Sexual preferences: Bi curious
Physical Description
Fey is deep purple almost black humanoid panther, he is 6 foot .he has purple long thin braids on either side of forehead another one behind each ear and a long pony tail that reaches his hunches. his bright purple eyes have a look of understanding,
His deep almost black purple fur has no markings. He always has a very relaxed look on his face. He has a thin and long tail. He has black retractable claws. He can alternate between biped and quad form without any trouble and fairly quickly but prefers to stay biped most of the time.
He doesn’t usually wear much. Just a pair of baggy jeans along with his mass of crystal bands and jewellery. He also never wears shoes or even a coat no matter the weather, fore he does not notice things like that.
Ever since he existed Fey had been a gentle person who had been used to being used for help. Often he was seen as a weak person, too nice to survive in such a harsh world where the strong or sneaky can make it to the top. Still He carries on being the typical nice guy he is ignoring those who hurt others. Fey has always been a pacifist since he first realized his beliefs had a name. Because of this he always wanted to be a healer but not those arrogant aristocrats. A natural healer and acupuncturist a much more right way to go. Fey has been able to use crystals for healing since he was
five and so due to this his general feelings is to help whenever possible. He argued with his parents mostly his step father so he wants to prove him wrong that he is not lazy and a slob.
He argued a lot with his step father who was to be frank an arse hole that spouts venomous insults at anyone and anything. His mother could only agree with him because he had a monopoly over her. His brother was even worse with "the dad" so eventually fey broke his pacifist ways for one day enough time for something painful to happen so they plotted to kill him for the good of the family , they poisoned him and the brothers felt glad when the doctors came they said it was a natural death just as they had planned. Fey still feels the needs prove him wrong. After the whole episode he decided to go into healing ironically.
Tychicus Dra'skir

Sexual preferences: Straight
Physical Description
Ty'cus is a bipedal cheetah and has an unusual colour scheme of black and dark ginger tortuous-shell. He has a black patch covering each eye and both join to each other. The rest of his fur is splattered with deep ginger along with a thin line going from the base of his skull to his tail, his tail also is ginger with a ping-pong ball sized black flame on the very edge. Due to this colouration when looking directly at his face it looks like he is squalling. He has black shoulders that bear a mark of a dagger with a crescent moon behind it, the moon's points are pointing down. The mark is only an outline and is white. He also has red eyes that get brighter when he is angry.
Ty'cus has black feathery wings that has a wing span of 4ft also the wings can go into his back under some fold able flaps in his skin. When he takes his wings in or out of his back, he is forced to endure a racking almost mind-numbing pain. Though he has been through this pain for many years he will still never get used to it. He is 5, 1/2 ft not as large as his brother but is very muscular due to his running. He prefers to stay in biped form for easy access to anything he needs. Ty'cus also never leaves without his large black trench coat, so large that it is always scraping on the pavement. It also has large slits on the back for his wings.
Also he runs on all fours at 70mph, if he is in a hurry he would beat his wings to add an extra 20mph. Which brings his speed to a nice round 90mph.
Tychicus or Ty'cus as he prefers to be called is a very emotional person and always acts on instinct never thinking through his decisions apart from when he has people relying on him.
He is generally a nice guy but can be a bit rash. Ty'cus is the sort of person who would easily charge into battle with his soldiers, but cannot take the responsibility of their deaths.
He is easily angered or saddened. Ty'cus is not the sort to run from a serious fight no matter how injured or tired.
Ty'cus argued and fought against his original father which was why the marriage broke apart. Then when Fey was born a new father came in to this now close-knit family. Tychicus hated this step-dad more than the old one, eventually after a few more years of conflict between the two he asked Fey for help to get rid of "the dad" once and for all. It took a great deal of pushing to force Fey out of pacifism for at least a few days. In this time Ty'cus's plans for the death of "the dad" went ahead. After seeing the sadness on his mothers face Ty'cus was too ashamed with himself to return home. He went backpacking around the western hemisphere until he was old enough to join the military. After a few years in a training centre an accident happened during a abseiling task and Ty'cus had to see his friends plunge to their deaths. The cause accident was later classed as non-determinable.
Ty'cus left after that.
Garret Seryn

Occupation: Arms dealer and weapon specialist
Race: Anthro-fox
Sexual preferences: Bisexual
Physical Description
Garrett is a bipedal Earth fox mostly black with various patches of purple. These patches are situated on extremities such as his ears, end and base of his tail, lower jaw, hands and feet. His eyes are a mixture of black and purple. The whites and pupils are dark purple and his iris black.. Garrett’s hair is black with the front parts purple, which is shoulder length. The purple parts of his hair are tied off at the ends.
He wears in clothing terms one of two outfits. The first and mostly seen is a black suit with a purple shirt (which matches his purple patches) along with this he wears over the top a trench coat with a deep purple lining. The other and seldom seen outfit is a mixture of strangely coloured camo cargo-pants (purple and black) and a short leather jacket with scales etched into the front. With either of these he wears highly polished boots and mirrored clip-on sunglasses. Garrett never leaves without his silver signet ring, which has the symbol of an eagle claw holding a crescent moon.
Garrett keeps two black semi-auto pistols in holsters strapped to his back. These pistols so he says are an old human type of weapon called Desert Eagles, though it is obvious that they are modern guns designed to look like them. The pistols themselves are mainly black with violet highlights.
Garrett being of the Seryn has inherited the family’s traits of calmness and a almost permanent smirk. He has a mildly odd sense of humour, an even odder taste of music and a knack for dancing. Garrett is a very cheerful fellow and a little bit sarcastic, below this mask of cheeriness he is cold, manipulative and ready to do what is needed to keep the family business going. If he at heart does not wish to continue his loyalty to the memories of his parents forces him to carry on.
Garrett history is rather dark and full of "accidents". His family are arms dealers and of course very rich. He had been sent to many expensive schools and home taught on how to run the business. The Seryn’s have been buying and selling weapons for generations. During this time they sold weapons to very dangerous groups from mob to government black ops, it’s due to this that the problems began.
At the age of ten Garrett’s Grandfather and head of the family (Shaoro Seryn) died on a business deal. Garrett’s father took over, things settled for eight years while he neared the end of his schooling. When he was eighteen both his mother and father died in an accident on their private jet, he was not present at the time. The details of the accident are unknown. Which leaves Garrett as the head of the very shortened family and in charge of the business.
Garrett Seryn has spent the past six years fixing the business back to the strength.
Garret himself is faster than a human and very agile and acrobatic enabling him to use his guns at all times and situations. His fox senses give him an acute sense of smell.
His guns have been given miniature silencers and always have armour piercing and explosive rounds.
Garret is very proficient with his guns or any other type of gun. No one short of a trained assassin is a better shot.
Dancing, shooting things and the thrill of the chase
Arrogant people and rap music.
Side note
He does also own a set of full body form fitting armour, (think "skullsuit" from metal gear two) with a specially made full face helmet. for more dangerous missions. This suit is black with purple highlights and can resist small calibre shots.
Images supplied by friends on another RP forum for me. no stealing please.
For use in mostly the City of Riverrun:
Khuul Amaya
Fairy werewolf
Can change form at will. This change is also trigger able by sound and emotion. Khuul is highly skilled with both rifle and swords, allowing him to use them in both forms though he prefers to use the rifle in Fairy form (for safety reasons).
Knight elements:
(See “In fairy form skills” for info)
Assassin and bounty hunter
Two 5ft Tachi swords (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachi ) and a slim-design sniper rifle.
Khuul when in fairy form has long bleach-blonde hair and black eyes His wings are black from his back fading to silver at the ends. When in Werewolf form he his pure white with extended sabrefangs. Khuul wears a pair of hardened combats with Kevlar interwoven and a leather jacket with plates of steel strategically placed between the layers to defend against physical blows. Under the jacket is bulletproof vest able to withstand most ballistics and some forms of explosion. His clothes stay on himself and undamaged through the change.
Double team partner:
Rorek Orobus
Power up form:
Pure white werewolf
Signature Skill(s) In Lycan form:
Improved Strength
Upon his first change he was gifted with increased and enhanced physical strength. The average lycanthrope can lift a car over their heads or punch right through a wall clear to the other side as can Khuul.
Improved Speed
He is faster than both humans and vampires. Khuul is just simply quicker and better. No mind tricks, natural ability. With this speed comes a natural animalistic grace to his movements. Quick, agile, liquidly, graceful. His movement sometimes can appear to be a blur.
Khuul can heal himself at a very advanced rate in most situations. This enhanced healing comes into play except when it comes to wounds inflicted by silver and lycan/vampire teeth and claws.
Shields allow Khuul to protect himself from presence, psychic, and aura powers – this is not a physical ability. Khuul’s shields create a “blind-spot” in a searching person’s ability to sense – imagine seeing a group of people and one of them looks as if they have been edited out. You might not know what that person is, but you would know someone was there shielding. This ability is also usable to him in Fairy form.
Partial Shift
Healing is the ability to heal injuries of another person, but it comes at the price of either blood or sex. It is a very taxing ability to use, but it can heal grievous injuries that nothing else could, even bringing someone back from the brink of death.
Signature Skill(s) In Fairy form:
Magic of Flame and cold
This field of learned magic can cover both heat and cold, although He tends to use one or the other (and occasionally forgets that He could use the other by reversing the first). Creation of warmer or colder areas are fairly minor, while actual creation of flame or frost is
a major trick. Stupendous use of this can be truly astonishing, while the protective aspects against overheating or overcooling are often taken for granted.
Magic of Healing and Shapeshifting
Control of the learned ability of Flesh Magic is useful in more ways than a tongue can tell. Minor reshaping of the living form can ease pain, cause discomfort, or save on the cost of cosmetic supplies. Major reshaping can open wounds, knit damaged areas, or gradually work the target to a dis-similar form over repeated castings. Stupendous effects can tear a being in half or change a mouse into a monster of legend.
Khuul was a solitary fairy. Left alone almost at birth in a long ruined samurai outpost. He was forced out of his normal home after being bit deep in the forest by a giant dog. Two days later he found himself running on all fours a pure white werewolf. And so he took to training himself in the samurai arts though not the codes becoming proficient in the weapons left in the vaults of the outpost. These were a pair of Tachi, though the powers in the blades are unknown to him his has found them to be perfect for both Fairy and were form. While training, Rorek discovered him promising to see him again at another time. After disciplining and training himself to perfection for another four years, Khuul left to test his skills eventually ending up at Riverrun. Khuul used the money he’d collected both from various jobs on his journey and from selling spare equipment from the outpost, to pay for a state of the art rifle and training for it. He now works both as an assassin and a bounty hunter, two jobs which sometimes become one.