woo! busy day today...pretty random too lol ill tell u about it and if u dont wanna no ...well TOO BAD! lol
i had cleaned th house untill my mom got home...i had a very weird dream but im not gunan tell anyone except my mom cuz u guys wont understand =( so i slept for about and hour and 10 min. (lol i kept track) and then i went on teh pc and all of a sudden my cuzin calls for her and me to go to mall and stuff so i ask my mom and i was like ok but i had to take a shower first so i did nad i got dressed and as i was doing my hair they came and i took a while cuz a girls gotta do wat a girls gotta do lol and then we went to mall i took ALOT of funky pics...(ill show u guys meaning nessa gabbs kath yand dia lol) i no its ver yboring but i have nothing else to write we laughed and OMG DIA we watched the movie with selena gokmez in it...called another cinderella story remember u told me u saw sum previews on the pc or sumthing? it was good lol and funny! then i ate and WENT HOME! YAYY Lol i also got a charm bracelet one for me nad one for my cuzin but she borke it!!! =( grrrr w.e im keeping mine cuz its PURTY! ok im gunna go now BYE!!!
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*Bow Chicka Bow Wow*
You know you wanna come and read it. =]
never know something there till itsz gone ;;
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
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