also grapes, oranges, mushrooms, potatoes, a llamas toe, a pandas right ankle, some kushi rice.."
"oohh u mean sushi?" says celeste
"no, its kushi" she says" anyways there is some chcolate, a dash of tropical cinnamon and one scale of a cobra" shes says finishing the ingredient list..i'm still a bit woozy from the llama's toe..
"i ate a llama!?" i scream i run to the bathroom to throw up..then i come back like nothin happened
"sooo u say a snake's scale..and a cobra's scale to be exact!..and did u make sure the venom was off the scale before u put it in the drink?"says avery defensively
"uuhh no...the company who gives us the ingredients..and they are the umm...oohh on the tip of my tongue...oohh yea the "Wonderful Wizard Of Ingredients" she tells us.
"well we gotta get goin, thank you for ur time..toodle-loo" i say still dizzy from the ingredient list
"well guys i think we take a break and next we hunt down the company!" says jacky anxious for more secret agent stuff
"aahh i think im gonna hurl again!" i say and then preston comes up to us...
"hey guys hows it goin?!" he says fakin a smile..and i fall into his arms and throw up on his shirt..and once again i'm knocked out..and all is dark!

When shelly faints, preston jumps out of the way and she falls flat on her face.
"I think she need to go to a mental facility" Preston says in utter discust.
"I think YOU need to go to a mental facility" I say, standing in front of my friends.

"Your MOM needs to go to a mental facility!" Meli shouts from behind. I give her a nod telling her, I can handle this, don't butt in.
"DON'T. YOU. EVER.INSULT. MY. MOMMY." Preston growls.
"Stop." I say to him, and for some reason he stil listens to me. "Have you been following us around?"
"Well.. Umm.." He starts. "well,.. SHE INSULTED MY MOTHER!!
"Calm down, she's never met your mother she didn't mean it (she prolly did ^_^)" I say "Now, have you been following us?"
"Uh.. erhm.. Yes." He finally says.
"WHAT!?" Jcky and meli scream.
"How could you do that!?" Meli yells, still, obviously, outraged.
"Well, I love you Av"-
"NO YOU DON'T!!!" I scream, the loudest of them all.
"You do too! You just haven't noticed it yet!"
"I don't think so. I like a different boy."
"Gren" Oh no. WHy did I let that slip? Gren's going to get punched and stuff.
'Gren..? You said you were only asking where the vending machines were."
"I was lying!"
"Uhm.. Guys?" A voice says. It was the Cow's Place person we just intorogatted (idk the spellin') "Could you either calm down, or take it somewhere else? You're scaring the customers"
"Plus, Shelly's waking up!" Celeste shouts. Jacky flings the half awake body over her shoulder, and we all run from preston.
"Let's split up!" Celeste shouts.
"Uhmm..?" Shelly mumbles, still on jacky's shoulder.
"Okay!" Meli says, darting into an alleyway. I keep going striaght untill I see a a road and I turni off of it. I could hear Preston going, Where'd the other ones go? And I keep running through people's lawns and stuff when I see that meli just tripped preston from the alleyway! We all walk out to see. Preston is twitching on the ground.
"Don't ever mess with us again!" Celeste shouts.
"Aye!..." Shelly puts up a finger in agree-ence, then falls back down on Jacky's shoulder.

part 51
oh my gosh. shelly is so heavy!!! we walk into our dorm room and take our seats around the room. i throw shelly onto the bed and sit beside her.
"aaugh. what the flying bologna?!" she says suddenly waking up and still quite dazed.

"ok people, we need to find a way to contact 'the wonderful wizard of
ingredients'" i say to them
"what about the phone book?" celeste asks
"actually, thats a good idea." avery says
i walk over to the table with the phone on it and open the drawer. inside is a phonebook
"how convenient" i mutter
i sit back down on the bed and start flipping through the pages.
"wait, what would it be listed under?" i ask them
"disgusting smoothies?"
"random ingredients?"
"fast food?"
"well, lets just look up food and see what happens..if you can call that stuff FOOD." i am completely disgusted, but i flip the pages.
"ook, here it is." i point at the paper. "someone get the phone." i order
shelly flips open her phone
"i'm ready." she says ninja-like.
"ok, 1-800-all-the-random-things-that-you-could-ever-want. do you got that?"i ask
"of course i did, i'm a texter, DUH" she is acting pretty proud of herself.

she clicks the send button and puts the phone on speaker. we all lean in to listen.


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