Pissing me off, too much.
*sighs* I'm getting sick of people who just love being stuck up, know it alls. People who think they're always right, shoving it in your face by the b***h full. I'm not talking about people who are just smart, but people who want to be ********, telling you that whatever they say is always right. I hope they get a taste of their own medicine someday, cuz they deserve it. Plus, it's probably the main reason they spend so much time online, because people irl can't even stand them. I've been used by one recently. All they ever did was shove things in my face, telling me I was always wrong, being a total stuck up a**. I swear, they really need a slap in the face and a new way of life, cuz they sure don't know how the hell to act right. All they ever wanted to do was use me, make themselves look good by making me look bad or just having better items than me, so I didn't seem as good as they were. When I was making a shop with a friend, I had invited them to join us and all he wanted to do was redo the whole shop, so that he could have elitism over the whole, ******** thread. (I had made the first one). I ignored it but I swear, I wanted to just go out there and keel their a**. It's stupid how these people act. They think they're too good for everyone else. Heh, they're like online jocks. I'm a nice person, I try to be friendly with everyone, no matter what they're status is but I also don't try and be friends with them to be an elitist. Seriously, if your friends are like that, ditch them, cuz they're just basturds that need to grow up.
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