I'm going to have to agree with everyone else and say making it a cash feature with fish that can die is completely wrong headed. I was excited about this feature and really wanted to make a great aquarium. But, making EVERY SINGLE UPGRADE cash only makes me never want to spend another single dime on Gaia. It just seems greedy and unfair to the users who have no access to the cash feature. I realize making it a primarily free site and having lots of employees costs money and I don't begrudge the site making money. I just feel that implementing any new feature as cash only with a user base already wary of cash items taking precedence over general site maintenance is totally a step in the wrong direction. A lot of people are going to feel like this is a slap in the face, even those of us who don't mind paying for the cash feature. I've gladly paid for my pixel items in the past but, this just makes me question how much Gaia really is in touch with it's users and how much they really care about anything other than the monetary aspect.
My suggestions would be to make items a mix of cash and gold. Or if they MUST be cash only items. Take out the lifespans. I'd wager not too many people are going to want to spend real money on a pixel fish that lasts 2 months. OR even better than both of those try actually asking your site members what sort of features they really want and are willing to pay for. Rather than shooting yourself in the foot with a poorly executed, poorly researched waste of employee time.
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