some of my best work. . Please leave a comment and tell me what you think of them. I would really love to hear from you then. heart
~*~*~*~ Spring. ~*~*~*~
A spring water is clear to see thy face
A spring flower is still not yet a bloom even if it is spring
You are the rose that never do stay the same color as thy look in your eyes
Hear thy voice as it echo's through the woods of mystery
Where one is misunderstanding bout thy world around thy soul
The heart is closer then you think when the sun goes down
So now shall be no light but yet the heart is closer then you think
Under thy tree is a remembering clue
Never ending time as for time has stop in it tracks
So thy love and hope along with thy freedom can stay alive forever
While under thy tree gods tears fall from the heavens
Shareing love as each drop as it falls from above
Thy shall laugh and never forget
Of what thy I'm nor what thy shall become in my future
Yet to come to me when thy is ready for it shall yell my name
And yet thy shall never forget thy spring flower is still not a bloom.
*~*~* Falling For The Vampires Kiss. *~*~*
Walking alone in the middle of the night
As the night was cold
And the full moon was out
But yet there was no sign of a single star out in the night sky
And how the moon was pure as long with the light
Feeling the cold wind go through my hair
As it bring a chill to my back
As I keep walking alone in the middle of the night
Feeling a cold chill down my neck that lead to my back
Once again but this was a feeling of not being alone
As for I feel someone was walking behind me this whole time
Looking back as my hair swing with grace in the moon light
Seeing a tall handsome man wearing all black
As he can match in with the night as no one can see him
As for where I stand was darkness and yet only small light from the full moon
His lips seen cold as ice as for the color was pale
As if he been walking right behind me the whole time
With out me knowing that he was right behind me
When I was alone in the night under the light of the full moon
His eyes that just gray as it can past as a stone that lays on the ground
As we walk past everyday of our life with out even looking down at it
Looking deep in his eyes I can feel I’m Loosing myself
Knowing this is no human as I feel no life
Nor no soul that which we all have with in us
He holds out his hand as he took a hold of my hand
His hand was cold as mine was warm
Then I look up into his gray eyes that seem to be like a stone on the ground
His words were warm as the sun on my face
As there was no sun as for it was night
My it seem eyes was stuck to his eyes
As for the moon who was looking over the land keeping watch as we just stand here
I can’t look away as it seem my eyes was stuck to his eyes
Like a feeling that I have seem him before but yet where I think in mind
Nor cold this just be a dream and I’m safe sleeping in my bed
As he looks in my eyes I feel him entering my soul
Knowing now that this is no dream but yet life as I stand here with him
Then he lean down and kiss me on the lips
But it seem his lips was warm and yet not cold
I feel the passion in his lips
Along with the lust as it go from his lips to my lips
Feeling something came over me like I can’t say
As if the words lift my mind leaving me feeling him kissing me
Feeling the kiss go down my neck as everything around
Me seem to be calm seeing the color red along seeing a blood red rose
Feeling a sharp pain in my neck making my eyes go wide
Knowing that I just falling for the vampire kiss of forever life
Now I walk along the earth with my prince of the night
Forgetting everyone that I know
Forgetting everyone that I love
Forgetting who I was as for I lost my soul on that night
Of when I fall for the kiss of the vampire prince
As he sat my soul free as it fly’s around the world
Knowing that I will never get it back as
For that I’m forever free of life and not to get
Worry about growing old like the rest of my friend’s
As for I had falling through the darkness and shall forever
Stay with in the darkness
As for I had walk along on the night of the full moon where that
I had falling for the kiss of forever
*~*~* Never Known It Was You. *~*~*
I can’t believe it was you
The one who was in my dream's
Never known it because your face
Was nothing more but the shadow of the night
But now I know that it was you
The one who been haunting my dream's every night
I can’t sleep through my dream's anymore
Because I just find out that it was you.
Before it was you
I think it was someone else that I love
But no it wasn’t him it was you
Because you showed up
One night when I was out and you said that you were him
I couldn’t believe it
You were him the one who been sending me
Love note's through the night of the full moon
Everytime I read them and think it could have been
Someone else that I love but no it wasn’t him as for it was you.
But no it was you
The one person who made fun of me
Along with all of my other friend's
How can you do this to me?
Making me give up my hope and dreams
I well never forget your face
Because still at night I see it and then
My dream becomes a nightmare
Everytime that I see your face
With eyes of stone as cold as ice
With pale skin that seem to be a ghost
You stand tall making me want to fall and
Never get back up.
No matter what I do I still see your face
As I stand here right now I can
See it and you’re just watching me with your
Eyes that is cold like a stone as is nothing more but ice
Stop looking at me now as I stand up here
So just leave me alone
Never talk to me again.
I know that you love me
But bloody hell
I don’t love you so leave me alone
Never talk to me
Never look at me
Just think that I’m the wind coming and going
And the wind may never look back
Upon that night that the
Wind find out that it was you
So what you may do
The wind will never come back to you
Because you made my hope and dream's
Go away because I find that it was you
Never known it because like I said
Your face was nothing more but the darkness of the night
In my dream's
But then you came up to me face to face
I saw that it was you
The one who always seem to pick on me
Along with my friends as will.
So please leave me alone
I will never be your’s
As long as I live
*~*~* Breaking Heart. *~*~*
Remember when we once was good friends
But then came that oneday in spring
The day was nice the sun was out
As for it was shining over the lands along there was
Love was in the air
As everywhere I may go there were bird's singing in the tree's above
You took my hand lead me right under a tree of cherry blossom tree
As the colors was a soft pink
As they fall from the tree as the wind brows and land on our head
Along around us as if there was snow on the ground
You look in my eyes and I look back into your's
You said we was ment to be
I believe your word's
You give me your heart and yet
I give you the key to mine
We think it was the best time of our lives
Being together
Spending time together
Dancing and singing in the moon light together.
But then came that cold day
When the wind was strong and cold
As the rain drops fall from the gray sky above
As for it feel like ice drops on my face
But then my world turns upside down
Feeling the breaking of my heart as I stand here in the icy rain
Looking right at him and looking at her kissing with since passion
Along seeing how he was moving his hands through her hair as they kiss
How could this happen to me?
Why is this happening to me?
I can't take anymore!
My heart is now in two my love for you
Is gone as soon as the cold wind went through my hair
As for it took away all my love that I had for you.
I took off running into the rain
Don't want to see it no more
But then I hear you call my name
As it echo’s threw my head as I run in the rain
I didn't want to look at you as for you run after me
When you catch up with me
You took my by my wrist and you saw I have tear's my eyes
Running down my face as the rain falls from the gray sky above
I took my wrist and hand you your heart back as for
I had rape it in two
As I drop to the ground that is wet and cold from the icy rain
No more of this
I seen what I can't handle anymore
Seeing love is nothing to you but playing with my feelings
That I had for you.
Keep the key remember our love
As for my breaking heart will get over you
My breaking heart guess you wasn't the one
My breaking heart how it sings a sad and painful sollow sing of lost
My breaking heart is nothing for you to understand
My breaking heart is now in two.
*~*~* My Wings. *~*~*
Everyone is not the same
Everyone one has their own wings and their colors
Many people may misunderstand of what I say
But yet I really don't care
Because I'm who I'm
Being not what they want to be
I really don't care if they misunderstand of what I say
Because I know we all got our own wings and colors.
My wings show me the way to who I'm
My wings are many colors because they never stay
The same color because
I'm never the same color because I'm just that way
My wings can be blue as the sky for being calm
My wings can be red for feeling the passion and lust that is in my blood
My wings black for misunderstanding for who I'm.
We all want to be someone
Be that someone we always dream when we close our eyes
We all to be somewhere
Somewhere that is far off from where we are in life
We all want to be
The one that always get the good out of life
We all want to be someone
Someone that is not us but someone else with a better life then ours
We all want be somewhere
Somewhere near the sea hearing the waves as it go back and forth
Between land and water
We want to be
The one that never want to let someone down
When we did something wrong.
But we all have our own wings and our own colors
Many Wings of us
Many colors of us
We all got our own
It doesn't matter if someone got our color
Because our wings are not the same as everyone else's.
Wings can be many colors at the same time
My wings can pure as white as the snow
My wings can also be golden like the golden roads of the heavens
My wings maybe are small and not pretty but I don't care
Because they are my wings that help me fly
Fly to the heavens
Fly to the stars
Fly to the moon.
*~*~* Piece Of Soul & Mind & Heart. *~*~*
You are looking for something in life
But yet you don't know what it could be
You are just walking around in the darkness
Looking for some light to stand in
But yet you don't know what you looking for.
You find the light
You are standing in it and stand tall
But still you can't find what you are looking for
Something is out there calling your name
But still no matter what you just can't find it.
Piece of Soul
Piece of mind
Piece of heart.
The piece of soul help's us in life making it easy
Everyway we may go we will always have it with us
Piece of mind that which we use think with everyday
Hoping for something more of mind to think with
Piece of heart that we can't live with out
It help's us to love more and to fight less
And hoping for something good to happen on the way
Through life.
But Still we all can't find all the missing piece's that we
Lost over the year's
We try to look for them and hoping we can find them
Somewhere in the dark where we lift them
Along time ago.
We all need to be who we are even if
We are still walking in the darkness
Looking for some light to stand in
Once we find the light now we
Only got to find the missing piece's of life.
Piece of soul
Piece of mind
Piece of heart.
We know we can find them
Along the way to the golden light
But somehow once we find the golden light
We look back and then we know that we always had the pieces
The piece of soul which we had with us always been
With us but not all of it because we lost some while back
When something bad had happen we give it up so show we can
Do anything that we want to
The piece of mind that we use to think with
We give some away to help other people
With something in their life
The piece of heart that we use love
We give it to a person that we love that has now gone
To other world were we hope that
We will see each other once more
And we also give it to show other's that
We do really care about
Other people of what they may think.
So the piece of soul
Has always been with you the entire long
You can give it away and you will still have alot of it.
So the piece of mind
We give to others to show them how much we know
And show them how much we know about things in life.
So the piece of heart
Show everyone in the world how much we care
To Show how much we love each other with all of our heart.
Even if you many think you find all of the
The missing piece's of your life
But deep down in the darkness there is always one pace life behide
But yet you can never find it
The piece show's everything about who you are and
What you did in this world
Many people may find it and share with another
Most people will just leave it and still care
They leave it because
So other people can find it and show the world.
Piece of soul
Piece of mind
Piece of heart
We all love them so
And sometimes we got to
And show the world what they are
That’s why we leave some or just lift them here
So other's can do the same
Meaning everyone can stand tall and never give up.
*~*~* Restless Angel. *~*~*
Restless angel
Falling from the heavens above us
Falling through the sun sit of the end of the day
Through the colors that god painting that he painted with everyone
Happy Souls that are which are in heaven above.
Restless angel
Wanders around on earth
Through night and day
Hoping that she will go back to her cloud above
Where it is so soft the cloud is
Along it is so peaceful.
Restless angel
Sings a sorrow sing
Were she walks along the earth line
Between life and death
The sing of sorrow is touch warming
Along with its sadness of the angel who sing the song.
Restless angel
Will never give up her hope along with her freedom
Every time she tries’ to open her wings and fly
Even if her wing’s don’t lift her off the ground that which she walks
She knows never to give up.
Restless angel
Sing’s the sorrow sing
As if why she had falling out of heaven
She sings as if no one care’s about nothing anymore.
Restless angel
Hear our cry
We all also have sung the sorrow sing in our lives
Restless angel
Don’t give up hope
For we all shall find our way to the
Heavens someday where we all belong.
*~*~* I'm Done. *~*~*
I'm done
I'm done with this life
I'm done hearing the lies around me
I'm done I don't want to be here anymore
I'm done I don't want to feel the feelings that
I had for you.
Remember when I told you I never forget you
Remember when I said I'm done here
I don't want to go on anymore
Seeing your face around in my life
Along with my dreams
I can't sleep anymore knowing you are still there
Feeling the feelings that I lift for you
Please don't try to stop me for saying
I'm done.
It's over now
I'm leaving to that plain
That fly's in the skies above the land we walk
Along fly's above the water
That fly's to a new place
I'm going there to forget everything
Cause I'm done here
Don't try to stop me
I'm far to gone for saying
I'm done.
I'm done hearing the lies around me
I'm done because I just want to fly to the heavens
I'm done because of you, sharing the lies
Adding lie's to life
More drama to everything
As drama is nothing more then more lie's
Can you see I'm done?
I'm flying to a new place
Flying to a new life where there is no more lie's
Coming from your mouth along with your mind
My soul is no longer here as for I'm here
I need to be somewhere beyond the land I walk on
From here where I stand
I need to go now.
I'm done hearing your voice
I'm done seeing what is around me
I'm done because there is no more hope where I'm
I'm done I want to leave everyone I know and love
I'm done but knowing that I'm leaving now I will miss everyone around me
My friends who came so close to me being like my family
For my family who took care of my needs when I was little
But now I'm done here
Because of the lie's I'm just sick of them
Going through my ear and as they still in my mind
Why do they haunt me when I'm with you?
I'm pure my soul and heart is
I may done a few things in my past
But yet when I here with the lie's
I feel like it is because of me
But now I'm done
As I fly to the heavens
Knowing there shall be no more lies
As for me
I'm done here.
For thy is done here
Flying away with my wings
Not coming back never again
As for I have never like being here
In the first place
For to everyone I know
Hear my last words as for
I’m done and never coming back.
*~*~* Alone. *~*~*
Why do I feel so alone?
It is just like one of none who can see me
It is just like if all the lights went out of my life
And the darkness just took over my life.
Always alone
Why do people got to be so mean to each other
And make each other cry the sun shine out of their life
Why do people always try to find the easy way out?
Maybe because they don't know what to do
Why do people leave you when you need them the most?
They just leave you in the dark to cry your eyes out.
Then why do I feel so alone
It is like that I'm alone in the dark
In the rain that is just like ice hitting your body everywhere
Where you may go.
In the darkness with no light from the sun nor the moon
Not even a single star in the sky's above.
Yet times like this I need to stand tall
I need to go out there and just be me
I need to be who I'm and not who I want to be
I need to stand tall and not to be afraid of the world that is around me
I need to be with my friends
And together we can do anything.
Yet now at times I don't feel so alone
Yet why do I still feel alone don't know why
It just feels that I'm still in the
Dark and waiting for you.
*~*~* Tears. *~*~*
Tears are running down my face
Why can't they stop?
Why can't I forget this face?
That which is in my head
Every time that I see it
The tears will come once again.
Tears of happiness when something great happens
Tears of love that which can't before got
Tears of sadness that comes into our lives
Tears of losing someone that which we love so much
Tears of pain when one gets hurt
Tears from a sweet song that which it really
Feels that someone is watching over us from above.
We all have many tears
That we gave away to other's who are gone and
Our own tears that which keeps us alive
And keeps us going on through life
Hoping that someday the tears will come back
For many other things like happiness
Even Love.
Tears are still running down my face
The only reason why is because
I miss you with all of my heart
And for that which you are my friend
And I know for that you are watching over me
Along with all of your other friends
And most of all your family that which you loved
But every time when I hear this one song I know
That you are out there and watching over all of us.
Tears in the heavens that which we love
Tears in the sun that which keeps us warm
Tears in the moon that which we love to see every night
Tears in the wind that go though out our heir
Tears in the day when everyone is awake
Tears of the night when we all go to sleep
And dream such sweet dreams.
There are so many tears in life
And of all the tears are great in everyone's
Life and yet tears are sometimes not so great
In everyone life there are so many tears.
Tears from something bad had happen in the past
Those which we don’t wanna think about
Tears from so many things that which had
Happen in the past that which we don't want to
Think about even more then what we should.
Each tear that we gave away comes from
The heart because if we are sad
The heart is also sad because of what just had happen
Each tear that comes from our eyes is
Also coming from the heart
The heart knows what we know about.
As we sit in a room full of many people
And then a sweet song comes to us
Then here comes the tears once more.
As thy close my eyes
I can see your face smiling back at me
Waving your hand as you go into the light
As I just stand here looking at you
With tears coming out of my eyes
As you are walking away from me and all of your
Other friends
But most of all your family.
As I open my eyes once more I can feel the
Tears are running down my face
This time there not that many
Because I'm thinking about the good times
Even if there are tears running down my face
And yet they are not stopping I will just sit there
And thinking about you
Fore that you are my good friend.
The tears that which are running down my face
The tears are just fore you and you alone
I will miss you with all of my heart
For that you are my friend.
*~*~* Stand Tall. *~*~*
Stand tall
Nothing can bring you down
Nothing can put your feelings down
Just keep standing tall and never fall down
Because you have the power over yourself
Don't let anyone tell you what to do and how to fall down
Never look down
Never fall down
Just keep on going on through your life
You can make it through anything if you put your
Heart ahead of you and them
Everything will be right
Just never look down on others
Who you think is something else
Never fall down to the floor that can be cold and hard.
Just keep on standing tall
You will be all right
Just don't forget that there are people or
Friends out there watching over you like there is an
Angle in heaven watching your every move right now
Just don't let no one make you fall down to the floor
Because if you fall you can get back up
But if you fall to long
You may never get back up
That is when you give up hope and love along with your dreams
So don't let anyone make you fall down
Then they know that they have the power over you
But you have your own power with in you and
Just got to bring it out
And show the world that no one can bring you down.
So never let anyone make you fall again
Because be brave the war is not over yet and
There are people who are out there right now and they
Are standing tall for everyone that they may love right now
If they may fall and never get back up but yet
There spirit is still around them because they are standing tall
And they will never fall till the end of the war is done.
Be like they and never let someone make you fall
To the floor that is cold and hard
And never look down
Just keep on standing tall and hope for the best
Because we all need to stand tell and never look down and
Never let someone make you fall down
Keep on going on and soon you find out
What to do next.
So stand tall never look down
Stand tall never fall down to the floor that can be cold
Stand tall and show the world what you can do
Stand tall and don't let no one make you fall down to the floor
And never let someone make you fall for ever on in.
Don't forget you got your friends with you
And together you guys can do anything and all you
Got to do is never for got who you are and
Keep on standing tall
No matter what happens next
Never look down keep your head up
Never fall down to the floor that is cold
Just stand there and look tall and keep on going on
Through life.
Also don't for get you may stand tall
But you will never be alone
Because their are other people out there who are
Standing tall right now and hoping for the best
Of life so you are never alone you are standing tall
Like the other who are standing with you right now
In the world right now.
*~*~* This Game Of Love. *~*~*
You can't play this game anymore
You can't play how I wanted to you to play
I'm done with this game
Because you can't play it right
This game is done
Between us is no more of this game
That which we call
The game of love.
The game of love
Is rather a hard game
If you can't play it right
The game of love
Is more then one person play alone
It takes to of lovers
To play the game of love.
There is no more game between us
I'm suck of it
This game of love
Because you never do your part
Making me do all of the work
I'm done with your game
I'm not playing it no more
This game of love
Between us as for we love each other
But now this game of love is done
Gone like my heart has just breaking in two side
Of one whole.
This game of love is done
No more hearing you say I will love you
This game of love is done
As for your eyes don't show the same person that I fall in love with
This game of love is done
Gone forever and ever
Never looking back to your smile that makes me weak
To your hug that makes me want to fall in the sea of love
For you voice that calls my name with a sweet and strong feeling
From your arms that hold me tight making me want to think this will never end
This game of love is done.
Thinking back to the night
When we stand one under the night sky with dancing stars
The night you said we will start this game of love
I know it wouldn't last but I keep a hold of my hope
Thinking it will last but yet
I was wrong this game of love
Was harder then I think of it before
This game of love is now over.
No more game of love
No more of us holding each other tight
No more hearing you say I will love you
Because this game of love
Has come to a end
Like the last tear from my eyes
From this game of love.
*~*~* What Are You Hiding? *~*~*
I stand here with you
Because I care for you
But yet at times
I feel like you are hiding something for me
I don't really understand
Why I stand here with you?
I feel like that you are hiding the truth
From me
I can see it in your eyes
I can tell you want to tell me but yet
You don't.
I seem that I don't know you anyone more
Because when you look at you
Right at you face in your eyes that I love so
You make this face
It make's me feel like we are slowly departing
From each other
From our love
From our friendship that we care for.
But when I saw that face
It makes me fall backwards
Fall back on to the floor as I look at you
It seems that I don't know you anymore.
Why did you hide the truth?
When you know somehow
Somewhere the truth will come out to me
Why are you hiding?
What are you hiding from me?
I will never know but to me.
You don't care
You can't feel anything anymore
You can’t look at me and smile
You can't talk when you are looking at me.
But yet it feels like that
I can never leave your side
Because deep down inside of me I still care for you
And yet you can't even show what you think about me
I want to leave but yet I feel like that
Something will happen to you.
What are you hiding from me?
What can't I look in your eyes anymore
Because every time that I wish I do
I can't see anything
I can't see the happiness that I love
I can't see anything anymore
It seems as if your soul lift your body.
What happen to you?
Why are you acting like this?
I know you better then anyone else
But yet you are pushing everyone aside.
Are you hiding something?
In your eyes that is why you don't want to look at me
I feel like your soul is no longer with you anymore
I feel like that I don't even know you anymore
But yet I known you through out our lives
Why are you hiding the truth?
Is there something that you did that you don't want anyone to know?
But yet I said and I'm keeping my word
I will stand by you
I will never leave you
I will never forget how you made me laugh.
But now you give me that look on your face
That made me fall backwards on to the floor
I look at you I can tell something is not right.
Why are you hiding yourself?
Why are you hiding the truth?
Why are you not telling me anything
Why are you not saying I care for you
Because I care for you
Along I know you are hiding something from
*~*~* When I'm Alone. *~*~*
When I'm alone
With no one is beside me
I can open my mind and look with in
Into all what I have done in the past
And find my happy place that no one can hurt me
I can be where ever I want to be in my mind
I can be in the sky flying like a blue bird that is so free to fly
I can be under water swimming with all the fish's and alot more
I can be in space floating around in the darkness with no worries about life.
When one is alone they can open their minds to whatever
They want to think about
They can be in the wild running with all the wild animals
Having an great time with no worries about life
They can go on and on with in their minds and nothing can hurt them
Because it is up to them what they think about
It is a game that one can people alone
They can take them selves to any place in the world with no worries about life.
But once when we come out of our mind that when
We start to worry about life like
How many more days we have to live for
How many questions do I got to answer for people
Why do we have to work to get more and more?
Out of life.
But when I'm not alone I can talk to friends about things
About life that we live for
About love that comes into our live when we are not even looking
About freedom because we all have it and we can fight the power
So many things to talk about life.
But still when I'm alone
I sit in the middle of my room
And then I go back to my happy place
That which is in my mind I can open it and then go
Back to where I was
Back to the moon that comes out every night
Back to the open space into the darkness to float around
Back under the water to swim once again with the fish's and more
Back to the Sky to fly like a blue bird so free and fly with the wind.
Doesn't matter where you go
You can be there with out any pain from life
Just take time and have a get time
You can dream and dream
But you can make your dreams come true
Wish's can come true if you have love and friends
It will come true sooner or later.
*~*~* One Last Time. *~*~*
One last time
I saw you standing along the water
I feel something that came between us
I try to forget it
But no it never goes away it stills here with me
Haunting me
Playing with my heart here with me
Singing and dancing alone in the middle of the night
One last here with here me.
It never can learn one last time
I can never relearn on last time
I want to feel your lips with my lips for one last time
But yet I can see your face on the other side of the water
I stand here waiting for you one last time
But yet you will never show who you are really.
Do you want this to be our last time?
Where we are in life
I feel that you are slowly going away one last time
You want to be here with me
But yet you don’t really want to show your face
But I really don’t care what the others may think
Please don’t want this to be the one of
The last one time.
One last time to see each other face’s
One last time to hold our hands as one
One last time to kiss each other and forget the world around us
One last time that I call your name as I reach out my hand
Hoping that you will take a hold of it
So we can fly to the heavens and we can be with each other
With out any sort of pain in our lives
We can live on and on
Hopping it will never come back to us
Just place take my hand one last time.
*~*~* Seeing Beyond What I should. *~*~*
What do I see beyond thy eye?
How can I understand more then other people?
It seems that I know more then I know
Thinking beyond my years
As for I’m wise but yet my age is still but yet young
As when the spring flower’s become a broom
Why do I see many things that I can’t understand?
Looking past of what thy see
Looking past of what others may see
Looking under the meaning of the words that I write down on the paper
That which is before me right now
Nor Reading what other people written down alone their paper
And knowing that they are trying to say
Under the words that they may of write
Are their feelings hiding with in the words?
As thy stand here under the sun on my head
Feeling the heat from the power rays of the sun
As thy stand here under the moon light on my head
Feeling the pure and love of the moon
Wandering who am I really
As it seem at times I just loose myself with thinking and
Writing everything down like I know what tis is going to happen
But yet don’t tell a soul till when it does happen
Looking down at the poem of my friends hand writing
Feeling something as if they was writing with pain and lost
That seem can’t go away as thy read on and on
As we all know we want our pain just to go away and never come back
Knowing that they had pain in their life as if we all did
As we don’t want it anymore then they do
But yet others who read it and but yet can’t see it
Nor feel it as the pain is strong but yet not know of it
As for they just see the words on the paper not
Looking under the words for the feeling of the pain
Or could it been joy with misunderstanding of who we think?
But seeing beyond what I should have seen
Is there something about me that I don’t know?
Is there a hiding power with in me as I stand here?
Seeing beyond what people had write down on their paper
Even with out knowing that are putting their feeling's into
As I can understand every word along with the feeling
They written down hoping that someone can read it and feel it
Below the words to the hiding massage that is hiding with in
Or am I just one of the kinds
Who can only see it and feel what they feel?
Seeing beyond what I should have
Something is hiding with in the words as it was being written down
On their paper along with thy paper
Feelings as they are trap with in the words
Hoping someone can feel the feelings below the words
Looking past the word that is down stuck in my head
Thinking and understanding what is there
The hiding clue of the key to our feelings
That will forever stay with in the words on
The paper as we all read it
Nor till someone new read the paper
And hope to feel the feeling as will.
But being wise and understanding every word of the poem
On thy paper is something beyond my years as for I’m not old
As a graceful and powerful tree that stands here for many years on the land we walk
Over looking the land as for it was once free
Or is my soul stronger then others
For seeing beyond that I should have seen
Tis I will never know as for maybe
I’m maybe one of the kind?
That will never know where I belongs
As for I look past of what thy see beyond thy eye.
![]() Breaking_Winged_Heart1 Community Member ![]() |