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my story or whatever i wont to write

Kouken Mituskai
Community Member

Hi my names Ashley and I am a fallen angel… I was banished from heaven and from hell. I now you think that is impossible but it really isn’t it could happen when you’re as bad as I am. Or as bad as I was see well to completely understand me I must start from the being well the being of my time that is...
Okay well as you now I’m Ashley I am a fallen angel I have no last name. What I look like I have grey eyes that change to black when I am mad I have black hair with grey bangs and I have a scare going down my right eye I’m skinny but well built I always where a hoodie and my black with gray chained pants I where regular boots. So we shall being… It was a normal day in heaven before Adam and Eva eat the apple or did whatever they did I never really pay attention to them. They seemed worthless to me I didn’t see the point in them really it was a set up so I was told. anyway the angels where being them self catering to gods every single need like little pets it was like they where programmed only to listen to god and of course where the dam white bed sheets well that’s what I call them.. I on the other hand I was completely different and for that I was looked down upon and also watched very much it was stupid they always looked at me when they thought I was never looking I could feel there eyes burning into the back of my head anytime I walked down the street or really if I did anything they would watch me.. I was what they called a mistake an outcast never except not even by god. It’s funny because everyone tells you god accepts everyone. Maybe it was because I lived on my own since I don’t remember anything. They said I have a brother out there but that he didn’t wont to take me or something like that I really didn’t care much I guess you could say it really never bothered me they wonted me to work with god but I always refused I rather not feel like a robot or do something for someone that has no respect for me so most of the day I just walk around town really. It’s boring I mostly keep to myself anyway…. I go to the library a lot, not a lot of the angels have time to go to the library I think it was a sin I don’t know that what I always say but…. Well today was a normal day I woke up got dressed and told myself another day in hell not literally I mean it is warm out here but not like flame and stuff like that… I made my self a bowl of cereal I don’t eat a lot and since there only one person in the house there’s no reason for me to get a lot of food I walked over to my closet and get my sweater I always have one on. I walked out of my house not locking the door there’s no real reason to there all to busy with god to worry about braking into someone’s house maybe that’s why he keeps them busy so they don’t get in trouble I laugh at the thought of that and walk into the street its is oddly quite maybe there all asleep or in a meeting again I wouldn’t know I don’t go to those things… I walked to the library and look at some books about demons and stuff like that it interested me more then angels do for some reason I didn’t now though... I was look at a book called demons of lost time and I was reading about a traveling time demon it was very boring actually they really couldn’t do anything but travel and change the past thus changing the future and present it really didn’t interest me to be honest I felt bad for this demon he was worthless in my eyes nothing meaningful so I just closed the book and put it back on the shelf for some foolish person to read it, just as I was about to do that a angel came walked up and grabbed the book from my hand I looked at him a said “you could ask next time d**k face” and glared at him and he said while laughing “ you think you scare me I have seen more scary things then you …” I just pushed him away and walked away I heard him say “aww you don’t wonna fight? I guess everyone’s wrong about you!!” I just kept walking I really didn’t care much I don’t talk much and I feared my anger would get in the way and proably kill him I never really trusted myself with my anger. So I just left and I walked around town a few people said “hi” or “good morning Ashley” I didn’t reply. They only said it because they felt bad I can read there minds which I found out most angels cant do it’s mostly a vampire thing so I saw when I was reading about them. So I was lost in thought really about nothing I did that a lot too. I was debating what I was going to do this afternoon and I wasn’t paying attentions and then all of the sound I bump into a old lady and it just so happened to be the lady that I couldn’t stand to be around they call her the “seeker” because she seeks out the dying or whatever they also call her the “all knowing” I said to my self “if she’s the all knowing then why did she run into me” I laughed and smirked at that and simply walked over her not bothering to look back I didn’t have a good rep with this lady I didn’t really care. I hear a lot of “oh my god. Are you okay and how did you fall???” I just laughed and kept walking then I look up and she’s right in front of me. I smirk and say “what’s wrong you didn’t like your fall or do u wont your a** bet again” she just looked at me know I started to get mad and said “listen lady I really don’t care that I pushed you so get lost if your just going to look at me all day!!!!” and I smirked of course you could only see my lips and chin nothing else really… then out to know where I got the feeling I was going to get hit and then she took her cane like thing and tried to hit me but my reflexes caught it.. She then says “you ungrateful little child respect your elders….” She kept rambling on and on so I simply walked around her smirking and that made her more mad I heard her scream “you little brat you wait this will come back to haunt you!!!” I just waved my hand and said to myself “what a dumbass she actually thinks I care enough about what she says…” I stop after a few blocks and looked around I had an unusual feeling and I liked it. It seemed kind of dominate or something strong something worth bothering or investigating. I looked around and saw it I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… I saw this guy he was around my age he had a black scare on his face most likely from a shadow demon or a bounty hunter those two breeds give the same mark to there prey. I mean there is a difference but you cant really tell to be honest you have to be close to there faces to see the difference and well I subject not doing that because…. well there are two reasons one if he got into a fight with a shadow demon there are probably very strong . they can probably rip a angels wings right off there backs with out breaking a sweat and two if they got into a fight with a bounty hunter then the bounty hunter is probably close behind and most likely will be after you too. You see bounty hunters are money hogs they get paid to kill them to be honest they really don’t care trust me I have seen them there down right mean… anyway so this guy had a muscle shirt on it was black he also had chained pants on with what look like steel toed boots and he also hand gloves around his hands and had a tattoo on his shoulder too it was what look like the sign for a clan I could have sworn I new that clan I think I saw it in a book but I cant remember which one and I have had my fare share of encounters with other species…. His hair was kind of like mine but there was more gray to it... I had to do something I was getting closer to him and I felt his energy it was strong. I noticed that I could take a left and go down an alley and avoid him. I quickly turned left but I stopped moving when I noticed that he was walking towards me. I felt his energy it drove me crazy I couldn’t take I had to leave. I quickly ran down that alley trying to get away from him but it was no use he was still fallowing me but he wasn’t run it was more like fast walking. I stop and turned around to see him and I was holding my knife in my sleeve I yelled “what do you want!?!” I wasn’t used to people fallowing me like this. He walked a little more then stopped. I took a step back growling under my breath I was trying to warn him. He smirked and said “what’s wrong you haven’t seen someone like me before…?” he still had that smirk on his face I felt the urge to smack it off his face… I simply stated “leave know or I wont hesitate to kill you!!!!” he just laughed and said “you couldn’t kill me even if you try baby.” I got really mad and screamed “WHO YOU CALLING BABY!!!!” I wasn’t thinking and run at him with the knife. He just grabbed my arm and bent it backwards I screamed and he threw me into the brick wall. I looked up not able to move and faintly see him moving towards me the last thing I heard was him saying “what a shame.” and his laughing while he said that… then everything went black… I woke up and realized that I was in a place that I have never seen before. I jumped up not realizing that there where chains around my wrists and neck so I fall down hard and let out a loud growl they must of have heard me because I heard foot steps and two people talking they both sounded like men but one sounded younger then the other and from what I could tell they didn’t like they fact that they where with each other. While listening to there bickering I pulled on my chains to see if I could get out I figured I didn’t have much time they where getting closer. I started to get mad and this time just pulling on the chains to get loose but it wouldn’t work and I fell to the ground because I was starting to hurt from getting thrown into the brick wall. I sighed “f**k how am I going to get out of this one!!!!” I said while panting from using so much energy just to get the chains off of me. Then the door flew open and the light came threw the room. I blinked and closed my eyes from the light. The one man said “well well you do live I thought I killed you sometimes I don’t know my own strength.” He laughed and I growled again. “LET ME GO RIGHT KNOW… WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE WONT WITH ME!!!?” I tried to stand put I couldn’t from what I could tell my back was in pretty bad shape from the wall. The other man just looked at me I looked at him with so much hate I think I scared him because he flinched a little. The taller one said “go tell them I will bring her to them” with that the other one was gone in the blink of an eye I was left with the one that kidnapped me and chained me up. I was filled with so much rage I didn’t know what to do with it. He simple said “I don’t know why they are so interested in you. You seem pretty weak to me.” He smirked. For some reason those words hit me hard and that wasn’t like me. I just sat there waiting my plan was to save up all the energy I have for my escape. He said while walking towards me “so your name is Ashley is it?” I think he was waiting for a response I just sat there. He just kept talking “so you are a fallen angel. That’s interesting you never did anything to become a fallen angel did you?” He laughed. “You never thought about that did you?” he pulled on the chains one by one every chain he let loose whatever it was attached to it would fall. I was to in thought to realize that I could escape. I think that was his plan but I couldn’t tell I was thinking. What did I do to become a fallen angel? And then I realized that I don’t remember much about my past they said I hit my head or something it was so long ago I don’t even remember. So much was coming back already it was to much and I let out a sigh. He smirked “what’s wrong you remember something?” he said. It was like he was hoping I did remember something. I just lied and shock my head no. Without realizing it I touched my scare on my face. He was done with the chains and I heard him walk to me. He bent down and said “well you will remember soon monster.” They he roughly pulled on my chains and dragged me out of the cell like thing. I closed my eyes the light was so bright it hurt me. He wasn’t nice about dragging me either. I kept getting stares form the guards if that’s even what they are. I heard a little girl run up to this guy saying “shadow!! Where did you go last night I missed you...” she stopped all of the sudden and then I heard “WHO IS THAT!!!?” I flinched at her voice it was so loud. I looked at her and growled and then he yanked on my chains hard and I stopped. He retorted “She’s nothing don’t worry about her.” I started to get mad and I knew my eyes went black because the girl backed up. I screamed “LET ME GO!!!” and started to get up and pull on the chains with the little energy I had. I took him by surprise and he tried to yank on my chains but by the time he did something I was already standing up fighting back. I screamed “LET ME GO!!” he told the little girl to run and she did. They he turned back to me and said “your not going anywhere!!” out of know where there where two people on top of me. They where both very strong and I couldn’t fight them. So I just laid there I gave up I was to tired. The guy I new as shadow now turned to them and said “I could of dealt with her you weren’t needed!” they both just laughed. The one with the black hair laughed and said “really it seemed like the other way around.” The other guy had all grey hair and I knew he was the other guy from the cell. He just looked at me I screamed “what are you looking at weirdo!” he looked away. The on with the black hair sighed “I’m dark and the one that isn’t talking is Rex.” He looked at the guy who’s name I now know as Rex. I looked at him and realized he looked a lot like me I was wrong about him looking younger he looks older then me and that shadow guy and he is well built too but before I could ask him anything the door opened and a girl looked out the door “bring her in now!” she said in a demanding voice I couldn’t tell if they feared her or if It was just her voice but I really didn’t care. I was dragged in the room but as I was being dragged in I realized some thing the room had things in it that I thought I knew. I couldn’t put my finger on it. I went into deep thought “I know what this is I just cant put my finger on it what is it about!!!” I kept telling myself this over and over again but before I figured it out I was snapped back to reality when the girl screamed my name “ASHLEY!!!” I looked at her and growled. She glared at me and shook it off and continued “well I am going to tell you why you are here in a bit but till then.” She looked at the guy named shadow “GET HER READY FOR IT!” she yelled at him I could tell she didn’t like him but I couldn’t put my finger on it then again I really didn’t care at the time. I tried to get up and fight back but I think they knew I was going to do that and they all jumped on me except for shadow he pulled off the chains. Then he left and brought back a table that had straps that looked like they where going to hold something that can rip right threw them. Next thing I knew I was being picked up and pretty much throw on the table and strapped down. I told my self that I wasn’t going down with out a fight! So I did what I could which was pretty much kicking and trying to get up. I hated the feeling of being weak. They where to strong for me to take on my own so they got me tided down. I started breathing heavy I haven’t had to work so much in so long. Then Rex came up and bent down and said “I’m sorry” and I looked at him with the most hateful eyes. I didn’t even realize that he had sad eyes and that there was a tear falling down his face. Then that girl came back with some jar of something it looked completely black you couldn’t even see threw it. She said as she put the jar down “KNOW I can tell you what is going to happen.” She grabbed a book and placed it on a stand and continued “you ever wonder why you are a fallen angel when you didn’t even well you don’t remember what you did?” I started to move around to try one last time to get free she smirked and continued “or do you ever wonder were your parents are or why you have that scare on your face?” she looked at me and I stopped moving and just lied there not able to move “she’s right…I wait this is a trick!!! But it can’t be because I have the scare and I have no parents!!!” I started fighting with myself and I didn’t like it very much she laughed “what’s wrong god or the seeker never told you what you once where? Well maybe I can help... well not me YOUR brother might be able to help you though.” I froze I could of sworn my heart stop everything was just so…… hard to believe. She then looks at Rex the guy that said sorry the one that always looked sad or hated to see me like this I scream “THAT’S MY BROTHER!!!” she must of found this amusing because she laughed and said “well are you going to tell her” I turn my head toward him and look at him. He put his head down and said “FINE….I will!!” she smirked and said “WELL GO ON!!!” everyone in the room including me looked at him he started with a sigh “you are not a angel you are a fallen angel you where born a fallen angel the seeker foretold that you where going to do harm when you got older around 10 or 11 she couldn’t tell but she said it was going to happen around that time.. I was 6 when you where born and…” he stopped and looked at me with hate filled eyes and continued “they took you away they felt the evil in you it was strong for such a young child they said it would be best to give you to someone who could handle your evilness..So they gave you up but they didn’t like it they hated it... They never talked to you again. They said it would be dangerous when you got around the age the seeker foretold everyone about some one came to the place you where staying at and took you to a cell and locked you up. They said they just had to wait and see if it came true.” He paused and looked away and then continued “one night you started to change everything about you was changing you became aggressive and your eyes went black with hate the guards warned god and they called people down to stop you but it was to late you completed the phase. You killed them all slaughtered them with ease then you got out into the real world and they already knew you where going for our parents so they warned them. But they felt guilty for what they did so they decided to stay.” He looked at the ceiling and then to dark who shock his head. It looked like he was telling him to go on so he continued “you came right when everyone expected you too they all stood there ground. I saw you and you had blood all over you and you smiled and said to everyone you’re all going to die. We all got into a fight and we where able to stop you but we lost 300 angels and our parents were killed by you” he looked at me with hate and despise. For some reason I smirked at this he glared and then continued “we swore that we would never let you remember anything and god took your memory and told me to leave so I did that’s what happened you got that scare from your mother when you are in your fallen angel phases it’s a big black line going down your face like shadows.” I smirked and laughed. The guys including shadow where taking back by this I started “well well. So that’s why I never fit in heaven and here I thought it was because I didn’t go and warship god.” I laughed. They all looked at the girl she shook her head and said “we are going to bring you back!” I retorted “dose Rex really won’t this?” I smirked “I have no choice” he spat out with a lot of venom “this will hurt you and it’s along process so we shall start” she opened the book and looked at me for some reason I wonted this to happen I didn’t fight it and I forgot all about my plan to escape. She started to read in a language that I had no idea of. She opened the jar and all the black stuff came out and came straight at me. I felt pain that I have never felt before I let out a scream it was like knifes stabbing me all the candles that where in the room light up with big flames and the guy backed away. She stop speaking after saying “hendoona!” I felt this sudden energy power going threw me and then the room flashed black. When it all cleared away I was breathing heavy I felt evil I had a power I never felt before it felt good. She looked at me and said “it’s done” and closed the book and walked over to me “how do you feel?” she said. I Stayed quite then said “I’m fine know let me go!!” she looked at me and smirked and said “I don’t trust you I mean… do you blame Me.?” I smirked and said in my new voice which sounded sinister “no not really” she looked at me to see if everything was right she waved her hand and said “let her go!” I smirked and thought “what a dumbass you trust me!” they all came over and untied me. I grabbed shadow and threw him against the wall then dark came at me and I stabbed him. I smirked and looked at Rex I could tell what he was thinking. “Oh Rex what did you do!!!” I said in mom’s voice while laughing. In this form I have to ability to copy people’s voices. I noticed he got mad. Then I said “WHY DID YOU DO IT!!! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD NEVER DO THIS!!! HOW COULD YOU!!!” I smirked. Then he yelled “you monster!!!!!! I don’t care if you’re my sister I will kill you!!! I broke my promise to our mother!!” he came at me and sunk my claws into his chest and said “well know you now how mom feels you like it!!!” he coughed blood. I threw him at shadow from what I could tell they where all dead. I looked at the girl and smirked “you think I am going to let you live?” she was shocked that I asked that like she was excepting me to keep her alive. She looked at me and said “yes…I was hoping you let me stay alive I did bring you back!” she backed up a little. I laughed “well you do have appoint that is that you did bring me back but I am going to have to kill you..I don’t won’t the elders knowing I’m alive rather have a little time before the find out that I’m back. I thank you though. Your obsession with me helped me in the end!” I smirked and raised my hand. She tried to run but I closed my hand and she feel to the ground. “Ugh that was to easy nothing like last time oh well” I said as I looked around the room at the dead bodies. “I didn’t even do anything.” I told my self. “But just to make shore there dead.” I said as I walked out I set the room on fire. I heard what I thought was screaming as I walked out. I smirked at it because I liked the feeling of killing again. 

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