hey guys! i am currently doing my HW lol i no shocking but since dia ordered me to i mean i have to listen!!!
im also listening to music do im not rlly concentrating lol while i was writing this i was writing the lyrics im like hay! lol and i deleted and now im rlly paying attention...hehe
Today i guess was an OK day at skool nothing big nothing small EXECPT!!!???...while i was in lang arts. for 6 & 7 it was the almost atthe end ofthe period and i packed up even tho we werent done with out work and the teacher said that i have to go last now and everyone was GOING SO SLOW and i was like OMG hurry up i dont got all day and they went SLOWER!! sheesh lol i changed my seat tho idk why ( i htink its cuz i talk alot lol) i sit by 3 boys and no girls??? i sit by allen and kenny (nerds) and jowell grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and then the teacher was like u want a seat for one? i was like no im ok lol im not a retartd cuz we were doing a journal thingy and i asked a question and she used big words and i was like huh and she was like u want me to speak in maram anguage!? lmao its a fun class i guess i have mrs. isla.....so enuff talkiing bout skoool
one of my suggestions for ideas of my journal was to put a song thats stuck in my head ...and guess wat? ITS STILL CHECK YOU JULIET!!! grrr lol
i wuld write a poem but i need to get back to my HW lol i forgot about that hehe so yea byerssss! heart heart heart
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*Bow Chicka Bow Wow*
You know you wanna come and read it. =]
never know something there till itsz gone ;;
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
never respect the envious ;;
;] Live life to the fullest, no hesitation, give life a chance. <3
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