HELLO FELLOW GAIANS!!! =D GUESS WHAT?!?!?! IT'S 12:59 AM AND I'M NOT THE LEAST BIT TIRED!!! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D =D well anywayz... how is everyone who likes to be naughty and stay up past one's nighty-night time?... surprised wait a minute?... WHY ARE YOU ON SO LATE IF YOU'RE READING THIS? >=O WAIT!!! WHY ARE YOU READING MY JOURNAL AT ALL?!?!?! you know... it's very rude to read someone else's journal!... stare you know what else?... it's a federal crime if i didn't give you permission... surprised -points finger at you- oooooooooo!!!! yer gonna go to jaaaaaaaaaaaail! surprised unless yer leanna, drew, naja, juliana, or emily... i did not give you permission to read my journal... my gaia journal that is... stare my rl journal has a very different set of rules... only drew can read that one... and only certain pages... stare but anyhow... how are all you naughty children who're on the compooper at one in the morning?... WOAH!!! surprised YOU KNOW HOW I SAID I WASN'T THE LEAST BIT TIRED?!?!?! NOW I'M ALL ENERGIZED!!! okay... put together these eyes eek plus this mouth mrgreen minus the green comlexion and that's my face at this very moment... -starts jumping on bed- .... -starts singing- I'M SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!..... YES I'M SO PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!.... -stops jumping and tries to think of the rest of the song- OH WELL!!! -keeps jumping- ... -jumps for about five more seconds then falls down and goes to sleep- ... -starts talking in my sleep- goodnight naughty children...
-waves hand in the air- -snuggles with Ted-the-Bear- ... nighty-night...
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The Personal Therapist to the Damaged Teen
All of what i'm think at the moment is in this little book... how i'm feeling and what i'm doing
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