this day is going by fast! not sure why...
i have a very uncomfortable night like i kept waking up every hour like 5,than 6, than 7, than 8, than 9 and than i stayed up in my bed until 10 then i got up it was SOOO COLD! like im trying to put up my heat very high but my dad's like watching me lol he doesnt want it to high unless we will like burn or sumting
i found out the wedding is tomorow not today! w00t im excited? lol yea im hungy! lol ima go make sumthing to eat maybe cereal or sumthing? idk well anyways bye!
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*Bow Chicka Bow Wow*
You know you wanna come and read it. =]
never know something there till itsz gone ;;
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
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