<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/A/AV/AVI/avi10/1128276225_moodgoddes.jpg" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8b8ed90)"><br>your a mermaid! your very calm and cheery, and like<br>to keep to yourself. you adore water, and are<br>probably a decent swimmer. you don't like to be<br>confused, either, and like being in control.
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/avi10/quizzes/what%20would%20you%20be%20in%20a%20fantasy%20world%3F%20(amazing%20pics!)/"& what would you be in a fantasy world? (amazing pics!)&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/W/WA/WAT/waterytart/1128123726_kiss.JPG" border="0" alt="kiss curse"><br>Each generation, four randomly chosen members of<br>your family are born with the power to see into<br>the future. You are one of the chosen members.<br>There is a curse that goes along with this<br>power though. You never see anything good in<br>the future. All you see is the bad. The curse<br>also states that if you kiss a member of the<br>opposite sex then that person's fate is taken<br>into the hands of the curse and a limit is put<br>to their life span. Is there a way to break<br>this curse? Or are you destined for a life of<br>solitude...
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/waterytart/quizzes/What%20curse%20do%20you%20possess%3F/"& What curse do you possess?&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/T/TI/TIK/Tiki1991/1127940208_estop_left.jpg" border="0" alt="dude"><br>Your a demon! scary O.o You like darkness although<br>you can go out in the day.People are afraid of<br>you and sty away from you.<br>Your saying:I'm a demaon of the night,fear me!
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Tiki1991/quizzes/What%20creature%20of%20darkness%20or%20you%3F(COOL%20PICS)CHANGED/"& What creature of darkness or you?(COOL PICS)CHANGED&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/G/GO/GOD/GoddessOfEternalSolitude/1128167312_ionandHate.jpg" border="0" alt="destruction n hate"><br>Storm Faery-
You are a headstrong and leader faery. You place<br>high importance on power and yet you sometimes<br>can't control your anger and may hold grudges.<br>You have little patience for laziness of<br>stupidity and enjoy causing mayhem.
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/GoddessOfEternalSolitude/quizzes/~~..%3A%3A%3AWhich%20Mystical%20Faery%20Are%20You%3F%3A%3A%3A..~~%20...%3DPics%20and%207%20outcomes%3D/"& ~~..:::Which Mystical Faery Are You?:::..~~ ...=Pics and 7 outcomes=&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/S/strawbrrywishes23/1103923226_eswindgirl.jpg" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8b3fb3 cool "><br><Center>Your Hidden Power Is <b>Wind</b></center><br><br>You have a twisted soul. You change your<br>directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you<br>over powering feature. But many enemies are<br>surprised by your beauty and your great power<br>to control wind<br><br><b>Gem Stone:</b> Amethist, <b>Eye<br>Color:</b>Grey Blue,<b>Hair Color:</b>Grey that<br>goes to your shoulder Blades<br><br><b>Quote:</b>And if the cloud bursts, thunder<br>in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different<br>tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/strawbrrywishes23/quizzes/What%20Is%20Your%20True%20Hidden%20Power%3F%20.%3A%3ABeautiful%20Anime%20Pics%3A%3A./"& What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/D/Dragonnis/1127273088_gonshorter.JPG" border="0" alt="black dragon"><br>Black Dragon. You have the spirit or a Black<br>Dragon. You like to be active, but You often<br>feel empty and alone. But you take those and<br>turn them into hate and aggresion. Sometimes<br>you have a temper problem. You often are<br>social, but hide behind it. You are a whole<br>different person behind it, but let no one get<br>close enough to find that person, however you<br>despise being told what to do You like to<br>always be free to do what you wish though.
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Dragonnis/quizzes/What%20Dragon%20Spirit%20Resides%20in%20You%3F/"& What Dragon Spirit Resides in You?&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
~*~Result nr 9~*~<br>
src="http://live.quizilla.com/user_images/P/PainfulBliss/1117239218_Power_Element2.JPG"><br><b>Your power is:</b> Being a controller of an<br>element &p align="left"&<br><b>Explanation:</b> Wether it is earth, fire,<br>air or water or even all of them, you can<br>control that element. That means you can<br>manipulate their pysichal form and with just<br>thoughts and make an inferno for example. In<br>good purposes it can be used to protect but in<br>evil purposes it is used to hurt.<br>As a person you are slightly 'odd'. People see<br>you as different and probably has prejudices<br>against you. They see you as 'weird' or the<br>'freak', and either that hurts really much or<br>you chose to ignore it. You keep your hatred<br>for people inside and probably daydream about<br>killing them, which gives you satisfaction.<br>Truth is you are not evil, only missunderstood<br>and mistreated.<br><b>Negative aspects:</b> Since you have deep<br>problems inside you could get into some sort of<br>mental illness or simply get depressed (if you<br>aren't already).&/p&
<br><br>&a href="http://quizilla.com/users/PainfulBliss/quizzes/What%20Power%20is%20Compatible%20With%20You%3F%20%5Bbeautiful%20anime%20pictures%20%2B%2012%20detailed%20results%5D/"&What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]&/a&<BR> &font size="-2"&brought to you by &a href="http://quizilla.com"&Quizilla&/a&&/font&
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Mindless Ramblings of a Bemused Lunatic
A whole lotta pointless quizzes I took, most of em have links back if you, like me, are into finding out what vegtable you were in a past life.