One of the officers was a Lieutenant. 1st or 2ed, Wölf could not tell. She looked up into the Lieutenant's eyes and frowned. "Whats your name"He asked in a harsh tone. Wölf said nothing at all. The Lieutenant sighed "Ok then my name is William Yule, now tell me your name"The lieuitenant growled. Wölf gather saliva in ehr mouth and spit in his face. "God damn Nazi!"Yule yelled and smacked Wölf's face. Her officers cap fell off. "Sir... I dont think he can speak english"Clark said "I dont care. I dotn speak german"Yule snaped. Wölf grinned 'Wipe that look off your face you german fool"The other officer said. He seamed to be a Major. "Now tell us your name. Now! Name? Mine is Bradfield"The Major said. "Wölf"was all Wölf said. She also, spat in Bradfield's face, whome did not slap her. Yule nearly flew off the handle, but one look from Bradfield stopped him. "You will do as we say or Im going to let Yule take over. His tourture methods are rather grim"Bradfield said wipeing the spit off his forehead. Wölf frowned once more and looked down at her hat. She whished she could grab it and put it on. As if reading her mind Bradfield grabbed her hat and put it on her head, in the correct postion. "Warum...?"Wölf asked. "Because, an officer need his hat"Bradfield said simply.
"I know you speak english, I can tell now Im loosing my temper slowly. What was yourmission at the bunker. Your Luftwaffe aren't you? What were you doing with ground infentry and not in the sky?'Bradfield asked. Wölf said nothing and stuck her tounge out. Bradfield had kept his cool long enough,a nd left. Yule grinned and grabbed a metal bar "Now its my turn to ask the questions"He said. Wölf showed no signs of fear, her eyes said 'bring it' "Answer the Major's questions now"Yule growled. Wölf shook her head. Yule swung the pole into Wölf's left leg. She held in a scream of pain, and kept quiet. Yule paused, then hit her again. She toppled out of the chair and winced in pain. "Sir...."Clark was about to say when Yule hit Wölf a third time, this time she scream, in a rather deep voice. So many years or pratice ahd made her old female voice null and void. "Tell me!"Yule roared, hitting her again. Wölf rolled over in time and the poll hit the floor with a metalic 'bang' She looked up only to see Yule's boot smash down on her face, she blacked out. Clark watched quietly not being able to do a thing.
(more to come later)
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"You better fokyoos und suck my ectoplasmic schwanzstucker!"~Johann Krauss