Grrrr, I ******** hate you dad
You take away my laptop and things so spiraling into darkness for the week that i'm away, then I get it back on Tuesday, Anthony's not online until Wenesday, and he hasn't been online since.
dammit dad, all your fault. that's right, i'm blaming you. I hope you rot in hell.
Ugh, to add to my annoyance of the week, Melis is moving in winter, all the way to ******** LOUSIANA!! DAMMIT ALL!!
I'm really supposed to be doing my homework right now, but i'm being the lazy b***h that i am and i'm putting it off for a while because i ******** hate graphing s**t, and thank the lord that I have a quiz in math tomorrow, but back to annoying homework. English: thesis paper. ew, i hate writing thesis papers. they're like, evil. Science = done, but whatever, I still have to chart the moon and whatever, but that's not so bad
evilness of all evil has come today, and it won't be gone for a week. grrrr, it's gonna butt in with my fun at the confermation thing this weekend. damn youuuuu.... -shakes fist at sky-
ugh, but other than all of those things, i guess life is being somewhat decent
not really, but whatever
lol, i heard a rumor that Abby and I were dating
it just made me laugh because we're just really close friends. dude, at confermation last night she totally grabbed me up when i hugged her and swung me around. it was insane, but i loved it cuz no one's done that to me in a while and it's toally fun
also, i totally started a random art project to add arts to my wall of randomness
i draw trees in crayon on blank sheets of paper, but they aren't normal colors. the tree isn't brown and green, the sky isn't blue, the grass isn't green, the flowers aren't normal colors. i only have three so far, but it looks pretty amazing. i'm thinking of getting my friends to draw trees for me so i can put them on my wall. I definately want Anthony to draw one for me, sign it in some corner, then send it to me. I'd put that on my wall, right away. I've also started drawing stars and skies on my ceiling, same rules as with the trees. the stars aren't yellow, and the skies are rarely blue. it looks pretty cool, cuz they're on note cards, and i tape them to my, yeah that's my random art project
I guess I should get back to doing my homework, then take a hair is totally nasty right
-around 3 hours later-
I totally just remembered a super gross dream I had
Like, I was hanging out with Anthony and for some reason he had gotten snake bites without me (i was pretty pissed), and he was all like "dude, you should see the holes in my lip!" so he took out the peircings, pulled up his lip (for some reason my mind totally zoomed in on this part) and i totally saw all this nasy stringy stuff in the holes in his lip and i'm like "OMG EWW WTF IS THAT?" and he's all like "Oh that's just the skin trying to grow back together."
it was totally nasty, and now whenever i think of the holes in my ears (which i keep earings in normally so i don't have ot think about it) i always think about that whole gross close up and i get all disturbed and i can't stop thinking about's all i had to say
until next week
-after watching numerous videos about how lips are peirced-
Damn that looks scary
Let's hope i toughen up in 4 years, cuz i'm gonna be doing that, and nothing's gonna stop me....unless i'm still totally a wimp after watching all these videos.....but this one video is totally bringing my mood up about this, so cha......gonna need mouth wash....officially saving this video to my i'm feeling a lot better about this whole piercing thing, so i'm gonna go to bed happy about this.
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