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Miroku's Memoirs
Crosis Blackwing
Name: Crosis Blackwing
Age: 45, with the body of a 20 year old.
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 160lbs
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Class: Spellsword
Rank: Grandmaster / Captian Commander
Many centuries ago, a war broke out between the dark elves, the drow, and the gith spellswords. Fearing elimination and the strong hate for the 'drow menace' the gith decided to play a hand of fate, so to say. They invaded the royal castle in the realm of Eberon and set to work a master plan, there they murdered the king and queen, gith lords taking the form of them, therefore taking their place made it look like the drow had committed the haneous crime. Up rising came about and the humans went to war with the drow the gith training them into powerful spell-warriors called 'spellswords'. Well quite some time passed and humans being quite intelligent, figured out the gith's plan and what had truley happened. An internal war broke out causing many casualties which in turn solidified them as an independent cause. The human spellswords went underground and trained in the astral plane honing their magic and swordplay to perfection. One stood out among the rest his name was Hoshi Del'tarris, the Harbinger of Destruction, rumored to be on equal footing as the lich king, leader of the scourge, Ner'zhul...and unbeknown to Crosis...his grandfather. Many years passed, war still raging on between humans, drow and gith niether side giving an inch.

Many decades passed and a village was being raided, this was the town called Haven a sea side town, but on this day, it had been razed and pillaged, it's docks ravaged and torn down, warships were docked a few feet out and the boardwalk merchant section of the town was completley dsetroyed, fire ran up and down the rolling hills of the villiage engulfing each building as the gith and drow were fighting. Although this sight was all too common nowadays it was odd that the Drow and Gith would choose a human camp to attack, let alone fight in. The destruction slowly worked it's way through the village, the Drow pushing the gith back towards a large house in the back. This house was fit for a noble, a large spacious yard, normally full of life and ornate hedge animals. The house was easily four stories tall and was of an old victorian type of style. Yet, a ambush squad of Gith had already penetrated the grounds, and there lay a bloody mess of the inhabitants.

Then, a lone boy about five years old dressed in purest of black, a tabbard with a golden symbol on it symbolizing the Blackwing clan, the design resembling a large dragon in mid ariel strike, wings flared and head pointed as it would be about to unleash it's deadly breathweapon. His black shirt lay under the over sized tabbard, made of a fine material, perhaps silk, pants made from real leather, symbols of nobility, shoes also made of leather, resembling a pair of moccosains, and a pair of black leather gloves, cut off at the knuckles, he exited the building and looked down in horror as his parents, laying before, murdered by a gith warrior. Rage flowed through his veins, he stood up and took a swing at the nearest gith, who was smirking and wiping his parent's blood off his blade. Before contact, a portal riped open, a hand emerged pulling the boy in quickly as a massive blast wave of magic energy was unleashed from beyond the portal, leveling the town. The boy awoke, startled and stared face to face with Del'Tarris. Del looked down at the boy smiled and said "The rage of ten thousand dead rush through your veins....it makes you strong indeed...I will teach you how to control it."

For ten years they trained in the astral plane, the boy still appeared to be five, although he had skill comparable to that of a fifteen year old spellsword. They were walking through the astral docks among the plane, Crosis was dressed all in a black cloak, his tabbard still on, wearing it proudly, he and Del were talking casually as a ship exploded and twenty-five elite gith flew towards them in a surprise attack. Battle ensued and although Del'Tarris and the boy put up a vailiant fight, the gith were too much targetting Del immediatley and seriously hindering him, these were the best of the best and knew what they were doing. They knew Del's moves, they knew his techniques. Before long, Del'Tarris lay dead before the boy, rage flowing through his veins more than ever...severely wounded the boy passed out, his last sight a gith desecrating his sensei's corpse. The boy eventually awoke, alive underground surrounded by many like him, the spellswords had came and saved him from sure death. One of the spellswords bent down and took the medallion of St. Cuthbert Del'Tarris wore off and gave it to Crosis as a memento of his sensei.

For the next thirty years, the boy trained intensely, mind body spirit, becoming the best he could ever be in the astral plane and on the material plane. Amongst his travels, he had been enlisted in the aid of the black dragonflight. As a Blackwing, he was obliged to lend his blades, as the black dragonflight and the Blackwings had an ancient pact of comradity. He was tasked with slaying the head of the gold dragonflight, and after a long, heated battle deep within the mountains in the heart of the lair, Crosis sliced off the dragon's head, returning it to the liege of the black dragonflight. The liege was proud and granted Crosis the gift of the Shadow Flame, a flame so potent it burned like flaming napalm. He further gifted Crosis with his most recent molting, only a day old and had it crafted into the finest of cloaks, as well as covering Crosis's chainmail in the remaining scales. Truly, the black dragonflight took good care of those who helped them. This was all before the gith and drow wars broke out in full force again, forcing Crosis to go to war many times for many many years, massacring mass armies of drow and gith alike.

He truley was a force to be reckoned with. Now, standing before a portal, leading to a brand new land...He appeared to be eighteen...a young man, cut, scarred and hardened from the wars under his assassin's hood. He wore the cloaks of purest black, appearing to be dragonscale. He also still wore the tabbard from his childhood, as it was an adult's at the time, although it was now faded and the design had long dissapeared he wore it with pride. He wore a full chain suit, barely visible under the tabbard. This chainmail suit did not look like any normal metal, but Astral Steel. The fine links were joined with thick and hard leathery black dragonscale, offering more than sufficent protection while being very light allowing quick, unpredictable movement. Twin Astral steel scimitars adorned his black leather belt on each side, clipped on. Each blade had five holes in them, these were Del's favored weapons, and although looked weak, could fell just about any opponent. He had not forgotten his mentor, this being clear by the medallion of St.Cuthbert, god of retribution, that he still wore, a mysterious, dark and immensely powerful energy radiated from this medallion when it glowed. Crosis had become the new harbinger of destruction, he was rumored to be on nearly equal footing as Hoshi Del'Tarris but something odd about him told people...that he was much much stronger, almost as if Del'Tarris and Crosis were one.

He traveled to a new young counrty filled with strife and war in hopes of strengthening his resolve, hardening his body and refining his skills beyond the grasp of the Lich King himself. He travelled long and hard through the tough un yielding forests and met up with the necromancer and ruler of Mesta, Dimu Ester. Upon showing a fragment of his power to Ester, he pledged his loyalty to the dark lord in exchange for a demonic crystal which would boost his power ten fold. He shortly packed up and made haste to Mesta to live under the watchful eye of Ester and to help his views of world dominance come to fruition. Upon arriving in Mesta, the young spellsword found lodging fairly quickly in the form of a large apartment building. He used his magics to hollow it out and reshape it to his needs creating a portal to the astral plane in it, an alchemy lab and other experimentation areas. Of course the entire building was shielded by a secret art the original gith spellswords used....an indestructible barrier with reflecting illusions, causing anyone to touch it to suffer immediate memory loss of the past year.

Shortly after finalizing the move, Ester became distant and did not show himself infront of Crosis much. Not being concerned, with his new liege's absence he explored the cavern city. Soon, a demon hunter, Sam
took stake after Crosis, meeting him in Mesta the spellsword had no choice to unleash his brutal power in his first fight in this new land. Using his vastly superior knowledge, speed, physical strength and magical prowess he quickly dispatched of Sam by slamming him into a fortified wall and unleashing a massive torrent of a at the time, unrefined Nova Slash literally inches away form his opponent's face. Although he was victorious, he did not get to rest just yet as the genius shifter, Wren S. Ift had appeared in a large draconic form in Mesta in an attempt to wrestle the rule from Ester.

An epic battle insued, with Crosis being pushed to his current limits using techniques such as his wall of swords, several Nova slashes, and many small fireball attakcs. The shifter battled back with unyielding ferocity and resolve until the two clashed head to head. The shifter sunk its fangs into the spellsword's scimitar's socket holes and almost devoured the blades and Crosis's arms whole. But the wily spellsword had an ace up his sleave...his most powerful attack at the time, delayed blast fireball. Contorting and using the full technique of his training the spellsword was able to unleash a devastating one mile wide fireball from within the belly of the beast. Onlookers would believe that the spellsword would have been done in as well, but his sheer speed was able to let him escape in time, his blades mangled from the beast's awesome jaw strength and his own impressive magic. But he didn't escape unscathed, Wren S. Ift had marked Crosis in a symbiotic relationship....a heafty curse the spellsword would spend four years trying to counteract before finally being sucessful.

With his blades ruined, he retreated to the Astral plane to recraft them, picking from the vast chunks of raw metals he chose to alloy the astral steel with a vorpal adamantium...his blades now more potent than ever...even the slightest touch could decapitate. He returned to Mesta, only to find the city in shambles as Ester had taken an extended leave of absence. He spellsword stored himself in his study and was able to salvage what was left of the dark crystal's power, and absorb it directly into his being. Little did he know, that this act was the trigger of his transformation into the most powerful being that this multiverse would ever see. He continued on his travels, meeting several fighters along the way and dispatching each of them handily, his travels took him north into the tunrda where he met a young lady...Lady Rin.

Upon meeting Lady Rin, Crosis was the aggressor, needing a guide to help him through the tundra and its mountains. They grew fond of each other and traveled mutually to Yukimachi, the hidden city in the north. It was and still is protected by a unsurpassable barrier to whom only Rin, Crosis and the royal family have access to. Crosis seeked the ancient power of snow and ice, as well as the ancient power of Raiden. Finding sucess in his search for the book of snow and ice, he copied the ancient tome and quickly mastered the spells held within. Shortly after, they pair returned to the tundra, where they had first met only to find a madman had taken control of it and raised it with the ground. A small scuffle broke out, as Crosis torched the man severley but was forced to retreat with Rin due to the room heating up too much for Rin to handle. His side quest, failed he lost himself in the darkness spreading through his heart and through the fiber of his being from the energies of the crystal Ester had bestowed upon him.

As this was happening, the Lich King stirred once more noticing Crosis's exponentially growing power and head out to wage war against the spellsword. Meanwhile, Crosis had recovered from his bruised ego as Rin and Crosis met up with one of Rin's old aquantinces, a pure air elemental. Crosis and the elemental exchanged some harsh words and the fight began. The elemental attacked fiercely utilizing the full power of the wind to counteract Crosis and keep him at bay. Realizing that he would die if he didn't act soon Crosis came up with a plan.....he would bullrush the elemental and overwhelm him with everything he had. The elemental slashed at Crosis with his deadly scythe to which Crosis jumped up in the air and began chanting the incantation for a full power dual Nova Slash, his new most powerful attack. He hid one blade from view and hid its trace of magics as his main blade turned jet black with a crimson edge and howled with the ferocity of wind. Channeling the spell through his chainmail like a secondary coil he reinforced his armor with megaflare, shadowflame and a vorpal wind, able to let him plummet onto the elemental's correporal form. The elemental blocked the first nova slash with the scythe and sheer pressure of wind and propelled its self backwards and began to open a portal to the elemental plane of air where he would be for more or less....equal to a god. Crosis knew he couldn't allow this to happen so he gave cast haste upon himself speeding his movements up two fold. He closed the distance as the elemental's face became filled with shock as he began to fuse into the plane as Crosis copied the Nova Slash into his other blade and forced out a ten bead delayed blast fireball unleashing the tremendous destructive force into the elemental plane of air. The explosion rocked the plane, decimating most of the area shown and also threw the elemental's correporal body back against a tree as it began to fragment and fall apart oozing a green substance from the seams. It cursed at Crosis and then retreated from the area, leaving Crosis the victor.

The spellsword, exhausted after the fight nearly collapsed as the dark side of him siezed this chance and took over. An internal struggle broke out, sending Crosis through mental hell, trying to combat the evil desires springing in his head and trying to supress about seven fold of his own power. Before the conclusion of the struggle, a powerful shield spread around Rin, protecting her as she sobbed for her companion's sanity. An explosion, rivaling that of the explosion at Hiroshima burst forth creating a massive crater. In the aftermath the shield around the scared and trembling Rin shattered, it had done its job and saved her from harm as a figure shroud in full white regallia loomed over her....It was Crosis...victorious over his opposite side. He exhaled and his clothes returned to their normal colors before helping Rin up and embracing her, then continuing on their journey away from the tundra.

On the way down the mountains, Crosis had fully rested up....the biggest fight of his life appeared. The lich king himself....challenged Crosis to a bout, not about to decline a chance to rid the world of the evils of the lich king and bring to fruition the hopes, dreams and ultimate goal of the spellswords in one fell swoop he accepted and once more a battle beyond epic broke out. The lich king fought on par with Crosis, with both of them being the aggressors swapping blows back and forth. Although the lich king was powerful, his armor made him cumbersome and Crosis was able to evade the attacks and brutally counterattack each time. The lich king summoned the eternal ice of Icecrown in an attempt to recover, but Crosis using the perfected technique of Hoshi Del'Tarris, broke through in a single swing of his blade and the fight resumed. The king of the scourge countered by sending massive barrages of icicles at Crosis, which he had to frantically parry, taking up his full attention, at the end of the last one and the lich king smirking Crosis launched a massive nova slash at him, which to his suprise, the lich king was able to split in two. Crosis grit his teeth as the Lich King advanced with a great fevour, but he did not lose his ground. He stood and fought, and continued pivoting around the lich king with his white hot flame blasting his opponents joints in the armor, hoping to weaken them or slow him down....Success! In a moment of total confusion and restraint due to the constantly heating and cooling of his armor, it locked up completley! Crosis smirked as he used his flash steps to quickly move and multicast and rapid cast delayed blast fireball and meteor swarms. Twenty meteors and twenty delayed blast fireball beads collided head on before Crosis was able to send both split parts of the Nova Slash colliding on each side of his opponent! Using what strength he had left after the massive feat, he contained the five mile radius fireball and compressed it into a form so small and tight it spun around the lich king faster and harder than the most viscious deepsea whirlpool, ripping his armor off and incinerating it and charring him to the bone.

Crosis collapsed completley spent from his efforts, as the lich king, beaten within a milimeter of his life used his remaining strength to head back home to his wicked citadel to recoup his losses....Crosis had bested the strongest being in current existance on the planet earth.

After his fight with the Lich King, Crosis seemed to calm down quite a bit. A new power fluxed inside of him, allowing him to control reality, space, and time to a small extent. Rin and he had gone their seperate ways, she had returned back home and Crosis seeked to master his new power and become even stronger....and it was then that he discovered....his mask. The mask was the manifestation of Destruction is self, the only power greater than that mask in the arts of destruction was the old god himself....who had his eye on Crosis with keen intent looking to assimilate him and become the ultimate being.

Later on in his life Crosis was locked in singular combat against the old god of destruction. A long and heated battle ensued with Crosis near death, but he did not give up and stood up once more and finally shouted the words. "I take all responsibility for my actions...I will not use my great power to harm others, but to defend those my heart calls out for and who seek refuge in me. I am the last Blackwing, the omen of destruction to come, and for the good of this entire multiverse....you shall perish!." At that moment, something snapped inside of Crosis, as if a little wall holding his full power away. The eruption of raw energies rocked the plane and decimated the realm, essentially destroying the entire continent from a single release of power. Not even the old god could believe what was before his eyes. Not ever in history had any of the hosts of destruction done something like this. With one fell swoop of a Grand Nova Slash Kagekyo, twin dragon symphony and meteor spell all rapid and multicast, merged and erased the old god from existance, thouroughly reaping destruction upon his domain. The only thing remaining from the old god was his essence, which Crosis would capture as his prize and infuse himself with it's power...he now held the power to extinguish any or all existance anywhere from anywhere at any moment with a single breath.

Incredible hand-to-hand/sword combat skills. Spellswords fight with a style that is HIGHLY recognizable to anyone who has heard of them before, each style is unique and uncopy-able. As a spellsword they can weild any sword, as long as it is one of their chosen types, as if were as light as a dagger. He is unparrallelled in the spellsword ranks, and being a military organization...that is quite the feat. He has the ability to cast very powerful spells in an instant, elemental and magical manipulation, and a mastery over magical energy. He can also multicast and copy cast spell.

Stance of the Dragon:
Crosis's fighting stance is called the 'Dragon's Fang'. He is able to contort his body to strike from unconventional angles, directions and styles. Each strike packs a powerful punch to, easily enough to cut through a standard full plate. His style is a mix between an intelligent counter attack, planned out in his mathematical mind, and a steel shattering full force strike. He is very agile on his feet and pivots quickly to strike from a opposite angle, staying close to his opponent, or from an odd/unconventional angle or position he twists his blade and flexes his arm, contorting it at the last second, fooling his opponent's guard and striking his intended target. This style is considered the deadliest of the spellsword stances, as it is slightly different and more unpredictable than Del'Tarris's style, Del being the original harbinger of destruction.

Crosis has chosen scimitars and buster swords as his selected weapon types, buster swords being large two handed swords, without a proper hilt.

About the Astral Plane:
[[Quoted from Pg. 154 of the 3.5 D&D DM's guide.]]
The astral plane is the space between the planes. When a character moves through an interplanar portal or projects their spirit to a different plane of existence, they travel through the astral plane. Even spells that allow instantaneous movement across a plane such as dimension door, breifly touch the astral plane.

The Astral plane is a great, endless sphere of clear silvery sky, both above and below. Large tube-shaped clouds slowly coil into the distance, someappearig like thunder heads, others looking like immobile tornadoes of gray wind. Erratic whirlpools of color flicker in midair like spinning coins. Occasional bits of solid matter can be found here, but most of the astral plane is an endless, open domain. Both planar travelers and refugees from other planes call the astral plane home. The most prominent denizens of the astral plane are the githyanki, an outcast race that preys on travelers throughout the plane.

The Astral Plane has the following traits. Subjective directional gravity, Timeless- age, hunger, thirst, poison, and natural healing don't function in the astral plane though they resume when the traveler leaves the astral plane. Mildly neutral aligned, enhanced magic. All spells and spell-like abilites used within the astral plane MAY be employed as if they were improved by the quicken spell feat. Already quickened spells and spell-like abilities are un affected as are spells from magic items. Spells so quickened are still prepared and cast at their unmodified level. As with the quicken spell feat, only one quickened spell can be cast per round.

[[note the MAY, only beings who already know of this trait of the astral plane, being those who live there or spellswords already know of this trait.]]

Items of Importance:
Black Dragonscale cloak
This cloak protects Crosis from magical attacks and the elements, as Dragonscale is magic impervious and highly resistant to the elements
Dragonscale encrusted astral Chainmail
This finely wrought chainmail is covered in black dragonscales, and at will because of the magical conductive properties of astral steel, Crosis can 'supercharge' a spell by passing it through the mesh of rings, acting like a secondary coil, increasing the power of a spell by up to one hundred fold.
Twin Astral steel scimitars
These vorpal blades are made of astral steel and have five holes in the blades, which can act like another ring of wizardry V. Since they are vorpal they have the power and such a sharp and refined edge that they are indestructible and have the power to decapitate whatever it strikes if even lightly dropped on a object. Combined with the white flame of the harbinger melting and super heating his opponent's armor, there is no escape from his powerful blades.
Dual Buster swords
These large swords have great destructive strength and are made of legendary metals.
Medallion of St.Cuthbert
This medallion harbours the spirit and soul of his mentor, Del'Tarris. This medallion lets Crosis tap into the true power of the harbinger of destruction, and over time...he has since mastered and merged with Del's spirit, becoming the true harbinger.
Bags of Infinite holding
The bags can hold any object and transports it to a alternate dimension, but upon thinking of a specific item, he can automatically pull it out of the bag. The bags can only be opened by speaking the command word, that only Crosis knows.
2 Rings of wizardry V
he has two of them, one on each hand, and they allow the user to cast spells into the upto the number of the ring, in this case, 5. The spells, once stored can be released at will, even if a Crosis is silenced.
Pearl of Power lv 9 x2sp
This pearl can be used to re-cast one spell of the level indicated or lower. Being level nine, and this particular pearl, can double cast said spell. This ability may only be used once per day.
Belt of Giant Strength +6
A belt that grants it's wearer inhuman strength, this particular one giving the strength of a storm giant to it's wearer.

Special Abilities
Fires Of War
Crosis becomes engulfed in a intense flame which produces no heat to a neutral alignment or to his comrades, but to those of Evil or Good Alignment, it burns with the intensity of 10 000F. His spells based off fire become ten times easier to cast and the damage they inflict as well as their speed increase by as much as ten fold.

Flash Steps
Crosis can instantaniously transport himself small distances faster than a hawk's eye and quicker than a neko's reflexes.

Crosis can multicast spells in succession as long as it is the same spell, up to a maximum of ten quite quickly. Depending on the spell, this ability takes double the energy of the normal spell. Any spells at level nine, the highest level, take three times the normal amount after the first cast, above level six take double the energy while those below level six only take one and a half times the energy.

Rapid Cast
Crosis can cast spells at a quickened state without suffering the penalty of quicken spell. This can only be attained after decades of intense training.

Spell Parry
As a high-ranking spellsword, Crosis has the innate ability to parry a spell cast directly at him or in the near vicinity of him. He may deflect it, straight out parry it, or redirect it to it's caster, using their own spell against them. After parrying a spell he cannot cast a spell though, as the two would cancel each other out. But using a ring of wizardry would suffice.

The Master's Gaze
Crosis, as a master spellsword has trained so long and hard, through the harshest of elements and brutalities of war. Thus, he can see muscles ripple ever so slightly as his opponent makes the slightest of moves, as well as sence, see and interpret magical energies, fields as well as auras. He can also feel these movements if they are close, while with magic, he can sence it from far away as per his training in the astral plane. This is a great aid to him in battle as he can predict a enemy's movements and plan a sufficient counter attack in milliseconds with his mathematical mind.

Master of the Arts of War
This is more of a passive ability, showcasing Crosis's raw skill and proficiency in battle. He may bend the elements to suit his needs, he may manipulate magical energies those of his own and to a smaller extent, those of his opponents attacks. His impeccable hand-to-hand combat is also showcased, his movements like fluid, flowing gracefully, randomized and unpredictable, while striking true, hard and fast.

Temporal Zone
With this spell, Crosis seals himself and his opponent in an astral dimension that it not bound to the plane that it was cast on. The zone is indestructible allowing Crosis to unleash his absolute power inside the zone without having to worry about affecting those around him. This is his own technique created in order to protect the world and his loved ones from his wrath as destruction incarnate.

Nova Kagekyo
Crosis has mastered the arts of his most powerful attack and can infuse any of his normal attacks with half of the regular power of it in his non released form at will or unleash half the power of a grand nova slash kagekyo in a single burst. In his released, Black dawn form the power scales upwards upto two hundred percent of normal at level four...that one slash at its strongest when meshed with a grand nova slash kagekyo can envelop an entire galaxy and wipe out all life.

Black Dawn
This is the ability Crosis uses to unleash the power of the harbinger of destruction inside of him. His power, speed, energy level and potency in combat skyrocket, multiplying his level of combat exponentially. He can slash out a maximum force nova slash at will and without warning.

Black Dawn has different levels of strength as described below.

Level One:
In level one he has access to twenty percent of his true and attainable power. Increased speed, power, abilities and magic. His spells and techniques also cost less energy to cast. His attacks and spells hit two times harder than usual and he can attack at twice his normal speed. His clothes and armor turn white and he doesn't have a visible aura.

Level Two
In level two he has access to forty percent of his true and attainable power. It is basically the same as level one but he becomes physically and mentally more adept while his abilities use slightly less energy than in level one. He hits three times harder than normal and his attack speed raises slightly again. His clothes and armor are still white, and the medallion is surrounded in a purple haze.

Level Three
In level three he has access to sixty percent of his true and attainable power. His spiritual pressure triples, his attacks and spells cost half of what level two's does. His speed greatly increases as does his power. He hits two times harder than in level two. He also gains the ability to use Grand Nova Slash. His clothes and armor are still white in level three and an astral whirlwind around him and gains a skull mask with flames going down one side, reaching over the eye and receding along the cheek until disappearing at the chin.

Level Four
Level four is the highest level of power that Crosis has attained, and is fully merged with the essence of the old god of destruction, basically it means the extinction of all life in the multiverse by muttering a single word, extinction. With increased concentration and a strong power signal, he can target a single person and use this on them from the opposite side of the multiverse. In level four, he has access to one hundred percent of his true and attainable power. His spiritual pressure becomes so great that others around him may have a hard time to even move from their place. It is head and shoulders above every one of the other forms and unlocks his deadliest techniques to date. These techniques are: Temproal Zone, Grand Nova Slash Kagekyo and the five ways of destruction.

Signature Attacks
[This a list of Crosis's favorite attacks and some of his most powerful]

Nova Slash
Crosis imbues his blades with wind energy, so sharp it can cut through all but adamantite with great ease, even then it can seriously damage adamantite. Also, he imbues them with the shadowflame, a jet black flame that burns so violently, it acts as though it is flaming napalm. Third, he channels the mighty and devastating Flare spell, for a normal nova slash, or the mega flare spell, for a empowered nova slash. His blades become a dark and solid black with a red cutting edge when they are imbued with this attack.

Grand Nova Slash
It is twice as powerful as an empowered nova slash with greater accuracy, speed and it's easier to control, also, it is released in a X shaped slash.

Grand Nova Slash Kagekyo
Basically the same as grand nova slash in shape, it is twice as powerful and it has the ability to copy itself and be instant cast from itself or the sword that unleashed it to a maximum of five times per original slash. It has enough power that if it were to contact the sun, it would wipe it out, thus making all life in the universe extinct or other possibilities include destroying an entire planet with one aimed shot.

Delayed Blast Fireball
Delayed blast fireball is the same as fireball, but twice as powerful a single bead, the size of an ember creates a four-hundred foot radius blast, and a maximum power delayed blast fireball has slightly less destructive force than a modern day nuclear warhead, or atom bomb. The bead count is very important, the beads will always be held in the sockets of Crosis's scimitars. A single bead creates a four-hundred foot blast, while two beads create a eight-hundred foot blast, etc. Upto a maximum of ten beads, which being a mile diameter blast with the force of a modern day atom bomb. This attack takes a very large portion of energy from Crosis mainly because of the sheer magnitude of the blast.

Wall Of Swords
He creates a wall of flying swords surrounding him and his opponent , preventing escape for his opponent. He may use any of the swords as his own, control them to attack or even share the same enchant as his blades. Upon sharing the same enchant, it is the same as though he had recast it X amount of times, where X is the number of swords. [looks like Byakuya's Senbonzakura Kagekiyo]

White Flame of the Harbinger
As it is known, Crosis is the only being currently able, or known to use the white flame. White flame is a mixture of regular flame and pure oxygen in proportions where there is more pure oxygen than the accelerant or flame. This flame is registered at 10000F, and the only reason he does not harm himself from this flame is because he creates a barrier around his hand of astral energies, acting as a one-way check valve, so to say.

Ancient Fire Of the Red Dragon
One of Crosis's ancient fire spells, it is undoubtebly one of deadliest single target or cone style fire techniques. With this spell, Crosis calls upon the power of a great wyrm red dragon, and uses it's devastating breath weapon against his opponent. This fire is known to desecrate enemies, leaving almost nothing left, and wiping towns clean. To stand point blank in this attack is suicide. This attack also takes a very large portion of Crosis's energy reserves.

Astral Assault
Crosis combines his innate ability to create a portal to the astral plane, his ability to flash step, multicast and rapid cast to phase in and out of the material plane, in an effort to avoid attacks and to catch his opponent off guard.

Five Ways of Destruction

Chain Dark Lightning
A bolt of lightning is fired and upon contact with a foe, it chains over to the next closest person within ten feet. Each time it jumps, the damage, voltage and amperage is doubled.The electrical current is 2 000 000 volts and 200 000 amps, more than enough to set off an instant heart attack to any living thing or cook it from the inside out if they are not properly protected.

Flame Nova
A explosive rune carving is placed in the ground and upon a hostile presence simply stepping on the rune it glows and erupts into a four-hundred foot diameter fireball, the fire then acts as a vortex and snare by spinning round and round, creating great pressure on the foe until it wraps so tight that the molecules can no longer hold their form and spontaneously explode with the force of one thousand pounds of high grade TNT.

Mirror Slice
Attacks with a calculated and precise set of slashes, totaling eight with each weapon for a grad total of sixteen. Each attack is capable of instant casting the spell enchanted on the blades and renewing it on them.

Symphony of the Twin Dragons
He channels a enormous amount of energy into each of his blades, each strong enough to shatter a mountain. He chooses dragon aspects depending on the situation. Each dragon takes form from the element as the blade is swung and unleash their respective breath weapon and attack the opponent at full force.

He summons forth a massive meteor from space, instantly bringing it to earth via a portal from the astral plane. The meteor is roughly one mile wide which would result in a catastrophic impact, causing enough raw kinetic energy to level a modern day mega city such as Tokyo, Japan.

Quick Note
For all those wondering, Crosis is not considered a magical being all of the spells he cast, although they carry the name of a spell and he uses energies to cast and chants on certain occasions, he does not use mana nor a magic field but as stated above, the astral energy inside of his body. His spells are cast through his own 'natural' supply of astral energies, which proves to be his biggest flaw. This is only used as a last resort. He may also cast spells as a mage would, with magical energies, or by manipulating the elements on a atomic/molecular level. All of this is stated above, this note is just for clarification.

If he runs out of astral energies, he passes out cold, completley prone to attack due to the huge drain on his body.

Crosis Blackwing...ain't he cute?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Nov 27, 2008 @ 01:33am
Renji... I want Flash Steps. D:
That'd rock.

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