New News: Okay, what I've found so far is this: "Goddess Religion is an extremely positive, life-affirming, and varied spirituality with a thousand and one different ways to interpret the Goddess and her mysteries. This is the beauty of it because no one positive, life-affirming interpretation can be right or wrong and personal experience is the number one valued tool for the practitioner.
Every one of the Goddess' children is a unique individual who requires unique lessons and attention from our Mother Goddess. This at times can be found to be the universal lessons of the Goddess and are present through the eyes of one individual practitioner, but the real lessons and answers to your questions are always within you as a seeker."
I find this "religion", and I use this term very, very loosely, to be awe inspiring, and very comfortable. I will continue my research, but I will keep you guys on the up and up. And if you want to see my previous post, check my journals. Thanks for your support!!! So mote it be, as they say!!